这两天接触android studio,跟着教程,接触到genymotion模拟器,版本2.8.1-- 本人使用的模拟器配置为:google nuex4,android sdk4.4.4,安装微信时提示如下: an error occured while deploying the file. this probably means that the app contians ARM native code and you Genymotion device cannot run ARM ins
[问题现象]通过Openstack界面,试用镜像centos6.5 minimal ISO镜像生成虚拟机实例,云主机类型为m1.little,虚拟机上电后安装OS,提示"no usbale disks have been found" [问题原因] 云主机类型m1.little的资源配置如下: | ID | Name | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap | VCP
在windows 2012上安装rac时,GI 的安装失败,报OUI-35024 来源于: RAC on Windows 2012: Grid Infrastructure Installation Fails With OUI-35024 (文档 ID 1907834.1) 适用于: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) 症状: Oracl