2、ctas + parallel + nologin
constraints that
were implicitly created by Oracle Database on columns of the selected
table (for example, for primary keys) are not carried over to the new
3、exchange partition
创建big_table脚本来自Oracle Database 9i10g11g编程艺术深入数据库体系结构(第2版),转换方式:普通表A.A->分区表A.A_TEMP->普通表B.B
[email protected]> create table big_table 2 as 3 select rownum id, a.OWNER, a.OBJECT_NAME, a.SUBOBJECT_NAME, a.O 3 3 select rownum id, a.OWNER, a.OBJECT_NAME, a.SUBOBJECT_NAME, a.OBJECT_ID, a.DATA_OBJECT_ID 4 from all_objects a 5 where 1=0 6 / Table created. Elapsed: 00:00:00.09 [email protected]> alter table big_table nologging; Table altered. Elapsed: 00:00:00.01 [email protected]> declare 2 l_cnt number; 3 l_rows number := &1; 4 begin 5 insert /*+ append */ 6 into big_table 7 select rownum, a.OWNER, a.OBJECT_NAME, a.SUBOBJECT_NAME, a.OBJECT_ID, a.DATA_OBJECT_ID 8 from all_objects a 9 where rownum <= &1; 10 11 l_cnt := sql%rowcount; 12 13 commit; 14 15 while (l_cnt < l_rows) 16 loop 17 insert /*+ APPEND */ into big_table 18 select rownum+l_cnt, 19 OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, SUBOBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_ID, DATA_OBJECT_ID 20 from big_table 21 where rownum <= l_rows-l_cnt; 22 l_cnt := l_cnt + sql%rowcount; 23 commit; 24 end loop; 25 end; 26 / Enter value for 1: 8000000 old 3: l_rows number := &1; new 3: l_rows number := 8000000; Enter value for 1: 8000000 old 9: where rownum <= &1; new 9: where rownum <= 8000000; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Elapsed: 00:00:07.73 [email protected]> select count(*) from big_table; COUNT(*) ---------- 8000000 Elapsed: 00:00:01.86 [email protected]> alter table big_table add constraint big_table_pk primary key(id); Table altered. Elapsed: 00:00:38.63 [email protected]> [email protected]> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats( user, ‘BIG_TABLE‘, estimate_percent=> 1); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
[email protected]> CREATE TABLE big_table_temp 2 PARTITION BY RANGE (id) 3 (PARTITION id_1 VALUES LESS THAN (MAXVALUE)) 4 AS 5 SELECT * 6 FROM big_table 7 WHERE ROWNUM <= 0; [email protected]> alter table big_table_temp add constraint pk_big_table_temp_id primary key(id);
[email protected]> grant ALL on big_table to "PINFO"; [email protected]> grant ALL on big_table_temp to "PINFO";
[email protected]> conn pinfo/admin Connected. [email protected]> CREATE TABLE pinfo.big_table 2 AS 3 SELECT * 4 FROM info.big_table 5 WHERE ROWNUM <= 0;
[email protected]> conn info/admin [email protected]> ALTER TABLE big_table_temp EXCHANGE PARTITION id_1 WITH TABLE big_table EXCLUDING INDEXES WITHOUT VALIDATION; Table altered. Elapsed: 00:00:00.02 #此处使用了excludeing选项,否则会报 ORA-14098: index mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION,可以在交换完成以后手动创建索引 [email protected]> select count(*) from big_table; COUNT(*) ---------- 0 [email protected]> select count(*) from info.big_table_temp; COUNT(*) ---------- 8000000
[email protected]> ALTER TABLE info.big_table_temp EXCHANGE PARTITION id_1 WITH TABLE pinfo.big_table EXCLUDING INDEXES WITHOUT VALIDATION; Table altered. Elapsed: 00:00:00.01 [email protected]> select count(*) from big_table; COUNT(*) ---------- 8000000 Elapsed: 00:00:02.91 [email protected]> select count(*) from info.big_table_temp; COUNT(*) ---------- 0
[email protected]> ALTER TABLE info.big_table_temp EXCHANGE PARTITION id_1 WITH TABLE pinfo.big_table EXCLUDING INDEXES WITHOUT VALIDATION; [email protected]> conn info/admin [email protected]> ALTER TABLE big_table_temp EXCHANGE PARTITION id_1 WITH TABLE big_table exCLUDING INDEXES WITHOUT VALIDATION;
To quickly move big tables between schemas use EXCHANGE PARTITION feature of Oracle 8i. for example: SQL> connect as user "A" SQL> create table large_table ( a number, b char, c date ) -- just for this example only. :) SQL> grant ALL on large_table to "B"; SQL> connect as user "B" SQL> create table large_table ( a number, b char, c date ) partition by range (a) ( partition dummy values less than (maxvalue) ) Then you can use the following command to quickly move "A.large_table" to "B.large_table" SQL> connect as user "B"; SQL> alter table large_table exchange partition dummy with table A.large_table; And return it back to schema A: SQL> alter table large_table exchange partition dummy with table A.large_table; -- of course, it is the same SQL command
时间: 2024-12-25 13:12:54