



时间: 2024-08-25 17:06:27



在面向对象(OO)的世界中存在着三个十分容易混淆的概念:重载(Overloading).重写(Overriding).隐藏(Hiding). 1.重载 重载是指同一作用域的不同函数使用相同的函数名,但是函数的参数个数或类型不同.重载在C中就已经存在了,正如我们所熟悉的abs函数一样,如下所示: double abs(double); int abs(int); abs(1); // call abs(int); abs(1.0); // call abs(double); 重载函数就是在一个类空

Java Method Overriding --- runtime polymorphism ! not overloading

ref: http://www.studytonight.com/java/method-overriding-in-java.php                     Method Overriding between parent and child The key benefit of overriding is the ability to define method that's specific to a particular subclass type class Anima


博主注:本渣渣水平有限,文中若有不对的地方敬请指出,谢谢. 一.选择题(2*15=30) 1.In C# what is base class of all reference types? System.Type   B. System.Base    C.System.Object    D.System.Root 解答:所有引用类型的基类为System.Object 引用老师PPT: (枚举是值类型,放在这里只是作为扩展) 2.Wrong statement? A.double a = 1


CIL: Common Intermediate Language 公共中间语言CLR: Common Language Runtime 公共语言运行库Creation of New Types is the essence(核心)of OOP. Type(类型) is defined by class and object(对象) is the instance(实例) of class. 赋值语句: 值域大的变量 = 值域小的变量:占位符foreach循环Three pillars(3大支柱

(C/C++) Interview in English - Basic concepts.

Question Key words Anwser A assignment operator abstract class It is a class that has one or more pure virtual functions. assignment & initialization constructed -> change value ,Same time Assignment changes the value of the object that has already

【转】Basic C# OOP Concept

This Article will explain a very simple way to understand the basic C# OOP Concept Download ShanuBasicCSharpOOPConceptV1.3.zip - 1.3 MB Table of Contents Class Object Variable Method Access Modifiers Encapsulation Abstraction Inheritance Polymorphism

C# Interview Questions:C#-English Questions

This is a list of questions I have gathered from other sources and created myself over a period of time from my experience, many of which I felt where incomplete or simply wrong.  I have finally taken the time to go through each question and correct

The Third Assignment

这一周的东西虽然看上去很熟悉....However,和C++还有JAVA的差距还是挺大的.... 1.首先类的定义中,成员变量还有函数默认是private这和之前C++还有Java是一样的.. 然而在C#中又多了internal和protected internal两个访问级别 2.C# 4.0 函数允许声明optional arguments. class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { test(5); //这里只传进去了一个int a

哪些问题是面试官经常问Java工程师的问题 ? --- 转自quora

Which are the frequently asked interview questions for Java Engineers ? Vivek Vermani, www.buggybread.com | Programme... (more) 265 upvotes by Ridox Liu, Shivani Sahni Vermani, Viet Thang, (more) Java的基础知识   For a Core Java Developer , Questions arou