
The world is beautiful. Even if you’re full of tears and sadness, open your eyes. Do what you want to do. Be what you want to be. Find friends. Don’t be in a hurry to grow up. Take your time. — Ichinose Kotomi’s parents
    We didn’t give up on our dreams! We changed our dreams into your dream! That’s what parents do! That’s what family does! — Akio Furukawa

The day before yesterday, I saw a rabbit. Yesterday, it was a deer. And today, it’s you. — Ichinose Kotomi
    No matter how cold and distant people may become, on the inside something warm and precious always remains, something that never changes. To me, that’s what family is like. — Sakagami Tomoyo

I like you better than a sea slug. I like the sea slug fairly well, so be happy. — Fuko Ibuki

Life can bring lots of hardships, but it‘s always important to keep in mind that there are people around you who care for you, and are willing to help you through whatever you‘re dealing with. — Nagisa Furukawa

If you wish, would you like me to take you? To a place in this city where wishes come true. — Nagisa Furukawa

We start to walk up... the long... long.. uphill climb. — Tomoya Okazaki

Anpan — Nagisa Furukawa

Make your dreams come true, Nagisa! — Akio Furukawa

Sanae-san told me, places that I can cry are in a toilet, or in daddy‘s arms. — Okazaki Ushio

Are you a bully? — Kotomi Ichinose

Next time, come in on all fours, so I know you‘re not a customer. — Furukawa Akio
    Nagisa-chan and Okazaki? What are you two doing in my room? You weren‘t possibly going to... ...make this your nest of love?! — Youhei Sunohara

You should cry while you still can. When you get bigger, sometimes, you can‘t cry even if you have something you wanna cry about. — Okazaki Tomoya

This is a world that has ended. Nothing is born; nothing dies. Even time does not exist. If I were searching for a place to be born, then I realized it should not be here. — Garbage Doll

I am horrible! Wait, that makes Fuko the horrible one! — Fuko Ibuki

No! Fuko is sure you couldn‘t resist wearing them! The world would end because of you! — Fuko Ibuki

Love is like a firework from the past... it‘s more beautiful for it to go to pieces and scatter far off. — Katsuki Shima

Time and titles do not matter in the bonds between people. — Tomoyo Sakagami

No matter how depressing a place may look, the most important places don‘t change. I think there‘s a similar aspect to family, as well. — Sakagami Tomoyo

My name is Fujibayashi Kyou. A senior in class E. My hobby is bullying weaklings. I would be happy if you would become my friend — Kyou Fujibayashi

At this moment, Sunohara had yet to realize he had begun to walk the path of the pervert. — Tomoya Okazaki

Fuko is utterly shocked! — Fuko Ibuki


时间: 2024-08-04 22:48:03


Clannad: After Story

If you feel like crying you shouldn’t hold back your tears. You should let it all out while you still can, because when you get bigger sometimes you can’t cry even if you have something to cry about. — Tomoya Okazaki        Meeting you was the best t

clannad 2-18 感动


这两天因为新入手5s的原因吧,阅读操作手册和去appstore下了很多应用和小游戏试玩,时间飞快地流逝了,蓦然回首,time flies! 还被莫名扣了108元,折腾了好久才知道是下载的一个垃圾app搞的鬼,界面既然那么难看,还敢要这么高的价!还是偷偷地窃取了哥的财产! 气愤地给技术支持打电话,接通后苹果技术支持人员热情地解决了问题.还给了一些实用的建议.哎,本来都累觉不爱了,还好售后服务态度好,顿时对生命又充满了信心. 明天要考试了,这两天梦游地实在是太彻底了.又是熬夜又是懒觉,又是倒霉又是吐


新年好呀,新年好呀,祝福single dog,新年好! 哎呀,总想着写个年终总结呀啥的却总是被这事那事耽搁,或者被游戏吸引了去. 看来在放假前写一个年终总结就好,现在先解决心头的事情. 先把阳历这个2015结束了吧,这是个不努力的一年,也是忙碌的一年,是个平淡的一年,也是个新奇的一年(所谓的一年,大多指这个学期,因为上个学期的记忆已经被我不小心删除了). 毫不避讳地说,2015许多的日日夜夜献给了三国杀等游戏,2015许多的日日夜夜献给了七楼国际,所以说不够努力却十分忙碌. 2015没有给我带来


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无意间看到巧神的文章时,感觉非常兴奋,此文章正好解决了公司目前项目的痛点. 读到以下关键一段时,不甚明了,故自己做了实验分享给有缘人. "我们的每个课程的资源文件都具有相同的文件名,例如首页背景都叫 HomeBackgroundBg.png ,由于每个课程背景不一样,所以我们在工程中,每一个课程 target 下,通过修改Copy Bundle Resources,使其都配置有不同的(但是同名) HomeBackgroundBg.png .这样的好处是,在代码逻辑层面,我们可以完全不用处理课程间


什么火影.海贼.死神.妖尾这种超长篇就不多说了,你没说喜欢那类型的,就推荐些我看过觉得不错的各种类型的动漫.... 零之使魔 ——热血+魔法+搞笑后宫的.钉宫巅峰作 进击的巨人——去年最火的番,没看过的话推荐去看,剧情制作都挺精良的. 反叛的鲁鲁修——神作,看了不后悔.剧情也是神展开,人物刻画非常到位 罪恶王冠——鲁鲁修原班人马打造,看着音乐.画面都知道是预算在燃烧.剧情虐心向,结尾有些仓促,但仍然是佳作. 革命机——机战类,鲁鲁修和罪恶王冠编剧大河内一楼的剧本加上sunrise的机战功底,值得


玩了一个星期的clannad,是时候干点事了. 折腾了下celery周期性任务: celery提供了一个叫celery beat的服务,用于定时驱使worker执行任务.也就是说,如果本地没有活动的worker,它将不会得到任何执行结果,他只是负责把任务消息传到rabbitmq,一旦启动一个可用worker,则自动从rabbitmq获取任务信息并执行. 与此配置相关的参数是CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE,我把我的celery应用proj的所有配置内容都放置在一个config.py文件中: