About Data Analysis

About Data Analysis

工具不能解决代码中的问题。它可以帮助你更好地了解你的代码正在做什么,通过捕捉应用程序运行时的详细统计信息,并将它们呈现给你进行分析。由于每个应用程序都不同,查找和解决问题的实际步骤各不相同。因此,您必须学习如何通过过滤不需要的数据来解释信息工具,并钻入与应用程序相关的数据。然后,您必须执行一些检查工作,将您识别的任何数据与应用程序中的代码关联起来,这样您就可以进行改进。Instruments doesn’t fix problems with your code. It helps you better understand what your code is doing by capturing detailed statistics as your app runs and presenting them to you for analysis. Since every app is different, the actual steps for finding and resolving problems vary. Therefore, you must learn how to interpret the information Instruments collects by filtering out data you don’t need, and drilling down into data that’s relevant to your app. You must then perform some detective work to correlate any data you identify to the code in your app so you can make improvements.

执行跟踪后,您可以检查在时间线面板所收集的数据的详细信息窗格中,和扩展的详细地区检查员的窗格中,如图10-1所示。After performing a trace, you can examine the collected data in the timeline pane, the detail pane, and the extended detail area () of the inspector pane, as shown in Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1A trace document containing collected data


许多工具在监视应用程序时捕获定期堆栈跟踪。当您确定要进一步调查的特定数据点时,您可以通过堆栈跟踪来识别相应的代码。如果你描述一个程序你开在Xcode,你可以经常查看工具的源代码的权利或跳到Xcode的进一步研究。Many instruments capture periodic stack traces as they monitor your app. When you identify a specific data point you want to investigate further, you can go through the stack trace to identify the corresponding code. If you’re profiling an app you have opened in Xcode, you can often view the source code right in Instruments or jump over to Xcode to examine it further.

时间: 2024-08-19 00:03:43

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