
  • An undirected graph is a graph where the pairings representing the edges are _____________.

    • Unordered无序
  • Two vertices in a graph are ___________ if there is an edge connecting them.
    • B .Adjacent 相邻的
  • An undirected graph is considered complete if it has the maximum number of edges connecting vertices.
    • C .Complete
  • A _________ is a sequence of edges that connects two vertices in a graph.
    • B .Path 路径
  • A ________ is a path in which the first and last vertices are the same and none
    • D .Cycle
      -A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree where the sum of the weights of the edges is greater than or equal to the sum of the weights for any other spanning tree for the same graph.
    • B .false
  • A spanning tree is a tree that includes all of the edges of a graph and some, but possibly not all, of the vertices.
    • B .false
  • A graph is connected if and only if the number of vertices in the breadth-first traversal is the same as the number of vertices in the graph regardless of the starting vertex.
    • B .false
  • The only difference between a depth-first traversal of a graph and a breadth-first traversal is the use of a queue instead of a stack to manage the traversal.
    • B .false
  • A network, or a weighted graph, is a graph with weights or costs associated with each edge.
    • A .true
  • A path is a sequence of edges that connects two vertices in a graph.
    • A .true
  • Two vertices in a graph are adjacent if there is an edge connecting them.
    • A .true
  • A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree where the sum of the weights of the edges is ____________ to the sum of the weights for any other spanning tree for the same graph.
    • A .Less than or equal
  • The only difference between a depth-first traversal of a graph and a breadth-first traversal is the use of a _________ instead of a queue to manage the traversal.
    • A .Stack


时间: 2024-08-03 13:35:35


2017-2018-1 20155305 《信息安全系统设计基础》第四周学习总结(课堂提交作业未来得及提交码云链接myod补充博客)

2017-2018-1 20155305 <信息安全系统设计基础>第四周学习总结(课堂提交作业未来得及提交码云链接myod补充博客) 课堂提交题目要求 编写MyOD.java 用java MyOD XXX实现Linux下od -tx -tc XXX的功能 代码码云链接补交 源代码main函数 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.

20172311-ASL测试 2018-1938872补充博客

20172311-ASL测试 2018-1938872补充博客 课程:<程序设计与数据结构> 班级: 1723 姓名: 赵晓海 学号: 20172311 实验教师:王志强老师 测试日期:2018年10月12日 必修/选修: 必修 测试内容 已知线性表具有元素{5,13,19,21,37,56,64,75,80,88,92},如果使用折半查找法,ASL是多少? (本题目2分,要求写出结题过程) 测试过程及结果 测试过程中遇到的问题和解决过程 问题1:什么是ASL 问题1解决方案:通过询问同学得知


1.参考完整的博客笔记:http://www.cnblogs.com/xdp-gacl/tag/MyBatis%E5%AD%A6%E4%B9%A0%E6%80%BB%E7%BB%93/ 2.补充博客1中的mybatis多对多查询:http://www.cnblogs.com/chenliyang/p/6548400.html


先上效果图: 我这里用的是GifCam来制作的gif动画,可以在http://download.csdn.net/detail/baidu_nod/7628461下载, 制作过程是先起一个模拟器,然后把GifCam的框拖到模拟器上面,点击Rec的new先,然后点击Rec,然后就save到本地成gif文件 这里做一个左右旋转,上下旋转,和左右移动的动画,先自己建立一个View的类,作为操作的对象: public class MyView extends View { private Paint m


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