

Whether you are a new user planning to get your first computer, or someone migrating from Windows or Mac OS X, Ubuntu should be your first choice. It’s extremely easy to install and manage; everything just works out of the box. There are hundreds and thousands
of applications available for Ubuntu users, which makes it even more appealing. And the Ubuntu community is extremely friendly so if you need any help you will find it online.


The most user-friendly Linux distribution.

Availability of hundreds and thousands of applications.

GUI for almost every administrative task, no need to deal with the command line.

Very easy to upgrade from one version to another.


Unity takes some getting used to, as it departs from the traditional WIMP (windows, icons, mouse, pointer) interface.

Installation of 3rd party software via PPA is cumbersome.

Lacks customization.

The file manager lacks a lot of basic features.

Linux Mint

Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu and uses Cinnamon as the default desktop environment. There is almost no learning curve because it uses the familiar WIMP interface. Linux Mint has taken the great Ubuntu base and created a desktop environment that borrowed
the best features from Gnome 2. It’s as easy to install and maintain as Ubuntu.


Every application that’s available for Ubuntu would technically work on Linux Mint.

They have forked the file manager so it has more features that the file manager of Ubuntu.

Unlike Ubuntu‘s Unity, Cinnamon does offer a lot of customization options to personalize your PC.


Upgrade to the newer version is not possible. You have to reinstall everything, though they are working on improving it.

Cinnamon is still a work in progress; there are bugs.

Similar to Ubuntu, installing 3rd party software via PPA is not very straightforward.

Mixing Ubuntu repositories may cause problems.


Kubuntu is an official flavor of Ubuntu that uses KDE’s Plasma desktop instead of Unity. It is a great distro for those who want the ease of Ubuntu bundled with unlimited customization and features that Plasma desktop offers. If there is one desktop environment
that gives the ‘Linux‘ experience, meaning a user can control and tweak every nook and corner of their system, it’s Plasma.


Plasma‘s file manager Dolphin is one of the most advanced and powerful file managers.

Extremely customizable. Extremely feature rich.

Availability of all the applications that are available for Ubuntu.

Easily upgradable from one version to another, just like Ubuntu.


Too many customization options makes it a bit challenging for new users.


OpenSUSE is a perfect OS for those who want great integration of Gnome or KDE with their system. The openSUSE team patches everything to make it work well with the operating system.

OpenSUSE has a gem called YaST (yet another setup tool) that works like a mission control center for the entire operating system. It allows a user to control the entire OS from one place. It’s extremely easy to install and manage. A rolling release version
of openSUSE eliminates the need to upgrade your system every six months. OpenSUSE is certainly for a bit more advanced users looking for more control than Ubuntu offers.


Contrary to Ubuntu-based systems it’s extremely easy to install 3rd party applications with ‘one-click’ install from software.opensuse.org.

Uses major desktop environments like Gnome and KDE instead of creating their own.

Offers more customization than Ubuntu.


Upgrading from one version to another is not smooth; fresh re-install is recommended.

Has fewer applications than Ubuntu.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux is my favorite operating system. It is fully customized from the time of installation. A user installs only the components that they need which creates a very lean and optimized OS. Arch is a rolling release distribution so it always runs the
latest software - from kernel to apps.

Virtually all Linux apps are available for Arch Linux - either via the official repos or through AUR (Arch user repositories). Unlike Ubuntu or openSUSE, you don’t have to use the browser to find or install third party applications, everything can be done
from the terminal using tools like Yaourt or Packer.

Arch Linux is the best OS for those who want to learn how Linux based systems work, as you configure everything manually. It has one of the most comprehensive Wikis, which can be useful even for non Arch users.


A huge repository of software.

Always has the latest packages.

No need to reinstall for upgrades.

Extremely customizable.

Doesn’t patch anything so you get the vanilla experience of the software you install.


Hard to install; not suitable for a new Linux user.

Needs more maintenance due to rolling release nature.

Packages from AUR are compiled locally, which can take a lot of time.

Everything has to be configured manually so it needs a bit more work than just installing Kubuntu.

So these are my top 5 Linux distributions, which one do you use?

时间: 2024-08-04 05:34:44



主流发行版: RedHat系列    出现的很早的一个版本,但似乎商业意味越来越浓,很多人说7不好用,很多人说RHCE是鸡肋.个人感觉6.x的版本还是很好用的.Fedora很多年不用了.下个项目正在准备使用Oracle Linux搭建vSphere上的RAC集群. 衍生版本 Centos RHEL Fedora Oracle Linux Debian系列    最喜欢的发行版,小巧稳定,一个版本通杀桌面和服务器领域.完整的软件仓库是最爱. 衍生版本 Ubuntu Mint Knoppix Sla


适用环境: 64位Linux 下载地址(18MB): http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntsrU8x md5sum php-7.0.0-dev-20150502.tar.xz 5a4897aedc5ccf02da1f0340ac6013cb PHP版本是7.0.0开发版,2015年5月2日从Github下载的代码. https://github.com/php/php-src/archive/master.zip 创建用户: sudo groupadd -r png sudo u


2015年,不管在企业市场还是个人消费市场都是 Linux 非常重要的一年. 最好的回归发行版:openSUSE openSUSE 背后的 SUSE 公司是最老的 Linux 企业,它成立于 Linus Torvalds 宣布放出 Linux 的一年后.它其实早于 Red Hat 的诞生,它也是社区主导的发行版 openSUSE 的赞助商. 在2015,openSUSE 团队决定靠拢 SUSE Linux 企业版(SLE)以便用户可以共享企业服务版本的 DNA ,就像 CentOS 和 Ubun

[Linux发行版] 常见Linux系统下载(转)

本专题页汇总最受欢迎的Linux发行版基本介绍和下载地址,如果您是一位刚接触Linux的新手,这里的介绍可能对您有所帮助,如果您是以为Linux使用前辈,也可以在评论处留下您宝贵意见和经验,以便让更多的人得到帮助! 首先介绍以下几款国产的Linux发行版: Magic Linux 系统:Linux 基于:Fedora 起源:中国 架构:i386 桌面:KDE 分类:桌面.生活 Magic Linux是一个新的Linux发行,简称 MGC,是针对中国人的版本,由中国Linux公社的社区会员和Lin

2016年如何选择 Linux 发行版

不管是在企业级应用还是在消费者领域,2015 对于 Linux 来说都是极其重要的一年.作为一个从 2005 年就开始使用 Linux 的老用户,我有幸见证了 Linux 过去这 10 年里的重大发展,并且,我相信它在 2016 年里会更加令人激动.在这篇文章里,我会挑选几个将在 2016 年里大放光彩的最佳发行版给大家介绍一下. 强势归来的发行版:openSUSE SUSE 是 openSUSE 发行版背后的公司,同时也是起步最早的 Linux 公司:它在 Linus Torvalds 发布


从今天开始,Frank将开始在博客上记录自己学习linux的点点滴滴,F初来乍到,还望各位大佬多多指教.本次博客的主要内容如下: 计算机基础:简要的描述了计算机的组成及其功能: linux初识:介绍了linux主流的发行版,说明了不同的发行版之间的区别和linux的哲学思想,列出了linux发行版的基础目录名称命名法则及功能规定: 基础命令:详细介绍一些基础的命令,并就如何在linux系统上获取命令的帮助做出了解释. 一.计算机的组成及其功能 计算机主要是由5个部分组成 控制器(Control)


Linux发行版本,从性质上划分,可分为由商业公司维护的商业版本与由开源社区维护的免费发行版本. 商业版本以Redhat为代表,开源社区版本则以debian.Ubuntu为代表.这些版本各有不同的特点,在不同的应用领域发挥着不同的作用. CentOS.Ubuntu.Debian三个linux都是非常优秀的系统,开源的系统,也分付费的商业版和free免费版本,下面简单比较这三种系统.下面就这些不同的Linux发行版进行简单的分析: Ubuntu Ubuntu近些年的粉丝越来越多,Ubuntu有着漂


转自:http://m.blog.csdn.net/article/details?id=50595230 Linux内核是计算机操作系统的核心.一个完整的 Linux发行版包括了内核与一些其他与文件相关的操作,用户管理系统,和软件包管理器等一系列软件.每个工具都是整个系统的一小部分.这些工具通常都是一个个独立的项目,有相应的开发者来开发及维护. 前面提到的Linux内核,包括现行版本,以及历史版本(即更早发布的版本)都可以在 www.kernel.org 找到.Linux的众多发行版可能是基于


一.小述Linux发行版 由于Linux基于OpenOS的原则,任何人都可以获取源其内核源代码,因此也有了众多发行版,其中Linux最主要的三个分支分别是Debian.Slackware.RedHat. 下面分别介绍下三大主流发行版及其衍生版: 1.Debian:Debian Project诞生于1993年8月13日,它的目标是提供一个稳定容错的Linux版本.使用于任何环境,由于系统稳定,多用于服务器.支持Debian的不是某家公司,而是互联网上自发组织起来进行更新和发布的,是最为原汁原味的O