


Optimus says a lot of cool things. Most of it is very inspirational and motivates you to achieve beyond your full potential. Occasionally he’ll spew out a wacky line or two that seems kinda funny when it wasn’t meant to be.

The great Autobot leader has a bunch of famous quotes that you can use in your everyday life. I have compiled 10 such lines and they appear below in no particular order. Use them at your own risk.

“Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing.”
Source: Transformers Revenge of the Fallen
Context: Sam Witwicky, being the whiny little bitch that he is, just wants to party his head off at the local U in the middle of a Decepticon invasion. Prime urges Sam to answer his calling and help the Autobots save Earth and everyone on it.
When to use: If you are in charge of a project and your whiny staff members are just watching the clock and waiting to go home, inspire them a little by using this line. Suggest that the project is their calling and they are the only ones who can see it to completion. You can always fire their sorry ass if they are still unmotivated.

“Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.”
Source: Optimus Prime’s motto on his Tech Spec bio since G1
Context: N/A
When to use: If your boss wants you to work overtime on nights and/or weekends with no overtime pay, throw this line in his face. Freedom is a right, including freedom to not work.

“Sometimes even the wisest of men and machines can be in error.”
Source: Transformers (1984), SOS Dinobots
Context: After the Dinobots saved Optimus and most other Autobots, Prime admits his previous error in judgment of locking away the Dinobots.
When to use: This is an excellent line to use when you have made an error and people have found out about it. Not only do you man up to the mistake you made, you also make the implication that errors are bound to happen and they will be made by everyone given enough time. Almost makes you look good for making the mistake in the first place.

“We lost a great comrade, but gained new ones. Thank you, all of you. You honor us with your bravery.”
Source: Transformers (2007)
Context: After the battle with the Decepticons, Prime laments the loss of Jazz, but simultaneously acknowledges their new found friendship with their human allies.
When to use: Management loves to save dollars by slashing the jobs of senior level personnel and replacing them with cheaper workers of less skill and less experience. The thinking here is that the company can pay less and still get the same quality of work as before. Those of us that have been in any industry long enough know that this is rarely the case. But we all know management just loves bad decisions so this is a practice that will continue til the end of time. And when it does happen and you are welcoming the new substitutes into the fold, you can greet them with this line. Losing the great comrade refers to the senior member that was let go, and the new personnel does indeed honor you with their bravery because they have no idea what they’re getting into without the senior member present.

“Like us, there’s more to them than meets the eye.”
Source: Transformers (2007)
Context: Optimus ponders on how amazing the humans can be.
When to use: Let’s say you suspect a rival company is up to something. Or let’s say there’s some bad blood going on between your dept/team/group with another one in the same company and you suspect they’re up to no good. That will be the perfect time to whip out this line. You are implying they can be just as crafty as you are, and this is a light warning that you should take heed of their activities.

“I will accept this burden with all that I am!”
Source: Transformers War For Cybertron
Context: Cybertron/Primus has chosen Optimus to inherit a portion of his Spark to take with him to the stars. Optimus bravely steps forward and receives the Autobot Matrix of Leadership.
When to use: You have just been handed a project and you want to let your boss know he has made the right choice in letting you hold the reins. Show your enthusiasm by uttering this line, loud and clear. Don’t be shy. Management loves people who appear to take responsibility. If the project really does suck, turn around and give it to one of your underlings.

“There’s a thin line between being a hero and being a memory.”
Source: Transformers (1984), More Than Meet’s The Eye Part 3
Context: Ironhide tries to battle the Decepticons all by himself and sustains damage. Optimus shares a bit of wisdom with this impulsive warrior that is way past his prime.
When to use: In every office, there are individuals that love to volunteer the entire team into taking on more assignments or doing more work. While that’s great for these over-caffeinated workaholics, you rather spend your spare time napping or playing golf. Curb their enthusiasm by using this quote. Pretend you care by letting them know that if they do too much too soon, they may burn themselves out and not be able to work at all.

“We’re putting your company into bankruptcy.”
Source: Transformers (1984), Make Tracks
Context: Prime and company attack a Decepticon installation that was converting stolen human cars into Decepticon drone warriors.
When to use: You are negotiating with a rival company. Thing’s aren’t going well and you’ve had enough. Threaten them a little with this quote. Show them the meaning of “Hostile Takeover”, Transformer style.

“Until that day… till all are one.”
Source: Transformers The Movie (1986)
Context: A dying Optimus Prime addresses the Autobots with these final words as he hands the Matrix over to Ultra Magnus.
When to use: A delivery date is fast approaching and your boss wants an update on the status of the project. If the project is not going well, or if you simply don’t have any freakin’ clue on how it’s going, then it is time to answer with this line. This response is cool enough that it sounds like you have given the update and taken responsibility for its status, but at the same time you didn’t actually say anything. Your boss is free the interpret the meaning of this response. More often than not, he’ll just be too embarrassed to ask you what you really mean because he’s afraid he might look stupid. Use that to your advantage.

“It’s been an honor serving with you all.”
Source: Transformers (2007)
Context: Optimus addresses his troops before their next battle, where he plans to sacrifice himself against overwhelming odds.
When to use: When you’ve been fired for using any of these quotes in the manner listed above.

For even more great Prime quotes, visit The Quotable Optimus Prime.

And here is one quote that you won’t ever hear in the workplace… “Transform and Roll Out!”


时间: 2024-10-11 00:01:50



兔子月薪5千,打算用20万建一个窝. 狼不允许,说私自建就是违章建筑,只允许向王八买. 王八是搞房地产的,先用20万贿赂狼取得开发权,再用50万元向狼买这块地,投资10万元把兔子窝盖好,向兔子要价200万元. 兔子拿不出这么多钱于是向狐狸借200万元,连本带利300万,20年还清, 兔子全家二十年给狐狸打工. 狼.狐狸.王八都挣了钱,只有兔子亏,连孩子也不敢生了. 兔子越来越少,狼觉得这样下去大家没肉吃,于是调控. 狼显得非常重视兔窝价格太贵的问题,研究部署了遏制兔窝价格过快上涨的政策措施.最后


林语堂经典语录 1.彻悟与痛苦 一个人彻悟的程度,恰等于他所受痛苦的深度. 2.稀罕 人类之足引以自傲者总是极为稀少,而这个世界上所能予人生以满足者亦属罕有. 中国就有这么一群奇怪的人,本身是最底阶层,利益每天都在被损害,却具有统治阶级的意识.在动物世界里找这么弱智的东西都几乎不可能. 3.倘无幽默 没有幽默滋润的国民,其文化必日趋虚伪,生活必日趋欺诈,思想必日趋迂腐,文学必日趋干枯,而人的心灵必日趋顽固. 4.倘无女子 没有女子的世界,必定没有礼俗.宗教.传统及社会阶级.世上没的天性守礼的男子


孔子经典语录解读 立志篇 “三军可夺师也,匹夫不可夺志也” 解读:数百万军队的主师可以被俘获,而一个普通人的坚强意志却是任何力量都不能使他改变的. 引申为:大丈夫无论何时何地豪情壮志不可夺. “士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远” 解读:一个读书人不可以不志向高,意志坚,因为责任很重,而奋斗的路很长. 引申为:人生中一个人的目标越远大,前进就会越努力. 修养篇 “吾曰三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?” 解读:我每天多次检查自己:替人谋划事情,有不尽心尽力的地方吗?同朋友交往有不诚实


行有行规,行有行话,西安iOS开发培训人员在软件开发过程中总结出的iOS程序员经典语录,一起看看吧! 1.一个好的程序员是那种过单行线马路都要往两边看的人.(Doug Linder) 2. 程序有问题时不要担心.如果所有东西都没问题,你就失业了.(软件工程的Mosher定律) 3. 程序员的麻烦在于,你无法弄清他在捣腾什么,当你最终弄明白时,也许已经晚了.(超级计算机之父Seymour Cray) 4. 我想大部分人都知道通常一个程序员会具有的美德.当然了,有三种:懒惰,暴躁,傲慢.(Perl语

[转]一个人的命运决定于晚上8点到10点之间 经典语录

经典语录1: 哈佛有一个著名的理论:人的差别在于业余时间,而一个人的命运决定于晚上8点到10点之间.每晚抽出2个小时的时间用来阅读.进修.思考或参加有意的演讲.讨论,你会发现,你的人生正在发生改变,坚持数年之后,成功会向你招手.不要每天抱着QQ/MSN/游戏/电影/肥皂剧……奋斗到12点都舍不得休息,看就看一些励志的影视或者文章,不要当作消遣:学会思考人生,学会感悟人生,慢慢的,你的人生将会发生变化…… 经典语录2: 无论你的收入是多少,记得分成五份进行规划投资:增加对身体的投资,让身体始终好用

兔斯基 经典语录

本文参考与百度兔斯基 兔斯基 经典语录 1. 疼痛使我有活着的感觉. 兔斯基 2.难过的时候,可曾想起过我? 3. 孤单是一种态度. 4. 命运是存在的,只不过有的人不敢去相信,有的人不屑去相信罢了. 5. 压力都是自己给的. 6. 距离并不可怕,可怕的是心越来越远. 7. 很多事情都不是以快乐为目的的,甚至与快乐无关. 8. 据说每个人一生中都能遇到两万个与自己相配得人,我的那两万人又在哪里? 9. 永远不要期望什么,因为你往往什么都得不到. 10. 单身就是一个人在食堂吃馄饨. 兔斯基 11


1.小胜凭智,大胜靠德. 2.有干劲,你就洒下汗水:有知识,你就献出智慧:二者都不具备,请你让出岗位. 3.城市多喝一杯奶,农村致富一家人. 4.财散人聚,财聚人散. 5.一个产品,抓眼球,揪耳朵,都不如暖人心. 6.一个人智力有问题,是次品:一个人的灵魂有问题,就是危险品.经营人心就是经营事业. 7.好心态才有好状态. 8.帮助别人,但不伤害别人. 9.要想知道,打个颠倒. 10.从无到有,是件快乐的事.而从有到无,同样是种快感. 11.产品市场是亿万公民,资本市场是千万股民,原料市场是百万农


1.没有失败,只有暂时停止成功. 2.凡事发生必有其目的并且有助于我. 3.延迟不等于拒绝. 4.过去不等于未来. 5.如果我不能,我就一定要:假如我一定要,我就一定能. 6.没有得到我要的,即将得到更好的. 7.积极思索,越来越好. 8.我很乐意接受更多的财富和更大的成就. 9.一个人之所以快乐,是因为他想要让别人快乐.一个人之所以痛苦,是因为他自己想要快乐. 10.看见目标就看不到障碍. 11.要让事情改变,先改变自己:要让事情变得更好,先让自己变得更好. 12.成功者决不放弃,放弃者决不成


1.阅读的最大理由是想摆脱平庸,早一天就多一份人生的精彩:迟一天就多一天平庸的困扰. 2'历史上也有一些深刻的哲人,以歌颂青年来弘扬社会的生命力.但这里显然横亘着一种二律背反:越是坚固的对象越需要鼓动青年去对付,但他们恰恰因为年轻,无法与真正的坚持相斡旋. 3.人格尊严的表现不仅仅是强硬.强硬只是人格的外层警卫.到了内层,人格的天地是清风明月,柔枝涟漪,细步款款,浅笑连连. 4.这时人生变得很空灵,除了隐隐然几条人生大原则,再也记不得更多的条令.我认为这是一种极好的人生状态,既有很大的幅度,又有