maple minimax函数

numapprox[minimax] - minimax rational approximation

Calling Sequence

minimax(f, x=a..b,
[m, n], w,

minimax(f, a..b,
[m, n], w,





procedure or expression representing the function



variable name appearing in f, if f is an expression

a, b


numerical values specifying the interval of approximation



integer specifying the desired degree of the numerator



integer specifying the desired degree of the denominator



(optional) procedure or expression specifying the weight function, default 1



(optional) a name which will be assigned the minimax norm



This procedure computes the best minimax rational approximation of degree (m, n)
for a given real function f(x) on the interval [a, b]
with respect to the positive weight function w(x), via the Remez algorithm.

Specifically, it computes the rational expression  such


is minimized over all rational expressions  with
numerator of degree <= m and denominator of degree <= n.

Note that if f(x) is nonzero on the interval of approximation then the relative error will be minimized by specifying the weight function .

If the second argument is a range a..b then
the first argument is understood to be a Maple operator, and the result will be returned as an operator. If the second argument is an equation  then
the first argument is understood to be an expression in the variable x, and the result will be returned as an expression.
In all cases, the numerator and denominator of the result are each expressed in Horner (nested multiplication) form.

Note that for the purpose of evaluating a rational function efficiently (minimizing the number of arithmetic operations), the rational function should be converted to a continued-fraction form. See numapprox[confracform].

If  or
if the third argument is simply an integer m then the best minimax polynomial approximation of degreem is

If the fourth argument w is specified then it is assumed to be an
operator if f is an operator, and it is assumed to be an expression if f is
an expression. If the fourth argument is omitted then the weight function is understood to be  for
all x.

If the fifth argument ‘maxerror‘ is present then it must be a name.
Upon return, its value will be an estimate of the minimax norm specified by equation (1) above.

Various levels of user information will be displayed during the computation if infolevel[minimax] is
assigned values between 1 and 3.

The command with(numapprox,minimax) allows the use of the abbreviated
form of this command.








See Also


时间: 2024-12-29 23:07:21

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matlab命令 一.常用对象操作:除了一般windows窗口的常用功能键外. 1.!dir 可以查看当前工作目录的文件. !dir& 可以在dos状态下查看. 2.who 可以查看当前工作空间变量名, whos 可以查看变量名细节. 3.功能键: 功能键 快捷键 说明 方向上键 Ctrl+P 返回前一行输入 方向下键 Ctrl+N 返回下一行输入 方向左键 Ctrl+B 光标向后移一个字符 方向右键 Ctrl+F 光标向前移一个字符 Ctrl+方向右键 Ctrl+R 光标向右移一个字符 Ctr

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numapprox[remez] - Remez algorithm for minimax rational approximation Calling Sequence remez(w, f, a, b, m, n, crit, 'maxerror') Parameters w - procedure representing a weight function w(x) > 0 on [a, b] f - procedure representing the function f(x) t

maple 教程

1 初识计算机代数系统Maple 1.1 Maple简说 1980年9月, 加拿大Waterloo大学的符号计算机研究小组成立, 開始了符号计算在计算机上实现的研究项目, 数学软件Maple是这个项目的产品. 眼下, 这仍是一个正在研究的项目. Maple的第一个商业版本号是1985年出版的. 随后几经更新, 到1992年, Windows系统下的Maple 2面世后, Maple被广泛地使用, 得到越来越多的用户. 特别是1994年, Maple 3出版后, 兴起了Maple热. 1996年初

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