Maven 3.3.3 (Binary tar.gz)
Maven 3.3.3 (Binary zip)
Maven 3.3.3 (Source tar.gz)
Maven 3.3.3 (Source zip)
Installing Maven ---------------- 1) Unpack the archive where you would like to store the binaries, eg: Unix-based operating systems (Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X) tar zxvf apache-maven-3.x.y.tar.gz Windows unzip 2) A directory called "apache-maven-3.x.y" will be created. 3) Add the bin directory to your PATH, eg: Unix-based operating systems (Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X) export PATH=/usr/local/apache-maven-3.x.y/bin:$PATH Windows set PATH="c:\program files\apache-maven-3.x.y\bin";%PATH% 4) Make sure JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your JDK 5) Run "mvn --version" to verify that it is correctly installed.
.zip 用于windows
另外 是源码
.zip 是安装包
时间: 2024-11-06 20:12:19