






‘[Setup Information]
‘Server = 服务器名
‘UserName = 用户名
‘Password = 密码
‘Data = 数据库

‘3、工程引用Microsoft Axtivex data objects 2.6 library


‘5 、在需要连接数据库的窗体顶端加入以下代码:
‘ Option Explicit
‘ Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
‘ Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset

‘Conn.Open "driver={SQL Server};server=" + Trim(Server) + ";uid=" + Trim(User) + ";pwd=" + Trim(Password) + ";database=" + Trim(Data) + ""
‘Rs.Open "select * from 表民", Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

‘ Rs.Close
‘ Conn.Close
‘ Set Rs = Nothing
‘ Set Conn = Nothing


‘Public SqlStmt As String

Public Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal lpFilenchame As String) As Long
Public Declare Function WritePrivateProfileSection Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileSectionA" (ByVal lpAppName As String, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal lpFilenchame As String) As Long

Public Server As String
Public User As String
Public Password As String
Public Data As String

Sub main()

Server = GetKey(App.Path + "\Setup.ini", "Server")
User = GetKey(App.Path + "\Setup.ini", "User")
Password = GetKey(App.Path + "\Setup.ini", "Password")
Data = GetKey(App.Path + "\Setup.ini", "Data")
If Server = "" Then
MsgBox "Setup.ini文件参数错误!", , "警告"
End If


End Sub

Function FileExist(Fname As String) As Boolean
On Local Error Resume Next
FileExist = (Dir(Fname) <> "")
End Function
Public Function GetKey(Tmp_File As String, Tmp_Key As String) As String
Dim File As Long
File = FreeFile

If FileExist(Tmp_File) = False Then
GetKey = ""
Call WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Information", "Server", "", App.Path + "\Setup.ini")
Call WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Information", "UserName ", " ", App.Path + "\Setup.ini")
Call WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Information", "Password", " ", App.Path + "\Setup.ini")
Call WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Information", "Data", " ", App.Path + "\Setup.ini")
Exit Function
End If

Open Tmp_File For Input As File
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #File, buffer
If Left(buffer, Len(Tmp_Key)) = Tmp_Key Then
pos = InStr(buffer, "=")
GetKey = Trim(Mid(buffer, pos + 1))
End If
Close File
End Function




时间: 2024-12-19 04:52:09



Option Explicit Private WithEvents IE As VBControlExtender Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim IE Set IE = Me.Controls.Add("Shell.Explorer.2", "IE", Me) IE.Top = 0 IE.Left = 0 IE.Width = 5000 IE.Height = 5000 IE.Width = Me.ScaleWidth IE.H


本文需要说明的是一种动态数组模板类(Array),可用于自定义的需要连续空间的容器,能有效得利用分配的空间,提供较高效的数组对象操作,和使用引用计数减少内存复制拷贝. Array与std::vector或std::array不同.Array存储连续的对象,并且在对象内存前开辟一份数组 描述块对数组进行描述.Array存储的数据数量是动态的,可以通过setLength调整,同时可以使用+. +=运算符向数组中追加数据.多个数组实例允许使用同一份数据内容,并且不会重复创建内容,这是该数 组类最重要的

arcgis api for js入门开发系列二十一气泡窗口信息动态配置模板



原文地址:http://javaz.cn/site/javaz/site_study/info/2015/31166.html 项目地址:http://www.freeteam.cn/ FreeCMS商业版提供此功能.共有两种方式. 1.使用templetPro.do访问 ${contextPath}templetPro.do?siteid=${site.id}&templetPath=index.html siteid参数代表站点id. templetPath参数代表要动态访问此站点所用模板下


方法就是使用:ActionFilterAttribute它的几个方法:OnActionExecuted,OnActionExecuting,OnResultExecuted和OnResultExecuting,它们记录一个action从加载到页面最终显示在浏览器的全过程,这个东西一般用在页面权限验证,LayOut页面控制上这里面的几个方法执行顺序:OnActionExecuting action执行前 OnActionExecuted action执行后 OnResultExecuting 页面

HDU 2475 BOX 动态树 Link-Cut Tree 动态树模板

Box Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) [Problem Description] There are N boxes on the ground, which are labeled by numbers from 1 to N. The boxes are magical, the size of each one can be enlarged or r


Link Cut Tree: #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define L(x) T[(x)].son[0] #define R(x) T[(x)].son[1] #define fa(x) T[(x)].fa using namespace std; const int N=300050; int stk[N]; int n,m; struct Tree{ int son[2],fa; int val,siz,Xor; bool tag; }T[N]; bool isr


package 动态连接数据库; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.util.LinkedList; public class UtilsDB { public static


jdbc连接数据库操作 jdbc连接数据库模板,收藏可做模板使用(小型工程,一般大工程都会用框架,c3p0等连接,不考虑此种方法!). 配置文件的使用(使用配置文件可以使我们后期的修改更加方便,当然,也可以使用java中的枚举效果也是相同的,不过在这里推荐大家使用配置文件) 在这里使用mysql做类子: 1 #db.properties 2 #一般放在src下 3 4 5 6 driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 7 url=jdbc:mysql://