Binary Search 的递归与迭代实现及STL中的搜索相关内容

与排序算法不同,搜索算法是比较统一的,常用的搜索除hash外仅有两种,包括不需要排序的线性搜索和需要排序的binary search。

首先介绍一下binary search,其原理很直接,不断地选取有序数组的组中值,比较组中值与目标的大小,继续搜索目标所在的一半,直到找到目标,递归算法可以很直观的表现这个描述:

int binarySearchRecursive(int A[], int low, int high, int key)
    if (low > high) return -1;
    int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
    if (key < A[mid]) return binarySearchRecursive(A, low, mid - 1, key);
    else if (key > A[mid]) return binarySearchRecursive(A, mid + 1, high, key);
    else return mid;

但实际上,递归方法的时间效率和空间效率都不如迭代方法,迭代方法才是常用的binary search,代码如下:

int binarySearch(int A[], int low, int high, int key)
    int mid;
    while (low <= high)
        mid = (low + high) >> 1;
        if (key < A[mid]) high = mid - 1;
        else if (key > A[mid]) low = mid + 1;
        else return mid;
    return -1;

简单计算一下Binary Search的效率:






即T(n)=log(n)*C+T(1),所以binary search是一个O(log(n))的算法。


void searchTest()
    int a[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,17,20,23,39 };
    cout << binarySearch(a, 0, 11, 39) << endl;
    cout << binarySearch(a, 0, 11, 37) << endl;
    cout << binarySearch(a, 5, 10, 39) << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << binarySearchRecursive(a, 0, 11, 39) << endl;
    cout << binarySearchRecursive(a, 0, 11, 37) << endl;
    cout << binarySearchRecursive(a, 5, 10, 39) << endl;



请按任意键继续. . .


int count(起始迭代器,终止迭代器,key value)

return key value的数量

iterator find(起始迭代器,终止迭代器,key value)

成功:return 找到的第一个key value的迭代器

失败:return 终止迭代器

bool binary_search(起始迭代器,终止迭代器,key value)

return 是否找到

iterator lower_bound(起始迭代器,终止迭代器,key value)

return 大于或等于key value的第一个迭代器,若所有值都小于key value,返回终止迭代器

iterator upper_bound(起始迭代器,终止迭代器,key value)

return 大于key value的第一个迭代器,若所有值都小于key value,返回终止迭代器

这些函数中,count和find是作用于任意排序对象的,其效率为O(n),而binary_search, lower_bound, upper_bound是作用于有序对象的,其效率是O(logN)。


void searchTest()
    vector<int> b{ 1,2,3,4,4,7,9,11,17,20,23,39 };
    cout << "vector<int> b{ 1,2,3,4,4,7,9,11,17,20,23,39 };" << endl;
    cout << "count(b.begin(), b.end(), 4):"
        << count(b.begin(), b.end(), 4) << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "find(b.begin(), b.end(), 39) - b.begin():"
        << find(b.begin(), b.end(), 39) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << "find(b.begin(), b.end(), 4) - b.begin():"
        << find(b.begin(), b.end(), 4) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << "find(b.begin(), b.end(), 37) - b.begin():"
        << find(b.begin(), b.end(), 37) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << "find(b.begin() + 5, b.begin() + 10, 39) - b.begin():"
        << find(b.begin() + 5, b.begin() + 10, 39) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "binary_search(b.begin(), b.end(), 39):"
        << binary_search(b.begin(), b.end(), 39) << endl;
    cout << "binary_search(b.begin(), b.end(), 37):"
        << binary_search(b.begin(), b.end(), 37) << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "lower_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 39) - b.begin():"
        << lower_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 39) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << "lower_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 4) - b.begin():"
        << lower_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 4) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << "lower_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 37) - b.begin():"
        << lower_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 37) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << "lower_bound(b.begin() + 5, b.begin() + 10, 39) - b.begin():"
        << lower_bound(b.begin() + 5, b.begin() + 10, 39) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "upper_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 39) - b.begin():"
        << upper_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 39) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << "upper_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 4) - b.begin():"
        << upper_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 4) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << "upper_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 37) - b.begin():"
        << upper_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 37) - b.begin() << endl;
    cout << "upper_bound(b.begin() + 5, b.begin() + 10, 39) - b.begin():"
        << upper_bound(b.begin() + 5, b.begin() + 10, 39) - b.begin() << endl;


vector<int> b{ 1,2,3,4,4,7,9,11,17,20,23,39 };
count(b.begin(), b.end(), 4):2

find(b.begin(), b.end(), 39) - b.begin():11
find(b.begin(), b.end(), 4) - b.begin():3
find(b.begin(), b.end(), 37) - b.begin():12
find(b.begin() + 5, b.begin() + 10, 39) - b.begin():10

binary_search(b.begin(), b.end(), 39):1
binary_search(b.begin(), b.end(), 37):0

lower_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 39) - b.begin():11
lower_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 4) - b.begin():3
lower_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 37) - b.begin():11
lower_bound(b.begin() + 5, b.begin() + 10, 39) - b.begin():10

upper_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 39) - b.begin():12
upper_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 4) - b.begin():5
upper_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), 37) - b.begin():11
upper_bound(b.begin() + 5, b.begin() + 10, 39) - b.begin():10
请按任意键继续. . .

时间: 2024-12-19 18:32:47

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