Error during installing HAXM, VT-X not working 在安装HAXM错误,开始不工作

最佳答案 (Best Answer)

Some antivirus options prevent Haxm installation. ie: Avast : settings (parametres) tab -> troubleshooting (depannage) : you should uncheck "enable hardware-assisted virtualization" ("activer l‘assistance a la virtualisation").

防止Haxm安装一些杀毒选项。即:停住:设置(参数进行)选项卡- >故障排除(depannage):你应该取消“启用hardware-assisted虚拟化”(“活跃l ‘assistance la虚拟化”)。

答案 (Answer) 2

I had the same issues on my notebook which runs Windows 8.1

Try this:

  • Check if Hyper-V options in "Windows Features avtivate or deactivate" are deactivated
  • Download and install the latest Oracle VirtualBox
  • Reboot
  • Install HAXM

It looks like that the installation of VirtualBox sets a flag that "turns" VT-X on.

我有同样的问题在我的笔记本上运行Windows 8.1


  • 检查是否hyper - v选项”窗口特性avtivate或禁用“停用
  • 下载并安装最新的甲骨文VirtualBox
  • 重新启动
  • 安装HAXM


答案 (Answer) 3

Did you get a message about enabling the Execute Disable bit?

You can enable the XD bit by running the following command (as administrator) and then reboot.

bcdedit /set nx AlwaysOn

Usually, this error: "This computer meets requirements for HAXM, but VT-x is not turned on" means that your system does have Intel VT, but you need to go into the BIOS to actually enable it.

I also ran into these instructions -might be helpful to you:

Did you ever get it to work?



bcdedit / nx AlwaysOn设置

通常,这个错误:“这台电脑HAXM满足要求,但开始不是打开”意味着你的系统有Intel VT,但实际上你需要进入BIOS启用它。



时间: 2024-10-25 13:15:48

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