create table players ( playerno id, name varchar, sex char, join date, town varchar, ) create table pentity ( id int, playerno, amount ) 按照球员级别分组,并统计总数(球员总数) select count(*) as number case when joined < 1980 then ‘old‘ when joined <=1983 1980 then ‘youny‘ else ‘ok‘ end as level from players group by levels; 当性别为 F时,为 Feman,否则为 Man: select name, case sex when ‘F‘ then ‘Feman‘ esle ‘Man‘ end as sex from players; 或者为 select name, case when sex = ‘F‘ then ‘Feman‘ when sex = ‘M‘ then ‘Man‘ end as sex from players; 根据 town中,查询球员号码,同时如果 town为stratford,则当加入的年份大于1980,表示为 young,当加入年份小于1980时,为old, 如果 town 为 elthon,则当加入 年份 大于 1980,表示为 ‘xxxx‘,否则为 ‘yyyy‘ select playerno, case town when ‘stratford‘ then case when join > 1980 then young when join < 1980 then old end when ‘elthon‘ then case when join > 1980 then ‘xxxxx‘ when join < 1980 then ‘yyyyy‘ end end as age from players; 查找号码,并在名字前面加入首字母和点号,并且是以 s 结尾的球员数据 select playerno,concat(left(name,1), ‘.‘, name) as name from players where right(name,1) = ‘s‘; 找到至少引发两次罚款且都不低于 25元的每个球员的号码 select playerno 1 from players 2 where amount > 25 3 group by playerno 4 having count(*) > 1 5 order by playerno asc; 6 执行顺序为:2--3--4--5--6--1 union 联合查询 查询队长号和罚款的球员号 select playerno from players 1 union 2 select playerno from pentity 3 执行顺序为 1---3,然后 是2即合并 1,3并重复项 查询号码小于10且为男的球员 select * from players where playerno < 10 and sex = ‘M‘ 或者 select * from (select * from players) as pp where = ‘M‘ 其中嵌套用法中得有别名,而且以后的子查询也得用别名表示 高度嵌套: 号码 大于10且小于100,加入时间表大于1980且为男的球员编号 1.号码 大于 10 select * from players where playerno > 10; 2.号码小于 100 select * from players where playerno < 100; 3.加入时间大于 1980 select * from players where join > 1980; 4.性别为男的 select * from players where sex = ‘M‘ 合并则: select playerno from (select * from (select * from (select * from (select * from players where sex = ‘M‘) as MM where MM.join > 1980) AS JJ where JJ.playerno < 100) AS PP where PP.playerno > 10) AS LAST; 查询与编号为 100的球员且城市相同的球员 select * from players where = (select sex from players where playerno = 100) ane town = (select town from players where playerno = 100); 或者: select * from (sex,town) = (select sex,town from player where playerno = 100) 获得与 27号球员住同一城市的球员名和编号 select p1.playerno, from players p1,players p2 where = and p2.playerno = 27 and p1.playerno <> 27 当联接的列名相同时可用 select * from players join team on players.playerno = team.playerno 或者 select * from players join team using(playerno)
时间: 2025-01-01 15:15:20