Linux Bash Scripting - Command Chaining & Command lists

# this is to show you how to execute a series of commands in one strike.

$ clear; cd /; ls -l; echo "You are in $PWD"; echo "Time to go back home"; cd ~;

# use semi colon between each command.

# There is also command lists, which is for a different logic

## double ampersand means ANDING, double pipe means ORING; when using &&, only when the first command exits 0 (successful), the later command will be proceeded; when using ||, if the first command exits none zero (not successful), the later command will be proceeded;

$ ls -l && you are in $PWD, you were in $OLDPWD

$ ls -z || you are in $PWD

Linux Bash Scripting - Command Chaining & Command lists

时间: 2024-09-30 06:45:02

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原文网址: 转自:Eric Cheung: Linux(BASH)命令搜索机制 本文假设的环境是GNU/Linux,且shell是BASH; 注意: 另外,我们讨论的前提是当你键入一个命令时并没有指定该命令的路径, 举例来说就是我们键入的命令是以commandname的形式而不是/path/commandname或./path/commandname

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linux bash shell 学习站点

Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial (LSST) v2.0: 地址: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: 地址: