



  1. Palindrome Partitioning II(hard) ☆
  2. Distinct Subsequences(hard)
  3. Edit Distance (hard)
  4. Interleaving String (hard)
  5. Regular Expression Matching (hard) ★
  6. Wildcard Matching(hard) ★ 大神太牛了
  7. Longest Valid Parentheses (hard)★
  8. Scramble String (hard)★
  9. Maximal Rectangle (hard)★
  10. Unique Binary Search Trees (middle)☆
  11. Minimum Path Sum(easy)
  12. Unique Binary Search Trees II (middle)☆
  13. Unique Binary Search Trees (middle)☆
  14. Unique Path ||(easy)
  15. Unique Path(easy)
  16. triangle(easy)
  17. Decode Ways(medium) 


  1. Restore IP Addresses (middle)
  2. Subsets II (middle) ☆
  3. Word Search (middle)


  1. atoi (hard) ★
  2. Candy(hard) 自己做出来了 但别人的更好
  3. Substring with Concatenation of All Words (hard) ★
  4. Search a 2D Matrix (easy)
  5. 3Sum (medium)
  6. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum (medium)
  7. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree (easy)
  8. Subsets (Medium) ☆
  9. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal (hard) ☆
  10. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree (easy)
  11. Plus One (easy)
  12. Climbing Stairs (easy)
  13. Best Time to Buy and Sell 3 (hard) 自己做出来了 但别人的更好
  14. Best Time to Buy and Sell 2(too easy)
  15. Best Time to Buy and Sell (easy)
  16. Single Number II (medium) ★ 自己没做出来....
  17. Single Number (Medium) ☆
  18. Valid Sudoku (easy)
  19. Two Sum (easy)
  20. length of last word (easy)
时间: 2024-10-09 23:26:44


[目录][Leetcode] Leetcode 题解索引

之前想边做题边写结题报告,发现有点力不从心,而且很多地方也是一知半解,现在重新做题,重新理解.这篇文章主要起一个目录的作用. 128 Longest Consecutive Sequence (Java) [Hard] [Array]

LeetCode 单链表专题 (一)

目录 LeetCode 单链表专题 <c++> \([2]\) Add Two Numbers \([92]\) Reverse Linked List II \([86]\) Partition List \([82]\) Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II \([61]\) Rotate List \([19]\) Remove Nth Node From End of List LeetCode 单链表专题 <c++> \([2]\)


目录 Leetcode动态规划[简单题] 53. 最大子序和 题目描述 思路分析 复杂度分析 70.爬楼梯 题目描述 思路分析 复杂度分析 121.买卖股票的最佳时机 题目描述 思路分析 复杂度分析 303.区域和检索-数组不可变 题目描述 思路分析 复杂度分析 Leetcode动态规划[简单题] 动态规划(Dynamic programming,简称DP),是一种把原问题分解为相对简单的子问题的方式求解复杂问题的方法.动态规划相较于递归,拥有更少的计算量. 53. 最大子序和 题目描述 给定一


目录 Leetcode数组题*3 66.加一 题目描述 思路分析 88.合并两个有序数组 题目描述 思路分析 167.两数之和Ⅱ-输入有序数组 题目描述 思路分析 Leetcode数组题*3 66.加一 题目描述 给定一个由整数组成的非空数组所表示的非负整数,在该数的基础上加一. 最高位数字存放在数组的首位, 数组中每个元素只存储单个数字. 你可以假设除了整数 0 之外,这个整数不会以零开头. 示例: 输入: [1,2,3] 输出: [1,2,4] 解释: 输入数组表示数字 123. 链接:ht

[LeetCode] Design Phone Directory 设计电话目录

Design a Phone Directory which supports the following operations: get: Provide a number which is not assigned to anyone. check: Check if a number is available or not. release: Recycle or release a number. Example: // Init a phone directory containing


参考文献:http://blog.csdn.net/lanxu_yy/article/details/17848219 不过本文准备用超链接的方式连接到相应解答页面,不断更新中 题目 算法 数据结构 注意事项 Clone Graph BFS 哈希表 Word Ladder II BFS 哈希表 Surrounded Regions BFS 矩阵 Word Ladder BFS N/A Binary Tree Level Order Traversal BFS|前序遍历 队列 Binary Tre


leetcode刷题整理: 1——Two Sum(哈希表hashtable,map) 2——Add Two Numbers(链表) 3——Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters(set,哈希表,两个指针) 9——Palindrome Number (数学问题) 11——Container With Most Water(两个指针) 12——Integer to Roman(string,数学问题) 13——Roman to Integer(s


contest 1 ~ contest 10 contest 11 ~ contest 20 contest 21 ~ contest 30 : https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangwanying/p/6753040.html contest 31 ~ contest 40 contest 41 ~ contest 50 contest 51 ~ contest 60:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangwanying/p/9998523.html c

leetcode 71 Simplify Path

题目连接 https://leetcode.com/problems/simplify-path/ Simplify Path Description Given an absolute path for a file (Unix-style), simplify it. For example,path = "/home/", => "/home"path = "/a/./b/../../c/", => "/c"