lintcode-medium-Subarray Sum Closest

Given an integer array, find a subarray with sum closest to zero. Return the indexes of the first number and last number.


Given [-3, 1, 1, -3, 5], return [0, 2][1, 3][1, 1][2, 2] or[0, 4].


O(nlogn) time

public class Solution {
     * @param nums: A list of integers
     * @return: A list of integers includes the index of the first number
     *          and the index of the last number
    public int[] subarraySumClosest(int[] nums) {
        // write your code here

        if(nums == null || nums.length == 0)
            return new int[2];

        int[] res = new int[2];

        if(nums.length == 1){
            res[0] = 0;
            res[1] = 0;
            return res;

        node[] nodes = new node[nums.length];
        int sum = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){
            sum += nums[i];
            nodes[i] = new node(i, sum);

        Arrays.sort(nodes, new Comparator<node>(){
            public int compare(node n1, node n2){
                return n1.sum - n2.sum;

        int index = 0;
        int diff = nodes[index + 1].sum - nodes[index].sum;

        for(int i = 0; i < nums.length - 1; i++){
            if(nodes[i + 1].sum - nodes[i].sum < diff){
                index = i;
                diff = nodes[i + 1].sum - nodes[i].sum;

        res[0] = Math.min(nodes[index].index, nodes[index + 1].index) + 1;
        res[1] = Math.max(nodes[index].index, nodes[index + 1].index);

        return res;

    class node{
        int index;
        int sum;

        public node(int index, int sum){
            this.index = index;
            this.sum = sum;

时间: 2024-10-21 20:31:53

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