【VR】Leap Motion 官网文档 ToolModel (工具模型)


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ToolModel  工具模型

ToolModel updates a model’s position and orientation based on a tracked tool. Compared to hands, tools are very simple and have no internal articulations. GameObjects used for tools should include any needed rigid bodies and colliders for interation
with the Unity world.


A flashlight is one of the example tools included with the core asset package.


class ToolModel  工具模型类

Updates a tool model based on tracking data from the Leap Motion service/daemon.

基于Leap Motion 服务或后台驻留程序追踪数据来更新工具模型。

In the Leap Motion API, tools represent long, thin objects, like a pencil, which can be tracked by the Leap Motion sensor. Tools are not associated with hands.

在Leap Motion API当中,工具代表细长的物体,像一个铅笔一样,这类物体可以被Leap Motion感应器追踪。工具与手型无关。

A GameObject representing the tool graphics and with this script attached can be added to a HandController‘s ToolModel slot.
The HandController will spawn
instances of the game object, updates its position during its lifetime, and finally, destroy the spawned instance when tracking of the tool is lost.


Public Functions 公共函数

HandController GetController()

The Leap Controller object  tracking data.


Tool GetLeapTool() 获取Leap工具

The Leap Tool object.


Quaternion GetToolRotation() 获取工具旋转角度

The local rotation of this tool based on the tracked tool, the HandController,
and the mirror setting.


Vector3 GetToolTipPosition() 获取工具顶端位置

The position of the tip of this tool in the Unity scene.


Vector3 GetToolTipVelocity() 获取工具顶端的速度

Calculates the tip velocity of this tool model within the scene.


void InitTool() 初始化工具

Initalizes the tool by setting its position and orientation.


void MirrorZAxis(bool mirror = true) 按照Z轴镜像

Whether to mirror the tool and motion.


void SetController(HandController controller)

Sets the Leap Controller for this ToolModel.


void SetLeapTool(Tool tool) 设置Leap工具

Sets the Leap Tool for this ToolModel.


void UpdateTool() 更新工具

Updates the tool by setting its position, velocity, and orientation.


Public Members 公共变量

float filtering 平滑过度系数

Smoothing factor applied to movement.




【VR】Leap Motion 官网文档 脚本参考(目录)

(版权声明:本篇为Leap Motion 官网文档译文,版权归Leap Motion 官网所有,图文内容仅供学习使用。)

时间: 2024-10-13 08:19:18

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