C# SQL 多条件查询技巧

#region 多条件搜索时,使用List集合来拼接条件(拼接Sql)

StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("select * from PhoneNum");
            List<string> wheres = new List<string>();
            if (cboGroup.SelectedIndex != 0)
                wheres.Add(" ptypeid=" + cboGroup.Text.Split(‘|‘)[0]);

if (txtSearchName.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                 wheres.Add(" pname like ‘%" + txtSearchName.Text.Trim() + "%‘");

if (txtSearchCellPhone.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                 wheres.Add(" pcellphone like ‘%" + txtSearchCellPhone.Text.Trim() + "%‘");

            if (wheres.Count > 0)
                string wh = string.Join(" and ", wheres.ToArray());
                sql.Append(" where " + wh);

#region 多条件搜索使用带参数的sql语句

StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("select * from PhoneNum");
            List<string> wheres = new List<string>();
            List<SqlParameter> listParameter = new List<SqlParameter>();

if (cboGroup.SelectedIndex != 0)
                wheres.Add(" [email protected] ");
                listParameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@typeid", cboGroup.Text.Split(‘|‘)[0]));

if (txtSearchName.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                wheres.Add(" pname like @pname ");
                //pname like ‘%乔%‘
                //pname liek ‘%‘[email protected]+‘%‘
                listParameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@pname", "%" + txtSearchName.Text.Trim() + "%"));

if (txtSearchCellPhone.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                wheres.Add(" pcellphone like @cellphone ");
                listParameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@cellphone", "%" + txtSearchCellPhone.Text.Trim() + "%"));

            if (wheres.Count > 0)
                string wh = string.Join(" and ", wheres.ToArray());
                sql.Append(" where " + wh);

SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql.ToString(), listParameter.ToArray());


时间: 2024-12-10 17:35:08

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