

Kevin Sun wants to move his precious collection of n cowbells from Naperthrill to Exeter, where there is actually grass instead of corn. Before moving, he must pack his cowbells into k boxes of a fixed size. In order to keep his collection safe during transportation, he won‘t place more than two cowbells into a single box. Since Kevin wishes to minimize expenses, he is curious about the smallest size box he can use to pack his entire collection.

Kevin is a meticulous cowbell collector and knows that the size of his i-th (1 ≤ i ≤ n) cowbell is an integer si. In fact, he keeps his cowbells sorted by size, so si - 1 ≤ si for any i > 1. Also an expert packer, Kevin can fit one or two cowbells into a box of size s if and only if the sum of their sizes does not exceed s. Given this information, help Kevin determine the smallest s for which it is possible to put all of his cowbells into k boxes of size s.


The first line of the input contains two space-separated integers n and k (1 ≤ n ≤ 2·k ≤ 100 000), denoting the number of cowbells and the number of boxes, respectively.

The next line contains n space-separated integers s1, s2, ..., sn (1 ≤ s1 ≤ s2 ≤ ... ≤ sn ≤ 1 000 000), the sizes of Kevin‘s cowbells. It is guaranteed that the sizes si are given in non-decreasing order.


Print a single integer, the smallest s for which it is possible for Kevin to put all of his cowbells into k boxes of size s.

Sample Input


2 12 5




4 32 3 5 9




3 23 5 7



Sample Output


In the first sample, Kevin must pack his two cowbells into the same box.

In the second sample, Kevin can pack together the following sets of cowbells: {2, 3}, {5} and {9}.

In the third sample, the optimal solution is {3, 5} and {7}.






using namespace std;
long long n,k,s[100005],maxs;
int main()
    for(long long i=0; i<n; i++)
    for(long long i=0; i<n-k; i++)

    return 0;
时间: 2024-11-06 21:37:15


【uva 1615】Highway(算法效率--贪心 区间选点问题)

题意:给定平面上N个点和一个值D,要求在x轴上选出尽量少的点,使得对于给定的每个店,都有一个选出的点离它的欧几里德距离不超过D. 解法:先把问题转换成模型,把对平面的点满足条件的点在x轴的直线上可得到一个个区间,这样就是选最小的点覆盖所有的区间的问题了.我之前的一篇博文有较详细的解释:关于贪心算法的经典问题(算法效率 or 动态规划).代码实现我先空着.挖坑~

【贪心+Treap】BZOJ1691-[Usaco2007 Dec]挑剔的美食家

[题目大意] 有n头奶牛m种牧草,每种牧草有它的价格和鲜嫩度.每头奶牛要求它的牧草的鲜嫩度要不低于一个值,价格也不低于一个值.每种牧草只会被一头牛选择.问最少要多少钱? [思路] 显然的贪心,把奶牛和牧草都按照鲜嫩度由大到小排序,对于每奶牛把鲜嫩度大于它的都扔进treap,然后找出后继. 不过注意后继的概念是大于它且最小的,然而我们这里是可以等于的,所以应该是找cow[i].fresh-1的后继,注意一下…… 1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<cstdio&

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ZOJ 3946 Highway Project 贪心+最短路

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CoderForce 140C-New Year Snowmen(贪心)

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计蒜客 跳跃游戏(贪心)

给定一个非负整数数组,假定你的初始位置为数组第一个下标.数组中的每个元素代表你在那个位置能够跳跃的最大长度. 请确认你是否能够跳跃到数组的最后一个下标. 例如: A = [2,3,1,1,4], return ture A = [3,2,1,0,4], return false. 格式: 第一行输入一个正整数n,接下来的一行,输入数组A[n].如果能跳到最后一个下标,输出"true",否则输出"false" 样例1 ????输入:???? ????????5 ???

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题意: n个点,一棵树,有些点是关键点,可以将m个点染色. 求所有关键点到最近的被染色点的距离的最大值最小. 解析: 反正从这道题我是学了一种做题思路? 大爷讲课的时候说的:一般选择某些点的代价相同的话都是贪心,代价不同的话一般都是DP. 想想也挺对的,不过就是没有感悟到过? 反正这题考试的时候我是直接D了贪心的- -! 忘了为啥D了. 显然最大值最小我们需要二分一下这个值. 然后接下来我们从下往上扫整棵树. 节点的状态有几个? 第一种是 子树内没有不被覆盖的关键点,并且子树中有一个节点的贡献可

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贪心 --- HNU 13320 Please, go first

Please, go first Problem's Link: http://acm.hnu.cn/online/?action=problem&type=show&id=13320 Mean: n个人一起去滑雪,要坐电梯到山顶,电梯每5分钟可以送一个人上去.这n个人中有的是组好团一起滑雪的,所以要等到齐了才能开始滑. 但是他们到达电梯下的时间都不是统一的,对于单独一个人来说,他在山下等和在山上等的时间都是一样的. 但是对于n个人的集体来说,如果让他后面的人先上去,这样可能会更节省时间.


上海邀请赛热身时候,C题是一个二分+贪心的题目.起初并不会,问了旁边的复旦大神.这几天无意发现VJ上一个专题.擦原来是一个经典类型. 二分+贪心 这类题目注意数据范围,1e8,1e9一般都是这样. 注意事项 二分法有很多写法,推荐用lf+1 < rf的写法.这个也符合计算机中数据存取的原则.对于浮点数,直接就循环100次,精度绝对够. 一般有两种类型,一种是询问最优,即数列中无重复.一种是多个即lower_bound ,upper_bound这类函数问题. 贪心使用,就是这个问题枚举答案可被验证