
create database test
use test
create table student
    sno varchar(3) not null primary key,
    sname varchar(4) not null,
    ssex varchar(2) not null,
    sbirthday datetime,
    class varchar(5)
create table teacher
    tno varchar(3) not null primary key,
    tname varchar(4) not null,
    tsex varchar(2) not null,
    tbirthday datetime,
    prof varchar(6),
    depart varchar(10)
create table course
    cno varchar(5) not null primary key,
    cname varchar(10) not null,
    tno varchar(3) references teacher(tno)
create table score
    sno varchar(3) not null references student(sno),
    cno varchar(5) not null references course(cno),
    degree decimal(4,1)

insert into student

insert into student

insert into student

insert into student

insert into student

insert into student

insert into teacher
insert into teacher
insert into teacher
insert into teacher

insert into course
insert into course
insert into course
insert into course

insert into score
insert into score
insert into score
insert into score
insert into score
insert into score
insert into score
insert into score
insert into score
insert into score
insert into score
insert into score

select * from student
select * from teacher
select * from course
select * from score

select sname,ssex,class from student
select distinct depart from teacher
select * from score where degree  between 60 and 80
select * from score where degree in(85,86,88)
select * from student where class=‘95031‘ or ssex=‘女‘
select * from student order by class desc
select * from score order by cno asc,degree desc
select COUNT(*) from student where class=‘95031‘
select * from score
select MAX(degree) from score   --92
select sno,cno from score where degree=(select MAX(degree) from score)
select AVG(degree) from score where cno=‘3-105‘
select cno,AVG(degree) from score where cno like ‘3%‘ group by cno having count(*)>=5

select sno,MAX(degree),MIN(degree) from score group by sno having MAX(degree)<90 and MIN(degree)>70

select * from student
select * from score

select sname,cno,degree from student join score on student.sno = score.sno

select * from course
select * from score

select sno,cname,degree from course join score on course.cno = score.cno
select * from student
select * from course
select * from score

select sname,cname,degree from student
    join score on student.sno = score.sno
    join course on course.cno = score.cno

select * from student
select * from score
select sno from student where class=‘95033‘   --101,107,108
select * from score where sno in(101,107,108)
select AVG(degree) from score where sno in(select sno from student where class=‘95033‘ )

select AVG(score.degree) from student join score on student.sno = score.sno where student.class=‘95033‘

create table grade(low  int,upp  int,rank  varchar(1))
insert into grade values(90,100,‘A‘)
insert into grade values(80,89,‘B‘)
insert into grade values(70,79,‘C‘)
insert into grade values(60,69,‘D‘)
insert into grade values(0,59,‘E‘)

select * from grade
select * from score
select sno,cno,rank from grade join score on score.degree>=grade.low and score.degree<=grade.upp
select * from score
select * from score where cno=‘3-105‘  and degree>(select degree from score where cno=‘3-105‘ and sno=‘109‘)

select degree from score where cno=‘3-105‘ and sno=‘109‘   --76


delete from score
select*from score where sno=‘109‘
select sno ,cno from score
select  *from course   -- 6-166
select *from teacher
select*from score     --101 107 108
select tname from teacher  join course on teacher.tno=course.tno
join score on course.cno=score.cno
select degree from score where cno in (select cno from score where cno=‘6-166‘)


select*from teacher
select*from score

select cno from score group by cno  having COUNT(cno)>=5
select*from student  --王丽曾华李军
select sname,class from student where class=‘95033‘
select  sname ,class from student where  class=‘95031‘
select*from score
select cno from score where DEGREE>‘85‘
select*from score
select*from course
select*from teacher
select tno from teacher where depart=‘计算机系‘-- 804 825
select cno from course where tno=‘804‘   --3-105 3-245
select degree from score where cno=‘3-105‘

select*from teacher
select  distinct prof  from teacher

select degree from score where cno in(‘3-105‘)--degree92 88 6 64 91 78
select degree from score where cno in(‘3-245‘)--86 75 68

select sno,cno ,degree from score order by degree desc


select degree from score where cno in(‘3-105‘)--degree92 88 6 64 91 78
select degree from score where cno in(‘3-245‘)--86 75 68

select*from teacher
select *from course

select*from score
 select*from student
select tname,tbirthday,tsex,sname,sbirthday ,ssex from teacher
 join course on teacher.tno=course.tno
join score on course.cno=score.cno
join student on score.sno=student.sno

select tname ,tsex,tbirthday from teacher,student where tsex in(‘女‘)
select sname ,ssex,sbirthday from teacher,student where ssex in(‘女‘)


select avg(degree)from score
select *from teacher
select *from course
select*from score
select tname ,depart from teacher

--35  查询所有未讲课的教师的Tname和Depart.

select distinct cno from score
select  distinct tname ,depart from teacher
join course on teacher.tno=course.tno
join score on score.cno=course.cno
--insert into teacher values(‘888‘,‘aaa‘,‘v‘,‘2005.1.1‘,‘a‘,‘a‘)
--insert into student values(‘110‘,‘aaa‘,‘a‘,‘2005.1.1‘,‘95000‘)
select * from student  --95033  95031
select class from student group by class having COUNT(ssex)>=2

select*from student
select * from student where sname like‘王%‘
select sname, sbirthday from student

select MAX(sbirthday),min(sbirthday)from student 

select*from student order by class desc,sbirthday desc

select* from teacher where tsex=‘男‘
select sno ,cno,degree  from score where degree in (select max(degree)from score)
select*from student
select ssex from student where sname=‘李军‘
select sname from student where ssex in(select ssex from student where sname=‘李军‘)

select class from student where sname=‘李军‘
select sname ,Class from student where class in(select class from student where sname=‘李军‘)

select*from student
select*from score
select*from course
select *from student where ssex=‘男‘
select*from course where cname=‘计算机导论‘
select DEGREE,cname,ssex from student where
join score on student.sno=score.sno
join course on score.cno=course.cno
ssex in(select * from student where ssex=‘男‘)
,cname in(select * from course where cname=‘计算机导论‘)

时间: 2024-08-08 21:52:13



select * FROM student-- 二:查询student表中所有记录select * FROM score WHERE Degree>60 AND Degree<80-- 四:查询Score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录SELECT * FROM score WHERE Degree in ('85','86','88'); -- 五:查询Score表中成绩为85,86或88的记录.SELECT * FROM student WHERE Class = '95031' AND


1 --26. 查询存在有85分以上成绩的课程Cno. 2 select distinct Cno from Score where Degree >85 3 4 --27.查询出“计算机系“教师所教课程的成绩表. 5 select * from Score where Cno in ( select Cno from Course where Tno in ( select Tno from Teacher where Depart = '计算机系')) 6 7 8 --0028.查询“计算机


1 --1. 查询Student表中的所有记录的Sname.Ssex和Class列 2 select Sname,Ssex,Class from Student 3 4 --2. 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列.--distinct 去除重复 5 select distinct Depart from Teacher 6 7 --3. 查询Student表的所有记录. 8 select * from Student 9 10 --4. 查询Score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录

学习练习 java数据库查询小题

主键:Sno+ Cno表(四)Teacher(教师表)属性名 数据类型 可否为空 含 义Tno Varchar2(3) 否 教工编号(主键)Tname Varchar2(4) 否 教工姓名Tsex Varchar2(2) 否 教工性别Tbirthday Date 可 教工出生年月Prof Varchar2(6) 可 职称Depart Varchar(10) 否 教工所在部门表1-2数据库中的数据表(一)StudentSno Sname Ssex Sbirthday class108 曾华 男 1


--第一题查询Student表中的所有记录的Sname.Ssex和Class列.select Sname,Ssex,Class from Student;--第二题查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列.select distinct Depart from Teacher;--第三题. 查询Student表的所有记录select * from Student;--第四题. 查询Score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录.select * from Score where Degree b


解析:由题可知为删除数据语句.由条件重复的邮箱可得出查找条件之一是Email属性的相等.由条件重复的邮箱里只保存最小的那个可得出查找条件之二是Id属性的比较. 答案:delete p1 from Person p1,Person p2 where p1.Id>p2.Id and p1.Email=p2.Email 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/laixiaobin/p/11656324.html


解析:首先是一个SQL查询语句,由条件组合两个表得出应该是连接查询,由条件无论Person表是否有地址信息,都要基于上述两表提供Person表的信息得出应该是用FROM字句中的左外连接,这样在结果集中保留了连接表达式左表中的非匹配记录. 知识点:详见教材P151.SQL查询语句分为简单,连接,嵌套,组合查询4种类型.连接查询中的连接条件可通过WHERE子句和FROM子句表示.WHERE子句表示的连接操作可分等值连接,非等值连接,自然连接.FROM子句表示的连接操作可分为内连接,左外连接,右外连接


解析:单表显然是简单查询,由查找与昨天的温度相比温度更高的日期可得出查询条件之一是温度属性的比较.查询条件之二是昨天应该用dateDiff()函数 知识点: datepart可省略 答案: select p1.Id from Weather p1,Weather p2 where p1.Temperature>p2.Temperature and dateDiff(p1.RecordDate,p2.RecordDate)=1 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/laixia


2015年下半年系统集成项目管理工程师真题(上午)解析 第9题: 所有以满足企业和机构业务发展而产生的信息化需求为目的,基于( )的专业信息技术咨询服务.系统集成服务.技术支持服务等工作,都属于信息系统服务的范畴. A.互联网与信息技术 B.互联网与信息理念 C.信息技术与信息化理念 D.工业化和信息化 C     所有以满足企业和机构业务发展而产生的信息化需求为目的,基于信息技术和信息化理念的专业信息技术咨询服务.系统集成服务.技术支持服务等工作,都属于信息系统服务的范畴. 第16题: 数据仓