一个IT学子的personal statement

前段时间英语老师要求我们写一篇自己的personal statement,我相信作为一个IT学生,很多人对personal statement应该都是很了解的,出国留学深造都是必须的,当然想想自己也觉得有点遥远,但是以后的事情也说不好,说不定以后真能用的着呢,还是认认真真的写完personal statement。以下是英语汉语对照的全文。

As an applicant to your University‘s Graduate programin Computer Science, I am very glad to have an opportunity in introducing mystudy objectives to you.

I majored in Computer Science and Technology. Duringmy undergraduate studies, I acquired a comprehensive knowledge of computerhardware in all its complexity. I also learnt of diverse software and theirapplications. The courses
were as follows: Operating Systems, Data Structures, Compilers,Software Engineering, Programming Languages and Practice, DBMS, SystemProgramming and Practice, Data Communication, Digital Logic Design , C or JAVAprogramming, object oriented programming as well
as programming using differenttools and so on.  



My academic interests were distributed systems and ArtificialIntelligence. I completed related courses such as Advanced DiscreteMathematics, Distributed Algorithms, Distributed and Parallel Computing,Database Design, Selected
Topics on Distributed Systems, Concurrent SystemTheory.

My research interests are as follows:

1) Machine learning and artificial intelligence

2) Reliable distributed file system

3) High-performance distributed computing



1 )机器学习和人工智能

2 )可靠的分布式文件系统

3 )高性能分布式计算

As a computer engineer, I have a strong background incomputer science, professional and technical skills in programming and aboutfour year‘s development experiences in the field. As a researcher, I have astrong theory base in
distributed systems and project experiences in design andimplementation of mobile systems. I am familiar with the fundamentals andpractical experiences in my research field.


 As undergraduate students seldom get to beinvolved in actual research, I took full advantage of the opportunity ofworking in the lab. I particularly enjoyed the seminars held twice a week aspart of the lab work. At these seminars,
I engaged in discussions with studentsunder teacher‘s guidance. The lab experience is adding weight and insights tomy further learning.


I take a deep interest in Networking and Database ManagementSystems. As a part of my curriculum, I am working on a project with several ofthe web-site designing and Large-scale information systems.

One of the projects called website of Hubei ProvincialTraffic Safety Association, The aim of which is to provide the user with a driverinformation and Traffic violations Information depending upon his qualifications.Various database
concepts, programming scripts and the maintenance of a serverare some of the features included in our web-site. Another is a System ofFinancial regulation of between city and countryside of Hubei Province, the aimof which is to manage the issue of funds the
Ministry of Finance, and theinformation system of teaching manager of one university, including Studentelective of courses system, Performance management system and so on.



I have developed some insights about the Web technology,which is now part of the normal office environment. Its widespread use hasgenerated a lot of demands for change in the format of both the web server andthe web browser.
One answer to some of the demands is being met by the adoptionof the intranet technology. With it, the architecture of CGI, SQL DB, WEBSERVER has become a popular topic. I tried my hand in this area several yearsago, and would dearly love to enhance my expertise.


I have tried, throughout my undergraduate career, notto restrict my activities to those imposed by the syllabus. I have been a Chairmanof the Association of Computer, and service a lot for the students to providethem with some
knowledge in computers, aim of which was to explain theunderlying concepts used in the Net such as routing, domain naming, protocols& also to give an overview of Internet related languages such as HTML, JavaScriptand Java. I have also attended a seminar on
CCF National Conference on ServiceComputing. These seminars have given me some information which was not possiblethrough the undergraduate program.


In addition, I have participated in SoftwareDeveloping Competition where I had developed ‘point-to-point mobile phone videophone’ in java along with my co-developers. This psroject mainly analyzedmainly analyzed
the video chat software contents, system framework and implementationprocess, the application of the function is to make the Android mobile phonethrough the network to communicate with each other in order to achieve thepurpose of video chat.


In conclusion I would like to say that the knowledgegained from 4 years of engineering has provided me with a solid foundation.This will certainly help me in my desire to specialize in my chosen field.


In view of the above, I would greatly appreciate it ifyou could accept me into your program and offer me whatever financial you mightbe able to. By giving me an opportunity to study under your seasoned guidance,you will produce
not only another computer scientist but also a computerscientist who will spawn many other computer scientists.


I appreciate your attention and consideration inreading this statement.


一个IT学子的personal statement

时间: 2024-08-11 02:23:01

一个IT学子的personal statement的相关文章

MyBatis 源码分析——生成Statement接口实例



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1.1    目录 1.1 目录 1.2 前言 1.3 Interceptor接口 1.4 注册拦截器 1.5 Mybatis可拦截的方法 1.6 利用拦截器进行分页 1.2     前言 拦截器的一个作用就是我们可以拦截某些方法的调用,我们可以选择在这些被拦截的方法执行前后加上某些逻辑,也可以在执行这些被拦截的方法时执行自己的逻辑而不再执行被拦截的方法.Mybatis拦截器设计的一个初衷就是为了供用户在某些时候可以实现自己的逻辑而不必去动Mybatis固有的逻辑.打个比方,对于Executor

YII 数据库相关操作

CDbConnection:  一个抽象数据库连接 CDbCommand:     SQL statement CDbDataReader:  匹配结果集的一行记录 CDbTransaction:数据库事务 访问数据库前需要建立数据库连接:使用DAO建立一个抽象数据库链接: $connection = new CDbConnection($dsn, $username, $password); $connection->active = true;     // 只有激活了连接才可以使用 $co

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原始dao层开发 在我们用mybatis开发了第一个小程序后,相信大家对于dao层的开发其实已经有了一个大概的思路了.其他的配置不用变,将原来的test方法,该为dao的方法,将原来的返回值,直接在dao层进行一下接收就可以了.依然是老一套,先是大框架,然后写配置文件及UserMapper.xml文件这一系列的操作.如果不明白的,请参考本人博客<入门第一个程序>. 我们需要做的就是,首先建立一个会话工厂(SqlSessionFactory),然后用会话工厂创建会话(SqlSession).然后

MyBatis 源码分析——SqlSession接口和Executor类

mybatis框架在操作数据的时候,离不开SqlSession接口实例类的作用.可以说SqlSession接口实例是开发过程中打交道最多的一个类.即是DefaultSqlSession类.如果笔者记得没有错的话,早期是没有什么getMapper方法的.增删改查各志有对应的方法进行操作.虽然现在改进了很多,但是也保留了很多.我们依旧可以看到类似于selectList这样子的方法.源码的例子里面就可以找到.如下 SqlSession session = sqlMapper.openSession(T