Roman Roulette(约瑟夫环模拟)

Roman Roulette

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 286    Accepted Submission(s): 105

Problem Description

The historian Flavius Josephus relates how, in the Romano-Jewish conflict of 67 A.D., the Romans took the town of Jotapata which he was commanding. Escaping, Jospehus found himself trapped in a cave with 40 companions. The Romans discovered his whereabouts and invited him to surrender, but his companions refused to allow him to do so. He therefore suggested that they kill each other, one by one, the order to be decided by lot. Tradition has it that the means for effecting the lot was to stand in a circle, and, beginning at some point, count round, every third person being killed in turn. The sole survivor of this process was Josephus, who then surrendered to the Romans. Which begs the question: had Josephus previously practised quietly with 41 stones in a dark corner, or had he calculated mathematically that he should adopt the 31st position in order to survive?

Having read an account of this gruesome event you become obsessed with the fear that you will find yourself in a similar situation at some time in the future. In order to prepare yourself for such an eventuality you decide to write a program to run on your hand-held PC which will determine the position that the counting process should start in order to ensure that you will be the sole survivor.

In particular, your program should be able to handle the following variation of the processes described by Josephus. n > 0 people are initially arranged in a circle, facing inwards, and numbered from 1 to n. The numbering from 1 to n proceeds consecutively in a clockwise direction. Your allocated number is 1. Starting with person number i, counting starts in a clockwise direction, until we get to person number k (k > 0), who is promptly killed. We then proceed to count a further k people in a clockwise direction, starting with the person immediately to the left of the victim. The person number k so selected has the job of burying the victim, and then returning to the position in the circle that the victim had previously occupied. Counting then proceeeds from the person to his immediate left, with the kth person being killed, and so on, until only one person remains.

For example, when n = 5, and k = 2, and i = 1, the order of execution is 2, 5, 3, and 1. The survivor is 4.


Your program must read input lines containing values for n and k (in that order), and for each input line output the number of the person with which the counting should begin in order to ensure that you are the sole survivor. For example, in the above case the safe starting position is 3. Input will be terminated by a line containing values of 0 for n and k.

Your program may assume a maximum of 100 people taking part in this event.

Sample Input

1 1
1 5
0 0

Sample Output

1 1




类似于约瑟夫所述的问题,你的程序需要处理如下改编过的问题。最初n(n > 0)个人面朝内围成一个环,并依次按顺时针编号1到n。你的编号为1,第一个轮到的人编号为i,同样顺时针方向开始计数,直到第k(k > 0)个人把他杀掉。然后再从下一个还活着的人开始向后数到第k个人,由这个人来把刚才杀掉的人埋葬,并站到被杀的人的位置上。然后再从他左面第一个还活着的人开始计数,杀掉第k个人,以此类推,直到只有一个人还活着。

比方说,n = 5,k = 2,i = 1,被杀的顺序应为:2、5、3和1。4幸存。



模拟的实现使用动态数组是非常方便的,过程也很简单。数组初始存储每一个人的编号,从第0个元素(1号)开始计数,每次杀死一个人前先不要将这个人的编号删除,而是先找出要来埋他的人,将他们的编号互换,然后将埋他的人原来所在的位置删掉即可。最后计算出的是从1号开始计数,最后能幸存的人编号p,那么从你前面第p个人开始你就是安全的(你站在第1位),即n – p。这个换算的原理是显而易见的。




 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<algorithm>
 3 #include<cstdio>
 4 #include<cstring>
 5 #include<cmath>
 6 #include<vector>
 7 #include<map>
 8 #include<stack>
 9 #include<queue>
10 #define mem(x,y) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))
11 /*#define L tree[root].l
12 #define R tree[root].r
13 #define S tree[root].sum
14 #define NOW tree[root<<1].sum+tree[root<<1|1].sum
15 #define lson root<<1,l,mid
16 #define rson root<<1|1,mid+1,r*/
17 using namespace std;
18 const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
19 vector<int>vec;
20 int main(){
21     int n,k,flot=0;
22     while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&k),n|k){
23         vec.clear();
24         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
25             vec.push_back(i);
26             int pos=0,kisp=(k-1)%vec.size();
27         while(vec.size()>1){
28         pos=(kisp-1+k)%(vec.size()-1);
29         pos=(pos+(pos>=kisp))%vec.size();
30         vec[kisp]=vec[pos];
31             vec.erase(vec.begin()+pos);
32             kisp=(kisp+k-(pos<kisp))%vec.size();
33         }
34         printf("%d\n",(n - vec.front() + 1) % n + 1);
35         //printf("Case %d: %d\n",++flot,*vec.begin());
36     }
37     return 0;
38 }
时间: 2024-08-07 10:14:25

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