yield curve

1. A yield curve can be built using deposit rates, swap rates, and future/forward rates

2. A par-coupon rate is the yield to maturity of a coupon-paying bond whose market price equals 100% of its face value.

Although par coupon rates are very rarely observable in the bond market, interest rate swaps are quoted as par-coupon rates.

3.  In an upward-sloping yield curve, bonds with smaller coupons will have higher yields and bonds with larger coupons will have lower yields. In a downward-sloping yield curve, bonds with smaller coupons will have lower yields and bonds with larger coupons will have higher yields. Only in a completely flat yield curve will bonds with different coupons have equal yields ???

时间: 2024-12-25 00:48:39

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关于Python中的yield http://www.cnblogs.com/tqsummer/archive/2010/12/27/1917927.html http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/opensource/os-cn-python-yield/ 一.迭代器(iterator) 在Python中,for循环可以用于Python中的任何类型,包括列表.元祖等等,实际上,for循环可用于任何“可迭代对象”,这其实就是迭代器 迭代器是一个实现了迭代器协议

ruby yield 关键字用法实例

yield关键字我是这样理解,用它来占一个位置,先标记下这个地方将来要写代码的,等到调用的时候,再来编写具体的代码.有点像函数指针,或者C#里的委托,但其实并不太一样. 写测试接口的时候,每次的assert返回值不一样,但函数体大部分是相同的,只有参数不同.正好最近看到了yield,就熟悉一下用法,可以把assert这部分code写在yield 的位置. 例子主要就是test_nodes这个函数的定义 和 它的调用. Code: 1 def generate_nodes(n=3) 2 retur