Aspose 数字和日期 设置

Microsoft Excel一个非常强大的功能就是使客户可以设置数字和日期的显示格式,众所周知数字可以显示为不同的值格式,包含:小数、货币、百分数、分数、账面价值等,同样地Aspose.Cells也为开发人员提供了这些功能,可以对数字和时间进行格式的设置。在Excel里客户可以右键单元格,选择单元格式化进行单元格的格式设置,而Aspose.Cells提供了GetStyle和SetStyle方法专门用于对单元格进行格式的设置。


Value  Type  Format String

0  General  General

1  Decimal  0

2  Decimal  0.00

3  Decimal  #,##0

4  Decimal  #,##0.00

5  Currency  $#,##0;$-#,##0

6  Currency  $#,##0;[Red]$-#,##0

7  Currency  $#,##0.00;$-#,##0.00

8  Currency  $#,##0.00;[Red]$-#,##0.00

9  Percentage  0%

10  Percentage  0.00%

11  Scientific  0.00E+00

12  Fraction  # ?/?

13  Fraction  # /

14  Date  m/d/yy

15  Date  d-mmm-yy

16  Date  d-mmm

17  Date  mmm-yy

18  Time  h:mm AM/PM

19  Time  h:mm:ss AM/PM

20  Time  h:mm

21  Time  h:mm:ss

22  Time  m/d/yy h:mm

37  Currency  #,##0;-#,##0

38  Currency  #,##0;[Red]-#,##0

39  Currency  #,##0.00;-#,##0.00

40  Currency  #,##0.00;[Red]-#,##0.00

41  Accounting  _ * #,##0_ ;_ * "_ ;_ @_

42  Accounting  _ $* #,##0_ ;_ $* "_ ;_ @_

43  Accounting  _ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * "??_ ;_ @_

44  Accounting  _ $* #,##0.00_ ;_ $* "??_ ;_ @_

45  Time  mm:ss

46  Time  h :mm:ss

47  Time  mm:ss.0

48  Scientific  ##0.0E+00

49  Text  @


//Instantiating a Workbook object

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

//Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object

int i = workbook.Worksheets.Add();

//Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index

Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[i];

//Adding the current system date to "A1" cell


//Getting the Style of the A1 Cell

Style style = worksheet.Cells["A1"].GetStyle();

//Setting the display format to number 15 to show date as "d-mmm-yy"

style.Number = 15;

//Applying the style to the A1 cell


//Adding a numeric value to "A2" cell


//Getting the Style of the A2 Cell

style = worksheet.Cells["A2"].GetStyle();

//Setting the display format to number 9 to show value as percentage

style.Number = 9;

//Applying the style to the A2 cell


//Adding a numeric value to "A3" cell


//Getting the Style of the A3 Cell

style = worksheet.Cells["A3"].GetStyle();

//Setting the display format to number 6 to show value as currency

style.Number = 6;

//Applying the style to the A3 cell


//Saving the Excel file

workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls", SaveFormat.Excel97To2003);


//Instantiating a Workbook object

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

//Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object

int i = workbook.Worksheets.Add();

//Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index

Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[i];

//Adding the current system date to "A1" cell


//Getting the style of A1 cell

Style style = worksheet.Cells["A1"].GetStyle();

//Setting the custom display format to show date as "d-mmm-yy"

style.Custom = "d-mmm-yy";

//Applying the style to A1 cell


//Adding a numeric value to "A2" cell


//Getting the style of A2 cell

style = worksheet.Cells["A2"].GetStyle();

//Setting the custom display format to show value as percentage

style.Custom = "0.0%";

//Applying the style to A2 cell


//Adding a numeric value to "A3" cell


//Getting the style of A3 cell

style = worksheet.Cells["A3"].GetStyle();

//Setting the custom display format to show value as currency

style.Custom = "£#,##0;[Red]$-#,##0";

//Applying the style to A3 cell


//Saving the Excel file

workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls", SaveFormat.Excel97To2003);

时间: 2024-07-31 21:36:38

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brerk   彻底终断循环,跳出for语句 continue  中断当前循环,进行下一循环 字符串 .Length 字符串长度 .TrimStart() 截去开头空格 .TrimEnd()   截去结尾空格 .Trim()   截去开头跟结尾的空格 .ToUpper()   全部大写 .ToLower()   全部小写 .Substring(m,n)   从左边第m(m从0开始)个开始截取字符串,截取n个 .Replace(“m”,”n”) 用n替换m .IndexOf() 指定的字符串第一次


DB2中字符.数字和日期类型之间的转换 一般我们在使用DB2或Oracle的过程中,经常会在数字<->字符<->日期三种类 型之间做转换,那么在DB2和Oracle中,他们分别是如何实现的呢?在Oracle这几个类型之间的转换是十分方便的,通过 to_char|to_date|to_number函数即可完成类型转换.本小节主要介绍DB2中的一些知识,从Oracle转过来的DBA或开发人 员,可以对比着学习. 数字型到字符型的转换 DB2中的col_a字段 字段类型 到字符类型的转换


(一)break与continue break——彻底终断循环 continue——中断本次循环,继续下次循环 break举例: 1 //求100以内所有质数 2 for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) 3 { 4 int n = 0;//n用来存放能被整除的数的个数 5 for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) 6 { 7 if (i % j == 0) 8 { 9 n++; 10 } 11 if (n > 2) 12 { 13 break;//跳


TO_CHAR(x[[,c2],C3]) [功能]将日期或数据转换为char数据类型 [参数] x是一个date或number数据类型. c2为格式参数 c3为NLS设置参数 如果x为日期nlsparm=NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE 控制返回的月份和日份所使用的语言. 如果x为数字nlsparm=NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS 用来指定小数位和千分位的分隔符,以及货币符号. NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS ="dg", NLS_CURRENCY=&qu


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