alter table


  1. alter table t1 rename to t2;


  1. alter table t1 add if not exists partition(xx=yy) location ‘/xx‘;


  1. alter table t1 add if not exists 
  2. partition(x1=y1) location ‘/x1‘
  3. partition(x2=y2) location ‘/x2‘
  4. partition(x3=y3) location ‘/x3‘;


  1. alter table t1 partition(xx=yy) set location ‘/xx‘;


  1. alter table t1 drop if exists partitioin(xx=yy);


  1. alter table t1 add columns(id int, name string);


  1. alter table t1 change column id id2 int comment ‘‘;


  1. alter table t1 replace columns(id int comment ‘‘, name string comment‘‘);


  1. alter table t1 set tblproperties(‘k1‘=‘v1‘);


  1. alter table t1 set fileformat sequencefile;
  2. alter table t1 partition(x=y) set fileformat sequencefile;
  3. alter table t1 set serde ‘xx.serde1‘ with serdeproperties(‘k1‘=‘v1‘);
  4. alter table t1 set serdeproperties(‘k1‘=‘v1‘);
  5. alter table t1 clustered by (id, name) sorted by (name) into 48 buckets;


  1. alter table t1 archive partition(year=2014);
  2. alter table t1 unarchive partition(year=2014);


  1. alter table t1 enable no_drop;
  2. alter table t1 disable no_drop;
  3. alter table t1 partition(x=y) enable no_drop;


  1. alter table t1 enable offline;
  2. alter table t1 disable offline;


时间: 2024-10-29 10:39:55

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