class LFUCache { private static class Node{ public int key=-1; public int value=-1; public Node next; public Node lNext; public Node lBefore; public int count=1; } private int capacity; private int size; private int tabSize=15; private Node hashTab[]; private Node head; private Node tail; public LFUCache(int capacity) { this.capacity =capacity; // 参见HashMap实现,必须+1,不然7的话,如果key=7则会数组越界 hashTab =new Node[tabSize+1]; head =new Node(); tail = new Node(); head.lNext=tail; tail.lBefore=head; } public int get(int key) { int hash =hash(key); Node node =hashTab[hash]; while(node!=null){ if(node.key==key){ node.count=node.count+1; Node nodeNext =node.lNext; connect(node.lBefore,node.lNext); update(node,nodeNext); return node.value; } node=node.next; } return -1; } public void put(int key, int value) { if(capacity==0){ return; } ensureCapacity(key); int hash = hash(key); Node node = hashTab[hash]; if(node!=null){ if(node.key==key){ node.value =value; node.count=node.count+1; connect(node.lBefore,node.lNext); update(node,tail); }else{ Node last=node; node =node.next; while(node!=null){ if(node.key==key){ node.value=value; node.count=node.count+1; connect(node.lBefore,node.lNext); update(node,tail); break; } last = node; node=node.next; } if(node==null){ node = new Node(); node.key=key; node.value=value; last.next =node; size++; update(node,tail); } } }else{ node = new Node(); node.key=key; node.value=value; size++; hashTab[hash]=node; update(node,tail); } } public void update(Node node,Node currentNode){ Node before = currentNode.lBefore; while(before!=null&&before!=head){ if(before.count>node.count){ break; } before=before.lBefore; } insert(node,before,before.lNext); } public boolean containKey(int key){ int hash=hash(key); Node node =hashTab[hash]; while(node!=null){ if(node.key==key){ return true; } node =node.next; } return false; } public void ensureCapacity(int key){ if(size<capacity||(size==capacity&&containKey(key))){ return ; } size--; Node delNode=tail.lBefore; Node before=delNode.lBefore; connect(before,tail); int hash=hash(delNode.key); Node node = hashTab[hash]; if(node.key==delNode.key){ hashTab[hash]=node.next; return; } Node last=node; node =node.next; while(node!=null){ if(node.key==delNode.key){ last.next=node.next; } last=node; node=node.next; } } public int hash(int key){ // 使用2的N次方-1计算效率高,使用&分布更均匀 return Math.abs(key)&tabSize; } public void connect(Node before,Node after){ before.lNext = after; after.lBefore = before; } public void insert(Node insert,Node before,Node after){ insert.lNext=after; insert.lBefore=before; before.lNext=insert; after.lBefore=insert; } public static void main(String[] args){ LFUCache cache = new LFUCache(2); cache.put(1,1); cache.put(2,2); cache.put(3,3); System.out.println(cache.get(1)); System.out.println(cache.get(2)); System.out.println(cache.get(3)); } } /** * Your LFUCache object will be instantiated and called as such: * LFUCache obj = new LFUCache(capacity); * int param_1 = obj.get(key); * obj.put(key,value); */
时间: 2024-10-15 01:35:58