虚拟目录下apache点击报The requested URL* was not found on this server.


alias /mogodb/ "/data/backup"
<Directory "/data/backup">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

当我访问 http://host/mogodb/  可以看到当前文件夹的list


The requested URL /mogodb/xxxx.tar.gz was not found on this server.


then the URL /icons will not be aliased, as it lacks that trailing /. Likewise, if you omit the slash on the URL-path then you must also omit it from the file-path.



时间: 2024-10-16 22:22:43

虚拟目录下apache点击报The requested URL* was not found on this server.的相关文章

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