[计算机程序设计艺术 英文版] Procedure for Reading This Set of Books

Procedure for Reading

This Set of Books

1.Begin reading this procedure , unless you have already begun to read it.Continue to follow the steps faithfully.(The general form of this procedure and its accompanying flow chart will be used throughout this book.)

2.Read the Notes on he Exercises , on pages xv-xvii.

3.Set N equal to 1.

4.Begin reading Chapter N. Do not read the quotations that appear at the beginning of th chapter.

5.Is the subject of the chapter intereting to you ? If so , go to step 7; if not, go to step 6.

6.Is N<= 2 ? If not , go to step 16 ; if so , scan through the chapter anyway . ( Chapters 1 and 2 contain important introductory material and also a review of basic programming techniques. You should at least skim over the sections on notation and about MIX.)

7.Begin reading the next section of the chapter ; if you have already reached the end of the chapter , however , go to step 16.

8.Is section number marked with "*" ? If so, you may omit this section on first reading (it covers a rather specialixed topic that is interesting but not essential ); go back to step 7.

9.Are you mathematically inclined ? If math is all Greek to you , go to step 11 ; otherwise proceed to step 10

10.Check the mathematical derivations made in this section (and report errors to the author). Go to step 12.

11.If the current section if full of mathematical computations , you had better omit reading the derivations. However , you should become familiar with the basic results of the section ; they are usually stated near the beginning ,or in slanted type right at the very end of the hard parts.

12.work the recommended exercises in this section in accoredance with the hints giben in the Notes on the Exercises ( which you read in step 2 ).

13.After you have worked on the exercises to your satisfaction , check your answers with the answers printed in the corresponding answer section at the rear of the book ( if any answer appears for that problem ). Also read the answers to the exercises you did not have time to work . Note : In most cases it is reasonable to read the answer to exercise n before working on exercise n+1 , so steps 12 - 13 are usually done simultaneously .

14.Are you tired ? If not , go back to step 7 .

15.Go to sleep . Then wake up , and go back to step 7.

16.Increase N by one . If N = 3,5,7,9,11,or 12,begin the next volume of this set of books .

17.If N is less than or equal to 12 , go back to step 4.

18.Congratulations . Now try to get your friends to purchase a copy of Volume 1 and to start reading it . Also , go vack to step 3 .




时间: 2024-12-28 18:38:29

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