xcode5 asset catalogs 由于图标尺寸错误导致编译问题解决[原创]

如下图,即使图片尺寸不规范,xcode5也可以正常预览(这里我提供的尺寸是57*57, 而需要的是120*120)


Images.xcassets: error: The app icon set named "AppIcon" did not have any applicable content.
Images.xcassets:./AppIcon.appiconset/[iphone][60x60][2x]: warning: AppIcon.appiconset/Icon.png is 57x57 but should be 120x120.



Images.xcassets: error: The app icon set named "AppIcon" did not have any applicable content.

Images.xcassets:./AppIcon.appiconset/[iphone][60x60][2x]: warning: AppIcon.appiconset/Icon.png is 57x57 but should be 120x120.


iOS7要求的图标尺寸与iOS6等老版本比较有些变化,包括iPhone和iPad,尺寸都有增加,各图标尺寸具体数值可参见官网的iOS App编程指南

xcode5 asset catalogs 由于图标尺寸错误导致编译问题解决[原创]

时间: 2024-08-09 22:02:11

xcode5 asset catalogs 由于图标尺寸错误导致编译问题解决[原创]的相关文章

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