

	public void onLowMemory() {
		mContext = getApplicationContext();



public void onLowMemory() {
        Object[] callbacks = collectComponentCallbacks();
        if (callbacks != null) {
            for (int i=0; i<callbacks.length; i++) {


     * This is called when the overall system is running low on memory, and
     * actively running processes should trim their memory usage.  While
     * the exact point at which this will be called is not defined, generally
     * it will happen when all background process have been killed.
     * That is, before reaching the point of killing processes hosting
     * service and foreground UI that we would like to avoid killing.
     * <p>You should implement this method to release
     * any caches or other unnecessary resources you may be holding on to.
     * The system will perform a garbage collection for you after returning from this method.
     * <p>Preferably, you should implement {@link ComponentCallbacks2#onTrimMemory} from
     * {@link ComponentCallbacks2} to incrementally unload your resources based on various
     * levels of memory demands.  That API is available for API level 14 and higher, so you should
     * only use this {@link #onLowMemory} method as a fallback for older versions, which can be
     * treated the same as {@link ComponentCallbacks2#onTrimMemory} with the {@link
     * ComponentCallbacks2#TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE} level.</p>
    void onLowMemory();


public void onTrimMemory(int level) {
        Object[] callbacks = collectComponentCallbacks();
        if (callbacks != null) {
            for (int i=0; i<callbacks.length; i++) {
                Object c = callbacks[i];
                if (c instanceof ComponentCallbacks2) {
     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is nearing the end
     * of the background LRU list, and if more memory isn't found soon it will
     * be killed.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE = 80;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is around the middle
     * of the background LRU list; freeing memory can help the system keep
     * other processes running later in the list for better overall performance.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE = 60;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process has gone on to the
     * LRU list.  This is a good opportunity to clean up resources that can
     * efficiently and quickly be re-built if the user returns to the app.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND = 40;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process had been showing
     * a user interface, and is no longer doing so.  Large allocations with
     * the UI should be released at this point to allow memory to be better
     * managed.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN = 20;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is not an expendable
     * background process, but the device is running extremely low on memory
     * and is about to not be able to keep any background processes running.
     * Your running process should free up as many non-critical resources as it
     * can to allow that memory to be used elsewhere.  The next thing that
     * will happen after this is {@link #onLowMemory()} called to report that
     * nothing at all can be kept in the background, a situation that can start
     * to notably impact the user.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL = 15;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is not an expendable
     * background process, but the device is running low on memory.
     * Your running process should free up unneeded resources to allow that
     * memory to be used elsewhere.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW = 10;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is not an expendable
     * background process, but the device is running moderately low on memory.
     * Your running process may want to release some unneeded resources for
     * use elsewhere.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_MODERATE = 5;

     * Called when the operating system has determined that it is a good
     * time for a process to trim unneeded memory from its process.  This will
     * happen for example when it goes in the background and there is not enough
     * memory to keep as many background processes running as desired.  You
     * should never compare to exact values of the level, since new intermediate
     * values may be added -- you will typically want to compare if the value
     * is greater or equal to a level you are interested in.
     * <p>To retrieve the processes current trim level at any point, you can
     * use {@link
     * ActivityManager.getMyMemoryState(RunningAppProcessInfo)}.
     * @param level The context of the trim, giving a hint of the amount of
     * trimming the application may like to perform.  May be
    void onTrimMemory(int level);

onTrimMemory(int level)是根据级别不同做不同的操作


系统处于低内存的运行状态中如果系统现在没有内存回收你的应用将会第一个被杀掉. 你必须释放掉所有非关键的资源从而恢复应用的状态.


系统处于低内存的运行状态中并且你的应用处于缓存应用列表的中级阶段. 如果系运行内存收到限制, 你的应用有被杀掉的风险.


系统处于低内存的运行状态中并且你的应用处于缓存应用列表的初级阶段.  虽然你的应用不会处于被杀的高风险中, 但是系统已经开始清除缓存列表中的其它应用, 所以你必须释放资源使你的应用继续存留在列表中以便用户再次回到你的应用时能快速恢复进行使用.




应用处于运行状态但是系统已经把大多数缓存应用杀掉了, 你必须释放掉不是非常关键的资源, 如果系统不能回收足够的运行内存, 系统会清除所有缓存应用并且会把正在活动的应用杀掉.


应用处于运行状态并且不会被杀掉, 设备可以使用的内存非常低, 可以把不用的资源释放一些提高性能(会直接影响程序的性能)


应用处于运行状态并且不会被杀掉, 设备使用的内存比较低, 系统级会杀掉一些其它的缓存应用.



2,OnLowMemory是在最后一个后台进程被杀时调用,一般情况是low memory killer 杀进程后触发;而OnTrimMemory的触发更频繁,每次计算进程优先级时,只要满足条件,都会触发。


时间: 2024-08-05 18:33:11


android onTrimMemory()和onLowMemory()

1. OnLowMemory() OnLowMemory()是Android提供的API,在系统内存不足,所有后台程序(优先级为background的进程,不是指后台运行的进程)都被杀死时,系统会调用OnLowMemory.系统提供的回调有:Application/Activity/Fragementice/Service/ContentProvider 除了上述系统提供的API,还可以自己实现ComponentCallbacks,通过API注册,这样也能得到OnLowMemory回调.例如:


1.应用内存onLowMemory& onTrimMemory优化 onLowMemory& onTrimMemory简介:OnLowMemory是Android提供的API,在系统内存不足,所有后台程序(优先级为background的进程,不是指后台运行的进程)都被杀死时,系统会调用OnLowMemory.OnTrimMemory是Android 4.0之后提供的API,系统会根据不同的内存状态来回调.根据不同的内存状态,来响应不同的内存释放策略. 1.1 onLowMemory&

android开发中对于onLowMemory&amp; onTrimMemoryd理解bu

新手开发者,也就是我这种的基本上就是对android的基础还凑合,觉得自己已经能独立的开发app,但是往往忽略了对于android 内存使用的优化,总是觉得想用就用,等到应用OOM的时候才开始向要优化,想想以前经常遇到的好多问题,感觉确实是让自己进步了很多. 说的有点乱,android对于内存优化其实做了很多,其中就有onLowMemory& onTrimMemory 这是俩个我们在程序中可以进行操作的俩个方法: 在内存紧张的时候,会回调OnLowMemory/OnTrimMemory,需要在回


如果你还不知道什么叫插件化开发,那么你应该先读一读之前写的这篇博客:Android插件化开发,初入殿堂 上一篇博客主要从整体角度分析了一下Android插件化开发的几个难点与动态加载没有被安装的apk中的Activity和资源的方法.其实一般的插件开发主要也就是加载个Activity,读取一些资源图片之类的.但是总有遇到特殊情况的时候,比如加载Service. 要动态加载Service,有两种思路:一是通过NDK的形式,将Service通过C++运行起来(这种方法我没有尝试,只听群里的朋友说实现

Android Application类 详解

定义:Application是一个用来维护应用程序全局状态的基础类. 用法:你可以提供你自己的实现类,并在AndroidManifest.xml的<application>标签中指定name的值. 特点:当你的应用程序或者包被创建时,你的实现类将会被实例化. 解释:一般不需要自己创建Application的子类.通常情况下,静态单例能够更加模块化的实现同样的功能.如果你的单例需要一个全局的Context(例如注册广播接收器时),当第一次构造这个单例的时候,这个检索方法能够给出一个可以在内部使用


 应用UI性能问题分析 UI可谓是一个应用的脸,所以每一款应用在开发阶段我们的交互.视觉.动画工程师都拼命的想让它变得自然大方美丽,可是现实总是不尽人意,动画和交互总会觉得开发做出来的应用用上去感觉不自然,没有达到他们心目中的自然流畅细节:这种情况之下就更别提发布给终端用户使用了,用户要是能够感觉出来,少则影响心情,多则卸载应用:所以一个应用的UI显示性能问题就不得不被开发人员重视. 2-1 应用UI卡顿原理 人类大脑与眼睛对一个画面的连贯性感知其实是有一个界限的,譬如我们看电影会觉得画面很自然


最近才开的博客,希望大家多多关注,andorid开发也做了3年有余了,也面试多家企业,借此机会分享一下,我们中遇到过的问题以及解决方案吧,希望能够对正在找工作的andoird程序员有一定的帮助.学完<andorid从零开始教程>+面试题目全理解,年薪20w以上绝对没问题. 特别献上整理过的50道面试题目 1.listView的优化方式 重用convertView viewHolder static class viewHolder 在列表里面有图片的情况下,监听滑动不加载图片 多个不同布局,可

Android 应用开发性能优化完全分析

1 背景 其实有点不想写这篇文章的,但是又想写,有些矛盾.不想写的原因是随便上网一搜一堆关于性能的建议,感觉大家你一总结.我一总结的都说到了很多优化注意事项,但是看过这些文章后大多数存在一个问题就是只给出啥啥啥不能用,啥啥啥该咋用等,却很少有较为系统的进行真正性能案例分析的,大多数都是嘴上喊喊或者死记住规则而已(当然了,这话我自己听着都有些刺耳,实在不好意思,其实关于性能优化的优质博文网上也还是有很多的,譬如Google官方都已经推出了优化专题,我这里只是总结下自的感悟而已,若有得罪欢迎拍砖,我

【转】Android应用开发性能优化完全分析 1 背景 其实有点不想写这篇文章的,但是又想写,有些矛盾.不想写的原因是随便上网一搜一堆关于性能的建议,感觉大家你一总结.我一总结的都说到了很多优化注意事项,但是看过这些文章后大多数存在一个问题就是只给出啥啥啥不能用,啥啥啥该咋用等,却很少有较为系统的进行真正性能案例分析的,大多数都是嘴上喊喊或者死记住规则而已(当然了,这话我自己听着都有些刺耳,实在不好意思,其实关于性能优化的优质博文网