









<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:c="com.flexblocks.imagecropper.*" layout="absolute" width="610" height="500" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
        Label {
            color: #BBBBBB;

        CheckBox {
            color: #BBBBBB;
            textRollOverColor: #BBBBBB;
            textSelectedColor: #BBBBBB;


            // Index of last image selected using the selectImage ComboBox

            private var lastSelectedImage:uint = 0;

            // Current values for the cropping rectangle, handle size, and aspect ratio constraint settings

            private var currentCropbox:Rectangle;
            private var currentHandleSize:uint = 10;
            private var currentCropConstraint:Boolean = false

            // Image 1 ("Image Larger then Component"): Last values for the cropping rectangle, handle size, and aspect ratio constraint settings

            private var img1Cropbox:Rectangle;
            private var img1HandleSize:uint = 10;
            private var img1CropConstraint:Boolean = false;

            // Image 2 ("Image Smaller than Component"): Last values for the cropping rectangle, handle size, and aspect ratio constraint settings

            private var img2Cropbox:Rectangle;
            private var img2HandleSize:uint = 10;
            private var img2CropConstraint:Boolean = false;            

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // doImageSelect - Called when an image is selected using the selectImage ComboBox
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            private function doImageSelect():void {

                // Remove the previously cropped image

                croppedImage.source = null;
                croppedImage.width = 0;
                croppedImage.height = 0;

                // Save the cropping rectangle, handle size and constraint option for the previous image so that these settings
                // may be restored when the image is re-selected

                if (lastSelectedImage == 0) {
                    img1Cropbox = imageCropper.getCropRect(true);
                    img1HandleSize = imageCropper.handleSize;
                    img1CropConstraint = constrainToAspectRatio.selected;
                else {
                    img2Cropbox = imageCropper.getCropRect(true);
                    img2HandleSize = imageCropper.handleSize;
                    img2CropConstraint = constrainToAspectRatio.selected;

                // Update the saved ComboBox index to the index for the newly selected image

                lastSelectedImage = selectImage.selectedIndex;    

                // Restore the cropping rectangle, handle size and constraint option for the image just selected

                currentCropbox = lastSelectedImage == 0 ? img1Cropbox : img2Cropbox;
                currentHandleSize = lastSelectedImage == 0 ? img1HandleSize : img2HandleSize;
                currentCropConstraint = lastSelectedImage == 0 ? img1CropConstraint : img2CropConstraint;

                // Tell the ImageCropper component to begin loading the selected image

                imageCropper.sourceImage = selectImage.selectedItem.data;                

                // Disable all controls while the image is loading. This is done after the sourceImage is assigned
                // to the ImageCropper because when the ImageCropper is disabled a sourceImage cannot be assigned.

                enableControls(false, true);

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // imageReady - Called when the ImageCropper component has loaded and initialized an image
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            private function imageReady():void {

                // Enable the controls (including the imageCropper). Note that the imageCropper must be enabled before changing property values or calling setCropRect().

                enableControls(true, true);

                // Restore the handle size that was previously saved for this image

                imageCropper.handleSize = currentHandleSize;
                handleSize.value = currentHandleSize;

                // Restore "Constrain Crop Rectangle to Aspect Ratio" to the setting that was previously saved for the image

                imageCropper.constrainToAspectRatio = currentCropConstraint;
                constrainToAspectRatio.selected = currentCropConstraint;

                // If this image was not previously selected then set the cropping rectangle to include the entire image. Otherwise,
                // restore the cropping rectangle to its previous value. Note that the cropping rectangle is relative to the component
                // and not to the image because the componentRelative parameter in the call the to setCropRect is set to true.

                if (!currentCropbox) imageCropper.setCropRect();
                else imageCropper.setCropRect(currentCropbox.width, currentCropbox.height, currentCropbox.x, currentCropbox.y, true);

                // Get the cropped image 


            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // doCrop - Get the cropped image from the ImageCropper component
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            private function doCrop():void {

                // Get the cropped BitmapData

                var newImage:BitmapData = imageCropper.croppedBitmapData;

                // Set the width and height of the croppedImage Image based on the dimensions of the cropped image

                croppedImage.width = newImage.width;
                croppedImage.height = newImage.height;

                // Create a new Bitmap from the BitmapData and assign it to the croppedImage Image

                croppedImage.source = new Bitmap(newImage);

                // Display the cropping rectangle in relative to the ImageCropper component and relative to the image

                imageCropperRect.text = imageCropper.getCropRect(true, true).toString();
                sourceImageRect.text = imageCropper.getCropRect(false, true).toString();

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // enableControls - Enables or disables the controls
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            private function enableControls(enable:Boolean, includeEnabled:Boolean = false):void {

                // The checkbox to enable/disable the ImageCropper component is only affected if includeEnabled is set to true

                if (includeEnabled) enableComponent.enabled = enable;

                // Set the enabled state for all other controls

                imageCropper.enabled = enable;
                selectImage.enabled = enable;
                outlineColor.enabled = enable;
                outlineAlpha.enabled = enable;
                handleColor.enabled = enable;
                handleAlpha.enabled = enable;
                maskColor.enabled = enable;
                maskAlpha.enabled = enable;
                backgroundColor.enabled = enable;
                backgroundAlpha.enabled = enable;
                handleSize.enabled = enable;
                constrainToAspectRatio.enabled = enable;
    <mx:Label x="14" y="11" text="ImageCropper Component" fontWeight="bold" color="#FFFFFF"/>
    <c:ImageCropper id="imageCropper" y="39" left="15" width="280" height="280" enabled="true" sourceImage="large.jpg" handleColor="#FF00FF" maskColor="#660066" maskAlpha="0.6"
                    sourceImageReady="imageReady()" sourceImageLoadError="trace(‘Error while loading image‘)" cropRectChanged="doCrop()" cropConstraintDisabled="constrainToAspectRatio.selected = false"
                    cropConstraintChanged="trace(‘Crop constraint changed‘); doCrop()" cropDimensionsChanged="trace(‘Crop dimensions changed‘); doCrop()" cropPositionChanged="trace(‘Crop position changed‘); doCrop()" x="15"/>
    <mx:Label x="314" y="11" text="Cropped Image" fontWeight="bold" color="#FFFFFF"/>
    <mx:Canvas y="37" right="15" width="280" height="280" backgroundColor="#000000" x="315">
        <mx:Image id="croppedImage" scaleContent="false" y="0" x="0"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="enableComponent" x="15" y="338" enabled="false" label="Enable the ImageCropper Component" selected="true" change="enableControls(enableComponent.selected)"/>
    <mx:ComboBox id="selectImage" x="15" y="369" enabled="false" change="doImageSelect()" width="250">
                <mx:Object label="Image Larger then Component Size" data="large.jpg"/>
                <mx:Object label="Image Smaller than Component Size" data="small.jpg"/>
    <mx:Label x="314" y="340" text="Outline"/>
    <mx:ColorPicker id="outlineColor" x="391" y="337" enabled="false" selectedColor="#FFFFFF" change="imageCropper.outlineColor = outlineColor.selectedColor"/>
    <mx:HSlider id="outlineAlpha" x="422" y="340" width="171" enabled="false" allowTrackClick="true" minimum="0" maximum="1" snapInterval=".05" value="1" liveDragging="true" change="imageCropper.outlineAlpha = outlineAlpha.value"/>
    <mx:Label x="314" y="370" text="Handles"/>
    <mx:ColorPicker id="handleColor" x="391" y="369" enabled="false" selectedColor="#FF00FF" change="imageCropper.handleColor = handleColor.selectedColor"/>
    <mx:HSlider id="handleAlpha" x="422" y="371" width="171" enabled="false" allowTrackClick="true" minimum="0" maximum="1" snapInterval=".05" value=".5" liveDragging="true" change="imageCropper.handleAlpha = handleAlpha.value"/>
    <mx:Label x="314" y="404" text="Mask"/>
    <mx:ColorPicker id="maskColor" x="391" y="401" enabled="false" selectedColor="#660066" change="imageCropper.maskColor = maskColor.selectedColor"/>
    <mx:HSlider id="maskAlpha" x="422" y="404" width="171" enabled="false" allowTrackClick="true" minimum="0" maximum="1" value=".6" snapInterval=".05" liveDragging="true" change="imageCropper.maskAlpha = maskAlpha.value"/>
    <mx:Label x="314" y="435" text="Background"/>
    <mx:ColorPicker id="backgroundColor" x="391" y="432" enabled="false" selectedColor="#000000" change="imageCropper.backgroundColor = backgroundColor.selectedColor"/>
    <mx:HSlider id="backgroundAlpha" x="422" y="435" width="171" enabled="false" minimum="0" maximum="1" liveDragging="true" value="1" snapInterval=".05" allowTrackClick="true" change="imageCropper.backgroundAlpha = backgroundAlpha.value"/>
    <mx:Label x="13" y="435" text="Handle Size:"/>
    <mx:HSlider id="handleSize" x="92" y="435" width="177" enabled="false" allowTrackClick="true" minimum="3" maximum="20" value="10" snapInterval="1" liveDragging="true" change="imageCropper.handleSize = handleSize.value"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="constrainToAspectRatio" x="15" y="402" enabled="false" label="Constrain Crop Rectangle to Aspect Ratio" selected="false" change="imageCropper.constrainToAspectRatio = constrainToAspectRatio.selected"/>
    <mx:Label x="13" y="466" text="ImageCropper Rect:"/>
    <mx:Label id="imageCropperRect" x="133" y="466"/>
    <mx:Label x="314" y="466" text="Crop Rect:"/>
    <mx:Label id="sourceImageRect" x="389" y="466"/>
    <s:Label id="Label1" height="18" width="50" text="Label" x="197" y="130" name="Label"/>


package com.flexblocks.imagecropper {

    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;

    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    import mx.managers.CursorManager;

    // Events

     * This event is dispatched when the component begins loading an image from a URL.


     * This event is dispatched if an I/O error occurs while loading an image from a URL.


     * This event is dispatched when the component has completed loading an image from a URL or when a <code>BitmapData</code> object is specified for the <code>sourceImage</code> parameter.


     * This event is dispatched whenever the cropping rectangle is resized or repositioned using the mouse.


     * This event is dispatched whenever <code>constrainToAspectRatio</code> is set to <code>true</code> and the component alters the aspect ratio of the cropping rectangle.
     * <p>One situation where the component will alter the aspect ratio of the cropping rectangle is if the cropping rectangle handle size is increased and the cropping rectangle is
     * not large enough to contain the increased size of the handles. The other situation where the component will alter the aspect ratio of the cropping rectangle is when the cropping rectangle is initialized following
     * a call to <code>setCropRect</code> and the parameters passed to <code>setCropRect</code> necessitate that the component change the cropping rectangle in order for it to be properly displayed within the component
     * (e.g., the coordinates passed for the cropping rectangle place part of the cropping rectangle outside of the component‘s display area).</p>


     * If <code>constrainToAspectRatio</code> is set to <code>true</code> and a call to <code>setCropRect</code> is executed with a <code>width</code> or <code>height</code> value less than or equal to zero,
     * then <code>constrainToAspectRatio</code> will be disabled and this event will be dispatched.


     * This event is dispatched whenever the component alters the position of the cropping rectangle.
     * <p>If the cropping rectangle handle size is increased by setting the <code>handleSize</code> property and there is not enough room within the cropping rectangle to contain the larger handles,
     * then the component will increase the size of the cropping rectangle. If the position of the cropping rectangle changes when its size is increased, then this event will be dispatched.</p>
     * <p>This event is also dispatched if the position of the cropping rectangle is specified in a call to <code>setCropRect</code> but the cropping rectangle cannot be properly displayed in the component
     * at the specified position. In this case the component will adjust the position of the cropping rectangle and dispatch the <code>cropPositionChanged</code> event.


     * This event is dispatched whenever the component alters the dimensions of the cropping rectangle.
     * <p>If the cropping rectangle handle size is increased by setting the <code>handleSize</code> property and there is not enough room within the cropping rectangle to contain the larger handles,
     * then the component will increase the size of the cropping rectangle and dispatch this event.</p>
     * <p>This event is also dispatched if the width and height of the cropping rectangle are specified in a call to <code>setCropRect</code> but the cropping rectangle cannot be properly displayed in the component
     * using the specified dimensions. In this case the component will adjust the dimensions of the cropping rectangle and dispatch the <code>cropDimensionsChanged</code> event.


     * The ImageCropper component accepts a <code>String</code> (URL) pointing to an image file, or a <code>BitmapData</code> object that contains an image, and displays the image within the
     * component. If the size of the image exceeds the component‘s dimensions then the image is scaled so that it will entirely fit within the component.
     * <p>The image may be visually cropped by adjusting the boundries of a cropping rectangle using any of the four handles on the corners
     * of the rectangle. At any time a <code>BitmapData</code> object containing the cropped portion of the image may be retrieved, or
     * a <code>Rectangle</code> may be retrieved that defines the cropped portion of the image.</p>
     * <p>The cropping rectangle may be initialized using coordinates and dimensions relative to the component‘s display or relative to the source image.</p>

    public class ImageCropper extends UIComponent {

        // Track the enabled state of the component

        private var componentEnabled:Boolean = true;

        // Hand cursor for moving the cropping rectangle

        private var handCursor:Class;
        private var handCursorID:int = -1;

        // Source image object (can be a String object or a BitmapData object)

        private var imageSource:Object = null;

        // Component dimensions

        private var componentWidth:Number;
        private var componentHeight:Number;

        // Component bitmap variables

        private var componentBitmap:Bitmap;
        private var componentBitmapData:BitmapData;

        // Variables for loading an image

        private var newImageLoaded:Boolean = false;
        private var currentSource:Loader;

        // Component colors and alpha values

        private var bkgndColor:uint = 0xFF000000;
        private var bkgndAlpha:uint = 0xFF000000;
        private var cropMaskColor:uint = 0x4CFF0000;
        private var cropMaskAlpha:uint = 0x4C000000;
        private var cropHandleColor:uint = 0xFFFF0000;
        private var cropHandleAlpha:Number = .5;
        private var cropSelectionOutlineColor:uint = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        private var cropSelectionOutlineAlpha:Number = 1.; 

        // Image scaling variables        

        private var imageLocation:Point;
        private var imageScaleFactor:Number;
        private var imageScaledWidth:Number;
        private var imageScaledHeight:Number;
        private var imageBitmapData:BitmapData;
        private var scaledImageBitmapData:BitmapData;

        // Image cropping variables

        private var cropX:Number;
        private var cropY:Number;
        private var cropWidth:Number;
        private var cropHeight:Number;
        private var newCroppingRect:Boolean = false;
        private var cropRatioActive:Boolean = false;
        private var cropRatio:Number = 0;
        private var cropRect:Rectangle;
        private var croppingRectBitmapData:BitmapData;
        private var anchorX:Number;
        private var anchorY:Number;
        private var activeHandle:int;
        private var croppingRectIsImageScale:Boolean;
        private var cropMaskChanged:Boolean = false;

        // Crop sizing variables

        private var cropHandleSize:Number = 10;
        private var cropRectMinimumSize:Number = 20;

        // Flag used to prevent a null object reference if updateDisplayList() is called by the Flex callLaterDispatcher() after destroy() is executed

        private var destroyed:Boolean = false;

        // Flag to indicate whether mouse listeners are active

        private var mouseListenersActive:Boolean = false;

        // Event constants

         * Constant value for the <code>sourceImageLoading</code> event.

        public const SOURCE_IMAGE_LOADING:String = "sourceImageLoading";

         * Constant value for the <code>sourceImageLoadError</code> event.

        public const SOURCE_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR:String = "sourceImageLoadError";

         * Constant value for the <code>sourceImageReady</code> event.

        public const SOURCE_IMAGE_READY:String = "sourceImageReady";

         * Constant value for the <code>cropRectChanged</code> event.

        public const CROP_RECT_CHANGED:String = "cropRectChanged";

         * Constant value for the <code>cropConstraintChanged</code> event.

        public const CROP_CONSTRAINT_CHANGED:String = "cropConstraintChanged";

         * Constant value for the <code>cropConstraintDisabled</code> event.

        public const CROP_CONSTRAINT_DISABLED:String = "cropConstraintDisabled";

         * Constant value for the <code>cropPositionChanged</code> event.

        public const CROP_POSITION_CHANGED:String = "cropPositionChanged";

         * Constant value for the <code>cropDimensionsChanged</code> event.

        public const CROP_DIMENSIONS_CHANGED:String = "cropDimensionsChanged";        

         * The version number of the ImageCropper component.

        public const VERSION:Number = 1.0;        

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ImageCropper - Constructor
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Class constructor.

        public function ImageCropper() {

            // Initialize the superclass


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // destroy - Call this function when finished using the component to release resources for garbage collection
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Call this method to dereference resources when the <code>ImageCropper</code> component is no longer needed. For example, if the <code>ImageCropper</code> component is
         * used in a pop-up window and the window is closed, call <code>destroy</code> when removing the window.

        public function destroy():void {

            // Set to prevent a null object reference if updateDisplayList() is called by the Flex callLaterDispatcher() after destroy() is executed

            destroyed = true;

            // Release memory used by Bitmaps and BitmapData objects

            if (componentBitmapData != null) {
                componentBitmapData = null;
                componentBitmap = null;

            if (imageBitmapData != null) {
                imageBitmapData = null;

            if (scaledImageBitmapData != null) {
                scaledImageBitmapData = null;

            // Remove hand cursor if active

            if (handCursorID >= 0) {
                handCursorID = -1;

            // Release any active listeners 


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET enabled - Returns whether or not the component is enabled
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Whether the component can accept user interaction or changes to properties. If the <code>enabled</code> property is set to <code>false</code> then the cropping rectangle is removed
         * and all component properties become read-only (except for the <code>enabled</code> property). In addition, calls to the <code>setCropRect</code> method are ignored.
         * <p>The component may be re-enabled by setting the <code>enabled</code> property to <code>true</code>.
         * @default true

        public override function get enabled():Boolean {

            return componentEnabled;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET enabled - Sets whether or not the component is enabled
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public override function set enabled(value:Boolean):void {

            // If the requested enabled state is different than the current enabled state

            if (componentEnabled != value) {

                // Call the super method

                super.enabled = value;

                // Save the new enbled state

                componentEnabled = value;

                // If an image is being displayed, activate or deactive the mouse listeners depending on the new enabled state

                if (imageBitmapData != null) activateListeners(componentEnabled);

                // Remove hand cursor if active

                if (handCursorID >= 0) {
                    handCursorID = -1;

                // Schedule a redraw


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET backgroundColor - Returns the component‘s background color (behind the image)
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * The background color for the component. The component background will be visible only when an image does not entirely fill the component area.
         * @default 0x00000000

        public function get backgroundColor():uint {
            return (bkgndColor & 0x00FFFFFF);

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET backgroundColor - Sets the component‘s background color (behind the image)
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set backgroundColor(value:uint):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                bkgndColor = value;

                // Mask off high-order 8 bits and replace with the background alpha value

                bkgndColor &= 0x00FFFFFF;
                bkgndColor |= bkgndAlpha;

                // Schedule a redraw


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET backgroundAlpha - Returns the alpha level for the component‘s background color
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * The level of transparency (0 to 1) for the component‘s background. The component background will be visible only when an image does not entirely fill the component area.
         * @default 0

        public function get backgroundAlpha():Number {
            if (bkgndAlpha > 0) return (bkgndAlpha >> 48) / 100;
            else return 0;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET backgroundAlpha - Sets the alpha level for the component‘s background color
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set backgroundAlpha(value:Number):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                // Value must be between 0 and 1

                if (value > 1) value = 1;
                else if (value < 0) value = 0;

                // Convert the Number to an 8 bit value and position the bits as the high order 8 bits

                var a:uint = Math.round(value * 255);
                bkgndAlpha = (Math.round(value * 255)) << 24;

                // Set the high order 8 bits of the background color to the alpha value

                bkgndColor &= 0x00FFFFFF;
                bkgndColor |= bkgndAlpha;

                // Schedule a redraw


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET maskColor - Returns the color used to mask unselected crop area
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * The color of the mask used to indicate the non-selected portion of the cropped image. The mask will be visible only when the dimensions of the cropping rectangle are smaller than the dimensions of the image.
         * @default 0x00FF0000

        public function get maskColor():uint {
            return (cropMaskColor & 0x00FFFFFF);

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET maskColor - Sets the color used to mask unselected crop area
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set maskColor(value:uint):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                cropMaskColor = value;

                // Mask off high-order 8 bits and replace with the mask alpha value

                cropMaskColor &= 0x00FFFFFF;
                cropMaskColor |= cropMaskAlpha;

                // Set a flag to indicate that a mask property has changed and schedule a property update

                cropMaskChanged = true;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET maskAlpha - Returns the alpha level for the unselected crop area
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * The level of transparency (0 to 1) for the mask that is used to indicate the non-selected portion of the cropped image. The mask will only be visible when the dimensions of the cropping rectangle are smaller than the dimensions of the image.
         * @default 0.3

        public function get maskAlpha():Number {
            if (cropMaskAlpha > 0) return (cropMaskAlpha >> 48) / 100;
            else return 0;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET maskAlpha - Sets the alpha level for the unselected crop area
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set maskAlpha(value:Number):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                // Value must be between 0 and 1

                if (value > 1) value = 1;
                else if (value < 0) value = 0;

                // Convert the Number to an 8 bit value and position the bits as the high order 8 bits

                var a:uint = Math.round(value * 255);
                cropMaskAlpha = (Math.round(value * 255)) << 24;

                // Set the high order 8 bits of the mask color to the alpha value

                cropMaskColor &= 0x00FFFFFF;
                cropMaskColor |= cropMaskAlpha;

                // Set a flag to indicate that a mask property has changed and schedule a property update

                cropMaskChanged = true;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET handleColor - Returns the color of the cropping handles
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * The color used for the four corner handles of the cropping rectangle.
         * @default 0x00FF0000

        public function get handleColor():uint {
            return (cropHandleColor & 0x00FFFFFF);

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET handleColor - Sets the color of the cropping handles
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set handleColor(value:uint):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                cropHandleColor = value;

                // Mask off high-order 8 bits and replace with the crop handle alpha value

                cropHandleColor &= 0x00FFFFFF;
                cropHandleColor |= cropHandleAlpha;

                // Set a flag to indicate that a mask property has changed and schedule a property update

                cropMaskChanged = true;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET handleAlpha - Returns the alpha level for the crop handles
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * The level of transparency (0 to 1) for the four corner handles of the cropping rectangle.
         * @default 0.5

        public function get handleAlpha():Number {
            return cropHandleAlpha;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET handleAlpha - Sets the alpha level for the crop handles
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set handleAlpha(value:Number):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                // Value must be between 0 and 1

                if (value > 1) value = 1;
                else if (value < 0) value = 0;

                // Save the new alpha value

                cropHandleAlpha = value;

                // Set a flag to indicate that a mask property has changed and schedule a property update

                cropMaskChanged = true;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET outlineColor - Returns the color of the crop area outline
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * The color used for single pixel outline drawn around the cropping rectangle and around the four corner handles of the cropping rectangle.
         * @default 0x00FFFFFF

        public function get outlineColor():uint {
            return cropSelectionOutlineColor;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET outlineColor - Sets the color of the crop area outline
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set outlineColor(value:uint):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                cropSelectionOutlineColor = value;

                // Set a flag to indicate that a mask property has changed and schedule a property update

                cropMaskChanged = true;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET outlineAlpha - Returns the alpha level for the crop area outline
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * The level of transparency (0 to 1) used for the single pixel outline drawn around the cropping rectangle and around the four corner handles of the cropping rectangle.
         * @default 0

        public function get outlineAlpha():Number {
            return cropSelectionOutlineAlpha;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET outlineAlpha - Sets the alpha level for the crop area outline
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set outlineAlpha(value:Number):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                // Value must be between 0 and 1

                if (value > 1) value = 1;
                else if (value < 0) value = 0;

                // Save the new alpha value

                cropSelectionOutlineAlpha = value;

                // Set a flag to indicate that a mask property has changed and schedule a property update

                cropMaskChanged = true;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET handleSize - Returns the size of the cropping handles
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * The size of each of the four corner handles of the cropping rectangle. The minimum allowed handle size is 3.
         * @default 10

        public function get handleSize():Number {
            return cropHandleSize;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET handleSize - Sets the size of the cropping handles (the minimum handle size is 3)
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set handleSize(value:Number):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                // Remove hand cursor if active

                if (handCursorID >= 0) {
                    handCursorID = -1;

                // Minimum habdle size is 3

                cropHandleSize = value < 3 ? 3 : value;

                // Set the minimum allowed size for the cropping rectangle to twice the size of a handle

                cropRectMinimumSize = value * 2;

                // Set a flag to indicate that a mask property has changed and schedule a property update

                cropMaskChanged = true;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET constrainToAspectRatio - Returns whether or not the dimensions of the cropping rectangle are constrained to the ratio of cropping rectangle‘s current width and height
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * If set to <code>true</code> then the cropping rectangle will always maintain the aspect ratio that was active when the <code>constrainToAspectRatio</code> property was set.
         * For example, suppose the cropping rectangle has dimensions of 200 x 100 (an aspect ratio of 2:1). If <code>constrainToAspectRatio</code> is set to <code>true</code> then
         * dragging any of the handles will cause the cropping rectangle to maintain a 2:1 relationship between the width and the height. If dragging a handle causes the width to increase
         * to 400, then the height of the cropping rectangle will be adjusted to 200. If the height is changed to 50, then the width will be adjusted to 100.
         * <p>Enabling <code>constrainToAspectRatio</code> can be useful if you wish to crop an image so that it can be scaled to fixed dimensions without distortion. For example,
         * suppose that you want to crop an image so that it will exactly fit a target area that is 400 pixels wide and 600 pixels high. Since the target area has an aspect ratio of 2:3
         * you‘ll want to call the <code>setCropRect</code> method to set an initial cropping rectangle with dimensions that conform to the target aspect ratio. In this case, let‘s say that
         * we set the cropping rectangle to a width of 80 and to a height of 120 (a ratio of 2:3). Now when we set <code>constrainToAspectRatio</code>
         * to <code>true</code> the cropping rectangle will always maintain a width to height ratio of 2:3. Once the portion of the image to crop is selected, all that needs to be
         * done is to retrieve the <code>BitmapData</code> from the <code>croppedBitmapData</code> parameter and then scale the <code>BitmapData</code> to the final size (400 x 600).<p>
         * Setting <code>constrainToAspectRatio</code> to <code>false</code> allows the width and height of the cropping rectangle to be adjusted independently.
         * @default false

        public function get constrainToAspectRatio():Boolean {
            return cropRatioActive;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET constrainToAspectRatio - Sets whether or not to constrain the dimensions of the cropping rectangle to the ratio of cropping rectangle‘s current width and height
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set constrainToAspectRatio(constrain:Boolean):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                // If constrainToAspectRatio is true and both the width and height of the cropping rectangle is non-zero, calculate the cropRatio

                if (constrain) {
                    if (cropRect != null) cropRatio = cropRect.width / cropRect.height;
                    else cropRatio = 0;
                else cropRatio = 0;

                // Set a flag to indicate if the cropping rectangle is constained to the aspect ratio

                cropRatioActive = constrain;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET sourceImage - Returns the source image as a BitmapData object
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Either a <code>String</code> that contains a URL pointing to an image or a <code>BitmapData</code> object that contains an image.
         * <p>If a URL <code>String</code> is assigned to this parameter, then a <code>sourceImageLoading</code> event will be dispatched and the
         * component will begin loading the referenced image. Once the image has been loaded then a <code>sourceImageReady</code> event will be dispatched
         * and the image will be displayed in the component. If an error occurs while loading the image, then a <code>sourceImageLoadError</code> event will be dispatched</p>
         * <p>If a <code>BitmapData</code> object is assigned to this parameter, then a <code>sourceImageReady</code> event will immediately be dispatched
         * and the image contained in the <code>BitmapData</code> object will be displayed in the component.</p>
         * <p>When reading this parameter an <code>Object</code> will be returned of type <code>String</code> or of type <code>BitmapData</code>, depending upon what type of
         * object was last assigned to the <code>sourceImage</code> parameter. If no assignment was made to the <code>sourceImage</code> parameter, then <code>null</code> is returned.</p>

        public function get sourceImage():Object {
            return imageSource;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // SET sourceImage - Sets the source image to be cropped
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        public function set sourceImage(value:Object):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                // If a URL String or a BitmapData object has been passed

                if (value != null && (value is String || value is BitmapData)) {

                    // Remove hand cursor if active

                    if (handCursorID >= 0) {
                        handCursorID = -1;

                    // If an image has already been loaded, erase the image from the display and make sure listeners are disabled

                    if (imageBitmapData != null) {
                        if (componentBitmap != null) componentBitmapData.fillRect(componentBitmapData.rect, bkgndColor);
                        imageBitmapData = null;
                        imageSource = null;

                    // If a URL was passed

                    if (value is String) {

                        // Create a loader for the requested image

                        currentSource = new Loader();

                        // Add listeners


                        // Begin loading the requested image

                        currentSource.load(new URLRequest(String(value)));

                        // Dispatch load event

                        dispatchEvent(new Event(SOURCE_IMAGE_LOADING));

                    // Else a BitmapData object was passed

                    else {

                        // Clone passed BitmapData for the image

                        imageBitmapData = BitmapData(value).clone();

                        // Set flag that new image has been loaded

                        newImageLoaded = true;            

                        // Mark the component so that updateDisplayList() is  called during the next screen update


                        // Save image source object

                        imageSource = imageBitmapData;

                        // Add event listeners


                        // Dispatch image loaded notification event

                        dispatchEvent(new Event(SOURCE_IMAGE_READY));

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GET croppedBitmapData - Returns the bitmap data for the cropped image at actual size
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * The cropped source image as a <code>BitmapData</code> object. The cropped portion of the source image is defined by the position and the dimensions of the cropping rectangle.

        public function get croppedBitmapData():BitmapData {

            // If this function is called before the component has a chance to create componentBitmapData, then call initializeDisplay()

            if (componentBitmapData == null) initializeDisplay(this.width, this.height);

            // If the image has not been rendered yet, create a scaled version of the image that will fit within the component

            if (newImageLoaded) createScaledImage();        

            // If the cropping rectangle has changed but has not yet been initialized, then initialize the cropping rectangle before proceeding

            if (newCroppingRect) initializeCroppingRect();

            // Extract cropped area from image

            var croppedBitmap:BitmapData = null;
            var sourceImageRect:Rectangle = getCropRect();

            if (imageBitmapData != null && sourceImageRect != null && sourceImageRect.width > 0 && sourceImageRect.height > 0) {
                croppedBitmap = new BitmapData(sourceImageRect.width, sourceImageRect.height, false);
                croppedBitmap.copyPixels(imageBitmapData, sourceImageRect, new Point(0, 0));

            return croppedBitmap;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // setCropRect - Set the initial crop area
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * This method defines the position and the dimensions of the cropping rectangle within the component.
         * <p>Note that values specified for the <code>width</code>, <code>height</code>, <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> parameters can be relative to either the component (if <code>componentRelative</code> is <code>true</code>)
         * or to the source image (if <code>componentRelative</code> is <code>false</code>).</p>
           * <p>For example, suppose the component has dimensions of 250x250 but the source image has dimensions of 500x500. In this case the component will automatically scale the source image so that it fits within
           * the component area. If <code>componentRelative</code> is set to <code>false</code> then setting a cropping rectangle with dimensions of 100x50 will result in a cropping rectangle being drawn in the component
           * area with dimensions of 50x25 (i.e. the cropping rectangle dimensions are relative to the source image). If <code>componentRelative</code> is set to <code>true</code> then the cropping rectangle will be drawn with
           * dimensions of 100x50 (i.e. the cropping rectangle dimensions are relative to the component area).</p>
           * <p>If the <code>width</code> or the <code>height</code> parameter is assigned a value of zero, then the cropping rectangle will be set to the full size of the image and any values specified for
           * the <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> parameters will be ignored.</p>
         * @param width Sets the width of the cropping rectangle. Setting <code>width</code> to zero will result in both the width and the height of the cropping rectangle being set to the size of the image displayed in the component.
         * @param height Sets the height of the cropping rectangle. Setting <code>height</code> to zero will result in both the width and the height of the cropping rectangle being set to the size of the image displayed in the component.
         * @param x Sets the horizontal position of the cropping rectangle. Setting <code>x</code> to -1 will result in the cropping rectangle being centered vertically and horizontally in the component.
         * @param y Sets the vertical position of the cropping rectangle. Setting <code>y</code> to -1 will result in the cropping rectangle being centered vertically and horizontally in the component.
         * @param componentRelative When set to <code>true</code> then the <code>width</code>, <code>height</code>, <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> parameters are relative to the image
         * displayed in the component. When <code>componentRelative</code> is set to <code>false</code> then the parameters are relative to the source image. If the source image completely fits within
         * the component without scaling, then <code>componentRelative</code> in essence has no effect since the component image and the source image are identical.

        public function setCropRect(width:Number = 0, height:Number = 0, x:Number = -1, y:Number = -1, componentRelative:Boolean = false):void {

            // If the ImageCropper component is enabled ...

            if (componentEnabled) {

                // Remove hand cursor if active

                if (handCursorID >= 0) {
                    handCursorID = -1;

                // Make sure crop area values are not less than minimum allowed values

                if (width < 0) width = 0;
                if (height < 0) height = 0;
                if (x < -1) x = -1;
                if (y < -1) y = -1;

                // Save the initial position coordinates. If they are greater than or equal to zero then they are used to position the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle. 

                cropX = x;
                cropY = y;

                // Set the dimensions of the cropping rectangle

                cropWidth = width;
                cropHeight = height;

                // If either dimension is zero than the crop area will be set to the scaled image area. If the image has not yet been loaded the cropRatioActive will be set to false
                // because there is no way to detemine an aspect ratio.

                if (cropWidth == 0 || cropHeight == 0) {

                    // If one dimension is zero, then set the other dimension to zero

                    cropWidth = 0;
                    cropHeight = 0;

                    // If the cropping rectangle is constrained to the aspect ratio

                    if (cropRatioActive) {

                        // If there is an image then set the cropping rectangle‘s dimensions equal to the scaled image size (the ratio is set below)

                        if (scaledImageBitmapData != null) {
                            cropWidth = scaledImageBitmapData.width - 1;
                            cropHeight = scaledImageBitmapData.height - 1;

                        // Else there is no image so there cannot be an aspect ratio constraint on the cropping rectangle

                        else {
                            dispatchEvent(new Event(CROP_CONSTRAINT_DISABLED));
                            cropRatioActive = false;

                // If componentRelative is set to true, then the cropping rectangle size will be set to the actual size specified (assuming it will fit within the image area).
                // If componentRelative is set to false, then the cropping rectangle size represents the size of the final image so the cropping rectangle will be scaled to match the scale of the selected image

                croppingRectIsImageScale = !componentRelative;

                // If constrainToAspectRatio is true and both the width and height of the cropping rectangle is non-zero, calculate the cropRatio

                if (cropRatioActive) cropRatio = cropWidth / cropHeight;
                else cropRatio = 0;

                // Set the "newCroppingRect" flag so that a BitMapData object will be constructed when updateDisplayList() is next called

                newCroppingRect = true;

                // Invalidate the display list in order to schedule a call to updateDisplayList()


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // getCropRect - Return the selected crop area
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Returns the position and the dimensions of the cropped portion of the image as a <code>Rectangle</code>.
         * @param componentRelative If set to <code>true</code> then the <code>Rectangle</code> returned represents the position and dimensions of the cropping rectangle in the component.
         * If set to <code>false</code> then the <code>Rectangle</code> returned represents the position and dimensions of the crop area in the source image.
         * @param roundValues If set to <code>true</code> then all values in the returned <code>Rectangle</code> are rounded to integer values.
         * @return The position and dimensions of the crop area relative to the component (if <code>componentRelative</code> is <code>true</code>) or relative to the source image
         * (if <code>componentRelative</code> is <code>false</code>). If a cropping rectangle has not been defined, then <code>null</code> will be returned.

        public function getCropRect(componentRelative:Boolean = false, roundValues:Boolean = false):Rectangle {

            // The cropRect must be defined

            if (cropRect != null) {

                var requestedRect:Rectangle;

                // If the position and size of the cropping area in the component is requested, return the current cropRect

                if (componentRelative) requestedRect = cropRect.clone();

                // Else the cropRect is translated back to unscaled coordinates and dimensions and returned

                else requestedRect = new Rectangle(cropRect.x / imageScaleFactor, cropRect.y / imageScaleFactor, cropRect.width / imageScaleFactor, cropRect.height / imageScaleFactor);

                // If rounding was requested, round each rectangle value

                if (roundValues) {
                    requestedRect.x = Math.round(requestedRect.x);
                    requestedRect.y = Math.round(requestedRect.y);
                    requestedRect.width = Math.round(requestedRect.width);
                    requestedRect.height = Math.round(requestedRect.height);

                // Return the Rectangle

                return requestedRect;

            else return null;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // sourceLoadSuccess - Called when the source image has been loaded and initialized
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function sourceLoadSuccess(event:Event):void {

            // Get the  bitmap data for the loaded image 

            imageBitmapData = Bitmap(currentSource.content).bitmapData.clone();

            // Remove the event listeners for loading the image and release the Loader


            // Save image source object

            imageSource = imageBitmapData;

            // Set flag that new image has been loaded

            newImageLoaded = true;

            // Mark the component so that updateDisplayList() is  called during the next screen update


            // Add event listeners


            // Dispatch image loaded notification event

            dispatchEvent(new Event(SOURCE_IMAGE_READY));

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // sourceLoadFailure - Called when an error occurs loading the source image
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function sourceLoadFailure(event:IOErrorEvent):void {

            // Remove the event listeners


            // Dispatch image load error notification event

            dispatchEvent(new Event(SOURCE_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR));

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // sourceLoadListeners - Adds or removes listeners to monitor the source image load process
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function sourceLoadListeners(addListeners:Boolean):void {

            // If listeners are being added

            if (addListeners) {

                // Request to be notified when the image has been loaded and initialized

                currentSource.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, sourceLoadSuccess);

                // Request to be notified if an error occurs during the image load process

                currentSource.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sourceLoadFailure);

            // Else release resources

            else {

                // Remove the listeners

                currentSource.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.INIT, sourceLoadSuccess);
                currentSource.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sourceLoadFailure);

                // Release the loader

                try {
                catch(e:Error) {};

                currentSource = null;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // activateListeners - Called to assign or release listeners for the component (mouse listeners should only be active when a source image is assigned)
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function activateListeners(addListeners:Boolean):void {

            if (addListeners && !mouseListenersActive) {
                this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doMouseDown);
                this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, doMouseMove);
                mouseListenersActive = true;

            // Remove event listeners

            else if (!addListeners && mouseListenersActive) {
                this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, doMouseMove);
                this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doMouseDown);
                this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, doMouseUp);
                systemManager.stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, doMouseUp);
                systemManager.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, doMouseUp);
                mouseListenersActive = false;
                if (currentSource != null) sourceLoadListeners(false);

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // mouseLocation - Given a mouse event, returns -1 if the mouse is outside of the cropping rectangle, 1 if the mouse is in the top-left handle, 2 if the mouse is in the top-right handle,
        //                 3 if the mouse is in the bottom-left handle, 4 if the mouse is in the bottom-right handle, or 0 if the mouse is in the interior of the cropping rectangle
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function mouseLocation(event:MouseEvent):int {

            // Get the location of the mouse relative to the image area

            var mouseXLoc:Number = event.localX - imageLocation.x;
            var mouseYLoc:Number = event.localY - imageLocation.y;

            // If the cropping rectangle contains the mouse location point

            if (cropRect != null && cropRect.contains(mouseXLoc, mouseYLoc)) {

                // Calculate the distance between the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle to the mouse location

                var mouseDeltaX:Number = mouseXLoc - cropRect.x;
                var mouseDeltaY:Number = mouseYLoc - cropRect.y;

                // Top-left handle?

                if (mouseDeltaX <= cropHandleSize && mouseDeltaY <= cropHandleSize) return 1;

                // Top-right handle?

                else if (mouseDeltaX >= cropRect.width - cropHandleSize && mouseDeltaY <= cropRect.width && mouseDeltaY <= cropHandleSize) return 2;

                // Bottom-left handle?

                else if (mouseDeltaX <= cropHandleSize && mouseDeltaY >= cropRect.height - cropHandleSize && mouseDeltaY <= cropRect.height) return 3;

                // Bottom-right handle?

                else if (mouseDeltaX >= cropRect.width - cropHandleSize && mouseDeltaY <= cropRect.height && mouseDeltaY >= cropRect.height - cropHandleSize && mouseDeltaY <= cropRect.height) return 4;

                // Cropping rectangle interior

                else return 0;

            // The mouse is not in the cropping rectangle area

            else return -1;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // doMouseDown
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function doMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void {

            // Find out where the mouse down even occurred

            var mouseLoc:int = mouseLocation(event);            

            // If the cropping rectangle contains the mouse location point

            if (mouseLoc >= 0) {

                // Calculate the distance between the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle to the mouse location

                var mouseDeltaX:Number = event.localX - imageLocation.x - cropRect.x;
                var mouseDeltaY:Number = event.localY - imageLocation.y - cropRect.y;

                // Top-left handle?

                if (mouseLoc == 1) {
                    anchorX = mouseDeltaX;
                    anchorY = mouseDeltaY;
                    activeHandle = 1;

                // Top-right handle?

                else if (mouseLoc == 2) {
                    anchorX = mouseDeltaX - cropRect.width;
                    anchorY = mouseDeltaY;
                    activeHandle = 2;

                // Bottom-left handle?

                else if (mouseLoc == 3) {
                    anchorX = mouseDeltaX;
                    anchorY = mouseDeltaY - cropRect.height;
                    activeHandle = 3;

                // Bottom-right handle?

                else if (mouseLoc == 4) {
                    anchorX = mouseDeltaX - cropRect.width;
                    anchorY = mouseDeltaY - cropRect.height;
                    activeHandle = 4;

                // Cropping rectangle interior

                else {
                    anchorX = mouseDeltaX;
                    anchorY = mouseDeltaY;
                    activeHandle = 0;

                // Add listener for mouse events

                this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, doMouseUp);
                systemManager.stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, doMouseExit);
                systemManager.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, doMouseUp);

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // doMouseExit - Called when the mouse is outside of the Player area
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function doMouseExit(event:Event):void {

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // doMouseUp
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function doMouseUp(event:MouseEvent):void {

            // Clear active handle tracking variable

            activeHandle = -1;

            // Remove listeners

            this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, doMouseUp);
            systemManager.stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, doMouseUp);
            systemManager.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, doMouseUp);

            // Send event that the crop area has been updated 

            dispatchEvent(new Event(CROP_RECT_CHANGED));

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // doMouseMove - Follow the mouse and move or resize the cropping rectangle
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function doMouseMove(event:MouseEvent):void {

            // If a cropping rectangle has been set and the mouse button is down

            if (croppingRectBitmapData != null && event.buttonDown) {

                // Local variables

                var topX:Number;
                var topY:Number;
                var btmX:Number;
                var btmY:Number;

                var scaledW:Number;
                var scaledH:Number; 

                // Get the location of the mouse relative to the cropping rectangle bitmap

                var mouseX:Number = event.localX - imageLocation.x;
                var mouseY:Number = event.localY - imageLocation.y;

                // Drag cropping rectangle

                if (activeHandle == 0) {

                    // Calculate the new top-left corner of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.x = mouseX - anchorX;
                    cropRect.y = mouseY - anchorY;

                    // Make sure that the entire cropping rectangle stays within the image area

                    if (cropRect.x < 0) cropRect.x = 0;
                    else {
                        var maxX:Number = Math.floor(imageScaledWidth - cropRect.width - 1);
                        if (cropRect.x > maxX) cropRect.x = maxX;

                    if (cropRect.y < 0) cropRect.y = 0;
                    else {
                        var maxY:Number = Math.floor(imageScaledHeight - cropRect.height - 1);
                        if (cropRect.y > maxY) cropRect.y = maxY;

                // Top-left Handle

                else if (activeHandle == 1) {

                    // Get the new position of the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle

                    topX = mouseX - anchorX;
                    topY = mouseY - anchorY;

                    // If the new position of the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle is outside the top or left margin, then set the corner to the top or left margin

                    if (topX < 0) topX = 0;
                    if (topY < 0) topY = 0;

                    // Get the current position of the bottom-right corner of the cropping rectangle

                    btmX = cropRect.x + cropRect.width;
                    btmY = cropRect.y + cropRect.height;

                    // Calculate the new width of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.width = btmX - topX;

                    // If the new width is less than the minimum allowed size then set the new width to the minimum

                    if (cropRect.width < cropRectMinimumSize) {
                        cropRect.width = cropRectMinimumSize;
                        topX = btmX - cropRectMinimumSize;

                    // Set the new x position for the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.x = topX;

                    // Calculate the new height of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.height = btmY - topY;

                    // If the new height is less than the minimum allowed size then set the new height to the minimum

                    if (cropRect.height < cropRectMinimumSize) {
                        cropRect.height = cropRectMinimumSize;
                        cropRect.y = btmY - cropRectMinimumSize;
                    else cropRect.y = topY;

                    // If a cropping ratio is defined

                    if (cropRatioActive) {

                        // If the cropping rectangle is not at the correct ratio

                        if (cropRect.width / cropRect.height != cropRatio) {

                            // Get a new scaled width for the cropping rectangle

                            scaledW = cropRect.height * cropRatio;

                            // If the new width is less then the minimum allowed width

                            if (scaledW < cropRectMinimumSize) {

                                // Set the width to the minimum

                                scaledW = cropRectMinimumSize;

                                // Scale the height for the new width

                                scaledH = scaledW / cropRatio;

                                // Adjust the y coordinate of the cropping rectangle for the new scaled height

                                cropRect.y = cropRect.y + (cropRect.height - scaledH);

                                // Set the new height of the cropping rectangle

                                cropRect.height = scaledH;

                            // Move the horizontal position to compensate for the scaled width

                            cropRect.x += cropRect.width - scaledW;

                            // If the new width is to the left of the left margin

                            if (cropRect.x < 0) {

                                // Reduce the width of the cropping rectangle by the amount that the cropping rectangle extends past the left margin

                                scaledW += cropRect.x;

                                // Set the left edge of the cropping rectangle to the left margin

                                cropRect.x = 0;

                                // Scale the height for the new width

                                scaledH = scaledW / cropRatio;

                                // Adjust the y coordinate of the cropping rectangle for the new scaled height

                                cropRect.y = cropRect.y + (cropRect.height - scaledH);

                                // Set the new height of the cropping rectangle

                                cropRect.height = scaledH;

                            // Set the scaled width for the cropping rectangle

                            cropRect.width = scaledW;

                // Top-right Handle

                else if (activeHandle == 2) {

                    // Get the new position of the top-right corner of the cropping rectangle

                    topX = mouseX - anchorX;
                    topY = mouseY - anchorY;

                    // Get the current position of the bottom-left corner of the cropping rectangle

                    btmX = cropRect.x;
                    btmY = cropRect.y + cropRect.height;

                    // If the new position of the top-right corner of the cropping rectangle is outside the top or right margin, then set the corner to the top or right margin

                    if (topX > imageScaledWidth - 1) topX = imageScaledWidth - 1;
                    if (topY < 0) topY = 0;

                    // Calculate the new width of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.width = topX - btmX;

                    // If the new width is less than the minimum allowed size then set the new width to the minimum

                    if (cropRect.width < cropRectMinimumSize) {
                        cropRect.width = cropRectMinimumSize;
                        topX = btmX + cropRectMinimumSize;

                    // Set the new x position for the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.x = btmX;

                    // Calculate the new height of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.height = btmY - topY;

                    // If the new height is less than the minimum allowed size then set the new height to the minimum

                    if (cropRect.height < cropRectMinimumSize) {
                        cropRect.height = cropRectMinimumSize;
                        cropRect.y = btmY - cropRectMinimumSize;
                    else cropRect.y = topY;

                    // If a cropping ratio is defined

                    if (cropRatioActive) {

                        // If the cropping rectangle is not at the correct ratio

                        if (cropRect.width / cropRect.height != cropRatio) {

                            // Get a new scaled width for the cropping rectangle

                            scaledW = cropRect.height * cropRatio;

                            // If the new width is less then the minimum allowed width

                            if (scaledW < cropRectMinimumSize) {

                                // Set the width to the minimum

                                scaledW = cropRectMinimumSize;

                                // Scale the height for the new width

                                scaledH = scaledW / cropRatio;

                                // Adjust the y coordinate of the cropping rectangle for the new scaled height

                                cropRect.y = cropRect.y + (cropRect.height - scaledH);

                                // Set the new height of the cropping rectangle

                                cropRect.height = scaledH;

                            // If the new width exceeds the maximum allowed width

                            if (cropRect.x + scaledW > imageScaledWidth - 1) {

                                // Set the width to the maximum allowed

                                scaledW = imageScaledWidth - 1 - cropRect.x;

                                // Scale the height for the new width

                                scaledH = scaledW / cropRatio;

                                // Adjust the y coordinate of the cropping rectangle for the new scaled height

                                cropRect.y = cropRect.y + (cropRect.height - scaledH);

                                // Set the new height of the cropping rectangle

                                cropRect.height = scaledH;

                            // Set the scaled width for the cropping rectangle

                            cropRect.width = scaledW;

                // Bottom-left Handle

                else if (activeHandle == 3) {

                    // Get the new position of the bottom-left corner of the cropping rectangle

                    btmX = mouseX - anchorX;
                    btmY = mouseY - anchorY;

                    // If the new position of the bottom-left corner of the cropping rectangle is outside the bottom or left margin, then set the corner to the bottom or left margin

                    if (btmX < 0) btmX = 0;
                    if (btmY > imageScaledHeight - 1) btmY = imageScaledHeight - 1;

                    // Get the current position of the top-right corner of the cropping rectangle

                    topX = cropRect.x + cropRect.width;
                    topY = cropRect.y;

                    // Calculate the new width of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.width = topX - btmX;

                    // If the new width is less than the minimum allowed size then set the new width to the minimum

                    if (cropRect.width < cropRectMinimumSize) {
                        cropRect.width = cropRectMinimumSize;
                        btmX = topX - cropRectMinimumSize;

                    // Set the new x position for the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.x = btmX;

                    // Calculate the new height of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.height = btmY - topY;

                    // If the new height is less than the minimum allowed size then set the new height to the minimum

                    if (cropRect.height < cropRectMinimumSize) cropRect.height = cropRectMinimumSize;

                    // Set the new y position for the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.y = topY;

                    // If a cropping ratio is defined

                    if (cropRatioActive) {

                        // If the cropping rectangle is not at the correct ratio

                        if (cropRect.width / cropRect.height != cropRatio) {

                            // Get a new scaled width for the cropping rectangle

                            scaledW = cropRect.height * cropRatio;

                            // If the new width is less then the minimum allowed width

                            if (scaledW < cropRectMinimumSize) {

                                // Set the width to the minimum

                                scaledW = cropRectMinimumSize;

                                // Scale the height for the new width

                                scaledH = scaledW / cropRatio;

                                // Set the new height of the cropping rectangle

                                cropRect.height = scaledH;

                            // Move the horizontal position to compensate for the scaled width

                            cropRect.x += cropRect.width - scaledW;

                            // If the new width is to the left of the left margin

                            if (cropRect.x < 0) {

                                // Reduce the width of the cropping rectangle by the amount that the cropping rectangle extends past the left margin

                                scaledW += cropRect.x;

                                // Set the left edge of the cropping rectangle to the left margin

                                cropRect.x = 0;

                                // Scale the height for the new width

                                scaledH = scaledW / cropRatio;

                                // Set the new height of the cropping rectangle

                                cropRect.height = scaledH;

                            // Set the scaled width for the cropping rectangle

                            cropRect.width = scaledW;

                // Bottom-right Handle                

                else if (activeHandle == 4) {

                    // Get the new position of the bottom-left corner of the cropping rectangle

                    btmX = mouseX - anchorX;
                    btmY = mouseY - anchorY;

                    // If the new position of the bottom-right corner of the cropping rectangle is outside the bottom or right margin, then set the corner to the bottom or right margin

                    if (btmX > imageScaledWidth - 1) btmX = imageScaledWidth - 1;
                    if (btmY > imageScaledHeight - 1) btmY = imageScaledHeight - 1;

                    // Get the current position of the top-left corner of the cropping rectangle

                    topX = cropRect.x;
                    topY = cropRect.y;

                    // Calculate the new width of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.width = btmX - topX;

                    // If the new width is less than the minimum allowed size then set the new width to the minimum

                    if (cropRect.width < cropRectMinimumSize) {
                        cropRect.width = cropRectMinimumSize;
                        btmX = topX + cropRectMinimumSize;

                    // Calculate the new height of the cropping rectangle

                    cropRect.height = btmY - topY;

                    // If the new height is less than the minimum allowed size then set the new height to the minimum

                    if (cropRect.height < cropRectMinimumSize) cropRect.height = cropRectMinimumSize;

                    // If a cropping ratio is defined

                    if (cropRatioActive) {

                        // If the cropping rectangle is not at the correct ratio

                        if (cropRect.width / cropRect.height != cropRatio) {

                            // Get a new scaled width for the cropping rectangle

                            scaledW = cropRect.height * cropRatio;

                            // If the new width is less then the minimum allowed width

                            if (scaledW < cropRectMinimumSize) {

                                // Set the width to the minimum

                                scaledW = cropRectMinimumSize;

                                // Scale the height for the new width

                                scaledH = scaledW / cropRatio;

                                // Set the new height of the cropping rectangle

                                cropRect.height = scaledH;

                            // If the new width exceeds the maximum allowed width

                            if (cropRect.x + scaledW > imageScaledWidth - 1) {

                                // Set the width to the maximum allowed

                                scaledW = imageScaledWidth - 1 - cropRect.x;

                                // Scale the height for the new width

                                scaledH = scaledW / cropRatio;

                                // Set the new height of the cropping rectangle

                                cropRect.height = scaledH;

                            // Set the scaled width for the cropping rectangle

                            cropRect.width = scaledW;

                // Render the cropping rectangle on top of the image


                // Invalidate the display list to redraw the component


            // Else a handle is not active

            else {

                // If the cropping rectangle is smaller than the image dimensions and if the mouse is within the cropping rectangle but not in a handle then show the hand cursor

                if ((cropRect.width + 1 < Math.floor(imageScaledWidth) || cropRect.height + 1 < Math.floor(imageScaledHeight)) && mouseLocation(event) == 0) {
                    if (handCursorID < 0) handCursorID = CursorManager.setCursor(handCursor, 2, -6, -3);

                // Else the mouse is in a handle or outside of the cropping rectangle

                else {

                    // If the hand cursor is active, remove it

                    if (handCursorID >= 0) {
                        handCursorID = -1;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // drawCroppingRect
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function drawCroppingRect():void {

            // If the BitmapData object has been constructed, proceed to draw the cropping rectangle

            if (croppingRectBitmapData && componentEnabled) {

                // Clear the previous cropping rectangle by filling the bitmap with the mask color

                croppingRectBitmapData.fillRect(croppingRectBitmapData.rect, cropMaskColor);

                // Draw the transparent cropping rectangle area

                croppingRectBitmapData.fillRect(cropRect, 0x00FFFFFF);

                // Draw boarder around the cropping rectangle

                var border:Shape = new Shape();
                border.graphics.lineStyle(1, cropSelectionOutlineColor, cropSelectionOutlineAlpha);
                border.graphics.drawRect(cropRect.x, cropRect.y, cropRect.width, cropRect.height);

                // Draw corner handles

                var handles:Shape = new Shape();
                handles.graphics.lineStyle(1, cropSelectionOutlineColor, cropSelectionOutlineAlpha);

                handles.graphics.beginFill(cropHandleColor, cropHandleAlpha);
                handles.graphics.drawRect(cropRect.x, cropRect.y, cropHandleSize, cropHandleSize);

                handles.graphics.beginFill(cropHandleColor, cropHandleAlpha);
                handles.graphics.drawRect(cropRect.x + cropRect.width - cropHandleSize, cropRect.y, cropHandleSize, cropHandleSize);

                handles.graphics.beginFill(cropHandleColor, cropHandleAlpha);
                handles.graphics.drawRect(cropRect.x, cropRect.y + cropRect.height - cropHandleSize, cropHandleSize, cropHandleSize);

                handles.graphics.beginFill(cropHandleColor, cropHandleAlpha);
                handles.graphics.drawRect(cropRect.x + cropRect.width - cropHandleSize, cropRect.y + cropRect.height - cropHandleSize, cropHandleSize, cropHandleSize);


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // commitProperties - Handle cropping rectangle property change (called by Flex when invalidateProperties is called after a change is made to a cropping rectangle property)
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        override protected function commitProperties():void {


            // If a property for the cropping rectangle has been changed

            if (cropMaskChanged) {

                // Reset property changed flag

                cropMaskChanged = false;

                // Check the cropping rectangle size to make sure that there is enough space to display the handles with no overlap; if there isn‘t, then increase the size of the cropping rectangle.

                if (cropRect != null && (cropRectMinimumSize > cropRect.width || cropRectMinimumSize > cropRect.height)) {

                    var origRect:Rectangle = cropRect.clone();

                    if (cropRect.y > imageScaledHeight - 1 - cropRectMinimumSize) cropRect.y = imageScaledHeight - 1 - cropRectMinimumSize;
                    if (cropRect.x > imageScaledWidth - 1 - cropRectMinimumSize) cropRect.x = imageScaledWidth - 1 - cropRectMinimumSize;
                    if (cropRect.height < cropRectMinimumSize) cropRect.height = cropRectMinimumSize;
                    if (cropRect.width < cropRectMinimumSize) cropRect.width = cropRectMinimumSize;

                    // If the aspect ratio is constrained, make sure that it doesn‘t change unless it‘s not possible to maintain the aspect ratio in the available space (given the current crop handle size)

                    if (constrainToAspectRatio && cropRect.width != cropRect.height * cropRatio) {

                        // Calculate what the new cropping rectangle width or the new cropping rectangle height will have to be in order to maintain the correct aspect ratio
                        // (the dimension that is not less than the cropping rectangle cropRectMinimumSize will be used)

                        var newWidth:Number = cropRect.height * cropRatio;
                        var newHeight:Number = cropRect.width / cropRatio;

                        // Increase width

                        if (newWidth > cropRectMinimumSize) {

                            // Set the cropping rectangle to the width that will maintain the aspect ratio

                            cropRect.width = newWidth;

                            // If the new width causes the crop box to extend beyond the right edge ...

                            if (cropRect.x + cropRect.width > imageScaledWidth - 1) {

                                // Find out how far off the edge the cropping rectangle extends

                                var wDelta:Number = (cropRect.x + cropRect.width) - (imageScaledWidth - 1);

                                // If there is room to the left of the cropping rectangle, adjust the left edge of the cropping rectangle so it fits in the available space

                                if (cropRect.x - wDelta >= 0) cropRect.x = cropRect.x - wDelta;

                                // Else there is no way to maintain the aspect ratio so extend the cropping rectangle from the left edge to the right edge, calculate the new aspect ratio, and dispatch an event indicating that the ratio has been altered

                                else {
                                    cropRect.x = 0;
                                    cropRect.width = imageScaledWidth - 1;
                                    cropRatio = cropRect.width / cropRect.height;
                                    dispatchEvent(new Event(CROP_CONSTRAINT_CHANGED));

                        // Increase height

                        else {

                            // Set the cropping rectangle to the height that will maintain the aspect ratio

                            cropRect.height = newHeight;

                            // If the new height causes the crop box to extend beyond the bottom edge ...

                            if (cropRect.y + cropRect.height > imageScaledHeight - 1) {

                                // Find out how far off the edge the cropping rectangle extends

                                var hDelta:Number = (cropRect.y + cropRect.height) - (imageScaledHeight - 1);

                                // If there is room above the cropping rectangle, adjust the top edge of the cropping rectangle so it fits in the available space

                                if (cropRect.y - hDelta >= 0) cropRect.y = cropRect.y - hDelta;

                                // Else there is no way to maintain the aspect ratio so extend the cropping rectangle from the top to the bottom, calculate the new aspect ratio, and dispatch an event indicating that the ratio has been altered

                                else {
                                    cropRect.y = 0;
                                    cropRect.height = imageScaledHeight - 1;
                                    cropRatio = cropRect.width / cropRect.height;
                                    dispatchEvent(new Event(CROP_CONSTRAINT_CHANGED));


                    // Dispatch events if the size of the handles cause the position or dimensions of the cropping rectangle to change

                    if (cropRect.x != origRect.x || cropRect.y != origRect.y) dispatchEvent(new Event(CROP_POSITION_CHANGED));
                    if (cropRect.width != origRect.width || cropRect.height != origRect.height) dispatchEvent(new Event(CROP_DIMENSIONS_CHANGED));

                // Redraw the cropping rectangle area


                // Schedule a display list update


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // measure - Sets the default component size and the component‘s minimum size in pixels
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        override protected function measure():void {


            if (!isNaN(componentWidth) && !isNaN(componentHeight)) {

                // Set default measurements

                measuredWidth = componentWidth;
                measuredHeight = componentHeight;

                // Set optional minimum size measurements

                measuredMinWidth = componentWidth;
                measuredMinHeight = componentHeight;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // updateDisplayList - This method is called to size and position the children of the component based on all previous property and style settings.
        //                     It also draws any skins or graphic elements that the component uses. Note that the parent container determines the size of the component itself.
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * @private

        override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {

            // The Flex callLaterDispatcher() can call updateDisplayList() after this component‘s destroy() method has been called but before it is garbage collected.
            // When destroy() is called the "destroyed" flag is set to prevent a null object reference error if updateDisplayList() is subsequently called.

            if (!destroyed) {

                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

                // If the dimensions of the component have changed, create a new bitmap to match the components new size

                if (unscaledWidth != componentWidth || unscaledHeight != componentHeight) initializeDisplay(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

                // If an image is loaded

                if (imageBitmapData != null) {    

                    // If the image has not been rendered yet, create a scaled version of the image that will fit within the component

                    if (newImageLoaded) createScaledImage();

                    if (newCroppingRect) initializeCroppingRect();

                    // Clear the current content

                    componentBitmapData.fillRect(componentBitmapData.rect, bkgndColor);

                    // Draw the scaled image in the component‘s display

                    componentBitmapData.copyPixels(scaledImageBitmapData, scaledImageBitmapData.rect, imageLocation, null, null, true);

                    // Draw the cropping overlay if the component is enabled

                    if (componentEnabled && croppingRectBitmapData != null) componentBitmapData.copyPixels(croppingRectBitmapData, croppingRectBitmapData.rect, imageLocation, null, null, true);

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // initializeDisplay - Create the bitmap that represents the component‘s display
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function initializeDisplay(newWidth:int, newHeight:int):void {

            if (newWidth > 0 && newHeight > 0) {

                // If a bitmap already exists (i.e., if the display area has been resized), remove the previous bitmap

                if (componentBitmap != null) {

                // Create a Bitmap with smoothing enabled that matches the component‘s size and add it to the display list

                componentBitmapData = new BitmapData(newWidth, newHeight, true, bkgndColor);
                componentBitmap = new Bitmap(componentBitmapData);

                // Save the current size of the component

                componentWidth = newWidth;
                componentHeight = newHeight;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // initializeCroppingRect
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function initializeCroppingRect():void {

            // The cropping rectangle cannot be initialized unless the imageCropper component is enabled and createScaledImage() has been called

            if (componentEnabled && scaledImageBitmapData != null) {

                // Determine if cropping rectangle is to be centered

                var centerCropRect:Boolean = (cropX == -1) || (cropY == -1);

                // Clear the initialization flag that was set when newCroppingRect() was called

                newCroppingRect = false;

                // If a cropping rectangle was previously defined, dispose of the BitmapData

                if (croppingRectBitmapData != null) croppingRectBitmapData.dispose();

                // Create the BitmapData for the cropping rectangle (the display area should match the image‘s display area)

                croppingRectBitmapData = new BitmapData(scaledImageBitmapData.width, scaledImageBitmapData.height, true, 0xAA000000);

                // If the width or height is zero, then the cropping rectangle will be set to the size of the image

                if (cropWidth == 0 || cropHeight == 0) {

                    // Set width and height to the size of the image

                    cropWidth = scaledImageBitmapData.width - 1;
                    cropHeight = scaledImageBitmapData.height - 1;                    

                    // Save original cropping rectangle to determine if it had to be repositioned or resized in order to be valid

                    var origRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight);

                    // If the crop ratio is active, calculate the ratio and save it as the original ratio (in case it has to be changed later in this function)

                    if (cropRatioActive) {
                        cropRatio = cropWidth / cropHeight;
                        var origCropRatio:Number = cropRatio;

                // If croppingRectIsImageScale is true, then scale the cropping rectangle dimensions so that it is drawn at the same scale as the selected image

                else if (croppingRectIsImageScale) {

                    // If the crop ratio is active, save it as the original ratio (in case it has to be changed later in this function)

                    if (cropRatioActive) origCropRatio = cropRatio;

                    // If a specific location is defined for the cropping rectangle, convert the X and Y coordinates

                    if (cropX >= 0 && cropY >= 0) {
                        cropX *= imageScaleFactor;
                        cropY *= imageScaleFactor;

                    // Convert width and height of the cropping rectangle

                    cropWidth *= imageScaleFactor;
                    cropHeight *= imageScaleFactor;

                    // Save original cropping rectangle to determine if it had to be repositioned or resized in order to be valid

                    origRect = new Rectangle(cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight);                    

                    // Make sure that the dimensions are not smaller than the size of the cropping rectangle handles

                    if (cropWidth < cropRectMinimumSize) {
                        cropHeight = cropHeight * (cropRectMinimumSize / cropWidth)
                        cropWidth = cropRectMinimumSize;

                    if (cropHeight < cropRectMinimumSize) {
                        cropWidth = cropWidth * (cropRectMinimumSize / cropHeight)
                        cropHeight = cropRectMinimumSize;

                // Esle save original cropping rectangle to determine if it had to be repositioned or resized in order to be valid

                else origRect = new Rectangle(cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight);                    

                // If the cropping rectangle is positioned absolutely (i.e., cropX and cropY > -1)

                if (!centerCropRect) {

                    // If the absolute positioning causes the cropping rectangle to extend beyond the image area, try to reposition the cropping rectangle so that it touches rather than exceeds the image boundry

                    if (cropX + cropWidth + 1 > scaledImageBitmapData.width) cropX = scaledImageBitmapData.width - cropWidth - 1;
                    if (cropY + cropHeight + 1 > scaledImageBitmapData.height) cropY = scaledImageBitmapData.height - cropHeight - 1;

                    // If the top or left-edge of the cropping rectangle extends beyond the top or left edge of the image area then decrease the height or width so that it fits within the image area
                    // If a dimension of the cropping rectangle cannot fit, then set that dimension equal to the width or height of the image.

                    if (cropX < 0) {
                        cropWidth += cropX;
                        if (cropWidth <= 0) cropWidth = scaledImageBitmapData.width - 1;
                        cropX = 0;

                    if (cropY < 0) {
                        cropHeight += cropY;
                        if (cropHeight <= 0) cropHeight = scaledImageBitmapData.height - 1;
                        cropY = 0;

                // Make sure that neither dimension exceeds the image dimensions

                if (cropWidth + 1 > scaledImageBitmapData.width) {
                    cropWidth = scaledImageBitmapData.width - 1;
                    if (cropRatioActive) cropHeight = cropWidth / cropRatio;

                if (cropHeight + 1 > scaledImageBitmapData.height) {
                    cropHeight = scaledImageBitmapData.height - 1;
                    if (cropRatioActive) cropWidth = cropHeight * cropRatio;

                // If the cropping rectangle is not absolutely positioned, then center the cropping rectangle in the image area

                if (centerCropRect) {
                    cropX = (scaledImageBitmapData.width - cropWidth) / 2;
                    cropY = (scaledImageBitmapData.height - cropHeight) / 2;

                // If the absolute positioning causes the cropping rectangle to extend beyond the image area, try to reposition the cropping rectangle so that it touches rather than exceeds the image boundry

                if (cropX + cropWidth + 1 > scaledImageBitmapData.width) cropX = scaledImageBitmapData.width - cropWidth - 1;
                if (cropY + cropHeight + 1 > scaledImageBitmapData.height) cropY = scaledImageBitmapData.height - cropHeight - 1;

                // If adjusting cropX and cropY results in zero or negative space, reset the cropping rectangle to the image area

                if (scaledImageBitmapData.width - 1 <= cropX || scaledImageBitmapData.height - 1 <= cropY) {
                    cropX = 0;
                    cropY = 0;
                    cropWidth = scaledImageBitmapData.width - 1
                    cropHeight = scaledImageBitmapData.height - 1;

                // Create the initial cropping rectangle centered in the display area

                cropRect = new Rectangle(cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight); 

                // Draw the initial cropping rectangle


                // Dispatch events if the position, size, and/or aspect ratio of the cropping rectangle was changed

                if (!centerCropRect && (cropX != origRect.x || cropY != origRect.y)) dispatchEvent(new Event(CROP_POSITION_CHANGED));
                if (cropWidth != origRect.width || cropHeight != origRect.height) dispatchEvent(new Event(CROP_DIMENSIONS_CHANGED));
                if (cropRatioActive && !isNaN() && cropRatio != origCropRatio) dispatchEvent(new Event(CROP_CONSTRAINT_CHANGED));

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // createScaledImage - Create a scaled version of the source image that will fit in the component‘s display area
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private function createScaledImage():void {

            if (imageBitmapData != null) {

                var imageWidth:Number = imageBitmapData.width;
                var imageHeight:Number = imageBitmapData.height;

                // Clear the flag that indicates that the image has not been processed yet by the createScaledImage() method

                newImageLoaded = false;                

                // Initialize the scaling factor to 1 (unscaled)

                imageScaleFactor = 1;

                // If the image size is larger than the component size

                if (imageWidth > componentWidth || imageHeight > componentHeight) {

                    // Determine the ratio of the size of the loaded image to the component‘s size

                    var newXScale:Number = imageWidth == 0 ? 1 : componentWidth / imageWidth;
                    var newYScale:Number = imageHeight == 0 ? 1 : componentHeight / imageHeight;

                    // Calculate the scaling factor based on which dimension must be scaled in order for the image to fit within the component

                    var x:Number = 0;
                    var y:Number = 0;

                    if (newXScale > newYScale) {
                        x = Math.floor((componentWidth - imageWidth * newYScale));
                        imageScaleFactor = newYScale;
                    else {
                        y = Math.floor((componentHeight - imageHeight * newXScale));
                        imageScaleFactor = newXScale;

                    // Create a matrix to perform the image scaling

                    var scaleMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
                    scaleMatrix.scale(imageScaleFactor, imageScaleFactor);

                    // Calculate the scaled size of the image

                    imageScaledWidth = Math.ceil(imageBitmapData.width * imageScaleFactor);
                    imageScaledHeight = Math.ceil(imageBitmapData.height * imageScaleFactor);

                    // Calculate the new coordinates for the image so that it is centered within the component

                    imageLocation = new Point(x - ((unscaledWidth - imageScaledWidth) / 2), y - ((unscaledHeight - imageScaledHeight) / 2))            

                    // If there is a scaled BitmapData object from a previous image, dispose of the data

                    if (scaledImageBitmapData != null) scaledImageBitmapData.dispose();

                    // Create a new BitmapData object to hold the scaled image

                    scaledImageBitmapData = new BitmapData(imageScaledWidth, imageScaledHeight, true, bkgndColor);

                    // Create the scaled image (use smoothing)

                    scaledImageBitmapData.draw(imageBitmapData, scaleMatrix, null, null, null, true);

                // Else the image size is equal to or smaller than the component size

                else {

                    // The scaled size is the actual size of the image

                    imageScaledWidth = imageWidth;
                    imageScaledHeight = imageHeight;

                    // Set the new coordinates for the image so that it is centered within the component

                    imageLocation = new Point((componentWidth - imageWidth) / 2, (componentHeight - imageHeight) / 2);

                    // The image is unscaled, so just clone the BitmapData

                    scaledImageBitmapData = imageBitmapData.clone();
时间: 2024-07-31 09:37:26



拍照--裁剪,或者是选择图片--裁剪,是我们设置头像或上传图片时经常需要的一组操作.上篇讲了Camera的使用,这篇讲一下我对图片裁剪的实现. 背景 下面的需求都来自产品. 裁剪图片要像微信那样,拖动和放大的是图片,裁剪框不动. 裁剪框外的内容要有半透明黑色遮罩. 裁剪框下面要显示一行提示文字(这点我至今还是持保留意见的). 在Android中,裁剪图片的控件库还是挺多的,特别是github上比较流行的几个,都已经进化到比较稳定的阶段,但比较遗憾的是它们的裁剪过程是拖动或缩放裁剪框,于是只好自己


Android裁剪功能实现 概述 从4月初到5月份 ,差不多一个多月,终于把裁剪图片的功能码出来了,期间,解决了一个又来一个问题,好吧,问题总是会有的. 这里大致介绍这个裁剪功能技术点.主要难点,实现原理. 技术点 图片缩放.移动 裁剪区域预览 裁剪(包括越图片边界裁剪) 边界限制 主要难点 裁剪区域预览 裁剪 边界限制 实现原理 裁剪预览区域的实现 在我做过的项目中,就有使用过一些网络上开源的裁剪功能:半透明遮罩层的矩形预览框功能.它的实现原理是在裁剪预览区域外的地方填充了几个半透明的矩形框,

Android大图片裁剪终极解决方案 原理分析

约几个月前,我正为公司的APP在Android手机上实现拍照截图而烦恼不已. 上网搜索,确实有不少的例子,大多都是抄来抄去,而且水平多半处于demo的样子,可以用来讲解知识点,但是一碰到实际项目,就漏洞百出. 当时我用大众化的解决方案,暂时性的做了一个拍照截图的功能,似乎看起来很不错.问题随之而来,我用的是小米手机,在别的手机上都运行正常,小米这里却总是碰钉子.虽然我是个理性的米粉,但是也暗地里把小米的工程师问候了个遍.真是惭愧! 翻文档也找不出个答案来,我一直对com.android.came


//.net图片裁剪抠图:1.将不坐标点存入GraphicsPath中:GraphicsPath gPath = new GraphicsPath();2. 通常我们判断一个坐标点是否在闭合区间内通采用GraphicsPath.IsVisible(),但事实证明这种方法判断效率及其低,这里我们采用Region.IsVisible(),经测试,GraphicsPath.IsVisible()处理一张800*800的图片需要14s以上时间.Region.IsVisible()只需要1s. // //

原生 JavaScript 图片裁剪效果

图片裁剪程序效果如下,可鼠标操作. 拖动左边小方框时在右侧实时显示对应的裁剪图片,同时左侧的拖动框里图片完全显示,拖动框外部图片模糊显示.8个控制点可以对显示区域大小进行控制. HTML 和 CSS 部分 左侧的裁剪操作区域可以分为三层. 最底层的图片半透明效果:中间层的图片只显示制定区域,其他部分隐藏:最上层为拖拽控制层.最低层和中间层使用同一张图片,利用CSS属性clip控制中间层只显示一部分. 三个层都使用 absolute 绝对定位.下面是 HTML 和 CSS 代码. 1 <div i


在上一章中谈到Android采用HttpURLConnection下载图片,本章使用HttpClient下载图片 HttpURLConnection与HttpClient的差别: HttpClient是个非常不错的开源框架(org.appache.http),封装了訪问http的请求头,參数,内容体.响应等等,使用起来更方面更强大. HttpURLConnection是java的标准类,能够实现简单的基于URL请求.响应功能,什么都没封装.用起来太原始.比方重訪问的自己定义,以及一些高级功能等.


1.jquery 图片裁剪库选择 Jcrop:http://deepliquid.com/content/Jcrop.html imgareaselect:http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/ CropZoom:https://github.com/cropzoom/cropzoom 可供选择的jQuery插件非常多,这里选择 imgareaselect 进行详细演示 2.综合演示效果 2.1 左侧区域是 div + img 标签,用来展示原图,具


利用jquery的imgAreaSelect插件实现图片裁剪示例 将用户上传的图片进行裁剪再保存是现在web2.0应用中常常处理的工作,现在借助jquery的imgareaselect插件再配合PHP的GD库就可以轻松的实现这个在以前来说非常棘手的功能.我们来看看它的实现步骤: 1.包含进CSS文件(imgareaselect-default.css)和 jquery.imgareaselect.js文件 2.html代码(要裁剪的图片元素) <img id="selectbanner&q


1.html部分 使用一个input[type="file"]进行图片上传: canvas进行图片的裁剪展示 <div> <input type="file" id="imgFile"> </div> <div id="demoBox" style="width: 300px;height: 300px;position: absolute;left: 300px;top: