Multiple Server Query Execution报The result set could not be merged..

在SQL Server中使用Multiple Server Query Execution这个功能做数据库维护或脚本发布时非常方便,昨天由于磁盘空间原因,删除清理了大量的软件和组件,结果导致SSMS客户端出了问题,重装过后,使用Multiple Server Query Execution时,出现了大量下面错误:

An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: The result set could not be merged because the result schema did not match the schema from the first responding server.

出现这个问题,只需要在SSMS的选项(Options)-> Query Results -> MultiServer Results -> Merge results 这个选项的值从“True”值修改为“False"值。

时间: 2024-12-31 04:27:38

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