The operation on charactor string to compress the same alphabets


input abacacdekb , output 3a 2b 2c 1d 1e 1k


char a[]={'a','b','a','c','a','c','d','e','k','b'};
typedef char key_type;
typedef struct node{
	key_type key;
	struct node *next;
	int count;
}node, *pnode;

void insert(pnode *root, key_type key)
	pnode p = (pnode)malloc(sizeof(node));

	p->key = key;
	p->next = NULL;
	p->count = 1;

	if( (*root) == NULL)
		( *root ) = p;

		return ;
int find(pnode root, key_type key)

	if( root ==NULL )
		return 0;

	while( root && key != root->key)
		root =root->next;
	if( root == NULL)
		return 0;
	if( key == root->key)
		(root->count) = (root->count)+1;
		return 1 ;

void read(pnode *root )
	pnode temp =(*root);
		printf("%d%c ",temp->count,temp->key);
		temp = temp->next;
void main()
	int i;
	pnode root = NULL ;
		if( find( root , a[i] ) == 0 )

时间: 2024-10-30 21:42:39

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