Oracle account is locked or oracle user account logon denied

Following the below steps:

Oracle account is locked

1. Type "Conn /as sysdba" in the sqlplus window;

2. Type "alter user AccountName unlocked. Try to logon again.

Oracle user account logon denied

1. Type "Conn /as sysdba" in the sqlplus window;

2. Type "alter user AccountName identified by NEWPASSWORD.

时间: 2024-11-07 18:02:10

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解决ORA-28000: the account is locked

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ora-28000 the account is locked

ora-28000 the account is locked, 出现这种原因,是因为用户被锁定了, 原因:多次用锁住的那个账号尝试连接,导致被锁住. 解决方法:  alter user username account unlock; 参考网站: