cocos2dx-2.x CCFileUtils文件管理类分析(2)


    /** Returns the fullpath for a given filename.

     First it will try to get a new filename from the "filenameLookup" dictionary.
     If a new filename can't be found on the dictionary, it will use the original filename.
     Then it will try to obtain the full path of the filename using the CCFileUtils search rules: resolutions, and search paths.
     The file search is based on the array element order of search paths and resolution directories.

     For instance:

     	We set two elements("/mnt/sdcard/", "internal_dir/") to search paths vector by setSearchPaths,
     	and set three elements("resources-ipadhd/", "resources-ipad/", "resources-iphonehd")
     	to resolutions vector by setSearchResolutionsOrder. The "internal_dir" is relative to "Resources/".

		If we have a file named 'sprite.png', the mapping in fileLookup dictionary contains `key: sprite.png -> value: sprite.pvr.gz`.
     	Firstly, it will replace 'sprite.png' with 'sprite.pvr.gz', then searching the file sprite.pvr.gz as follows:

     	    /mnt/sdcard/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz      (if not found, search next)
     	    /mnt/sdcard/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz        (if not found, search next)
     	    /mnt/sdcard/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz    (if not found, search next)
     	    /mnt/sdcard/sprite.pvr.gz                       (if not found, search next)
     	    internal_dir/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz     (if not found, search next)
     	    internal_dir/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz       (if not found, search next)
     	    internal_dir/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz   (if not found, search next)
     	    internal_dir/sprite.pvr.gz                      (if not found, return "sprite.png")

        If the filename contains relative path like "gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png",
        and the mapping in fileLookup dictionary contains `key: gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png -> value: gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz`.
        The file search order will be:

     	    /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz      (if not found, search next)
     	    /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz        (if not found, search next)
     	    /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz    (if not found, search next)
     	    /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz                       (if not found, search next)
     	    internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz     (if not found, search next)
     	    internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz       (if not found, search next)
     	    internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz   (if not found, search next)
     	    internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz                      (if not found, return "gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png")

     If the new file can't be found on the file system, it will return the parameter pszFileName directly.

     @since v2.1
    virtual std::string fullPathForFilename(const char* pszFileName);

    std::string CCFileUtils::fullPathForFilename(const char* pszFileName)
    CCAssert(pszFileName != NULL, "CCFileUtils: Invalid path");

        //android下 判断依据就是是否以'/'开头或者以assets/开头。下面这个函数,注释的很清楚。
	//例: Get data from file(/second_bg.png) failed! 我在创建精灵时传递/second_bg.png路径
	bool CCFileUtilsAndroid::isAbsolutePath(const std::string& strPath)
	    // On Android, there are two situations for full path.
	    // 1) Files in APK, e.g. assets/path/path/file.png
	    // 2) Files not in APK, e.g. /data/data/org.cocos2dx.hellocpp/cache/path/path/file.png, or /sdcard/path/path/file.png.
	    // So these two situations need to be checked on Android.
	    if (strPath[0] == '/' || strPath.find(m_strDefaultResRootPath) == 0)
		return true;
	    return false;
    std::string strFileName = pszFileName;
    if (isAbsolutePath(pszFileName))
        //CCLOG("Return absolute path( %s ) directly.", pszFileName);
        return pszFileName;

    // Already Cached ?
    std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator cacheIter = m_fullPathCache.find(pszFileName);
    if (cacheIter != m_fullPathCache.end())
        //CCLOG("Return full path from cache: %s", cacheIter->second.c_str());
        return cacheIter->second;

	std::string CCFileUtils::getNewFilename(const char* pszFileName)
	    const char* pszNewFileName = NULL;
	    // in Lookup Filename dictionary ?
	    //比如这个字典里存了一个"fish.png(key)" --> "big_fish.png(value)"
	    CCString* fileNameFound = m_pFilenameLookupDict ? (CCString*)m_pFilenameLookupDict->objectForKey(pszFileName) : NULL;
	    if( NULL == fileNameFound || fileNameFound->length() == 0) {
		pszNewFileName = pszFileName;
	    else {
		pszNewFileName = fileNameFound->getCString();
		//CCLOG("FOUND NEW FILE NAME: %s.", pszNewFileName);
	    return pszNewFileName;
    // Get the new file name.
    std::string newFilename = getNewFilename(pszFileName);

    string fullpath = "";

    //m_searchPathArray 前面介绍过搜索路径数组,需要我们手动设置。android的初始话会添加一个默认值为

    /* m_searchResolutionsOrderArray 可以理解为分辨率搜索顺序,就按开头注释说明的那样
	We set two elements("/mnt/sdcard/", "internal_dir/") to search paths vector by setSearchPaths,

     	and set three elements("resources-ipadhd/", "resources-ipad/", "resources-iphonehd")
     	to resolutions vector by setSearchResolutionsOrder. 

	/mnt/sdcard/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz      (if not found, search next)
     	/mnt/sdcard/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz        (if not found, search next)
     	/mnt/sdcard/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz    (if not found, search next)

    for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator searchPathsIter = m_searchPathArray.begin();
         searchPathsIter != m_searchPathArray.end(); ++searchPathsIter) {
        for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator resOrderIter = m_searchResolutionsOrderArray.begin();
             resOrderIter != m_searchResolutionsOrderArray.end(); ++resOrderIter) {

            //CCLOG("\n\nSEARCHING: %s, %s, %s", newFilename.c_str(), resOrderIter->c_str(), searchPathsIter->c_str());

	    //下面我分析一下这个函数:-->> 2
            fullpath = this->getPathForFilename(newFilename, *resOrderIter, *searchPathsIter);

            if (fullpath.length() > 0)
                // Using the filename passed in as key.
                m_fullPathCache.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(pszFileName, fullpath));
                //CCLOG("Returning path: %s", fullpath.c_str());
                return fullpath;

    //CCLOG("cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at %s. Possible missing file.", pszFileName);

    // The file wasn't found, return the file name passed in.
    return pszFileName;

--> 2
//filename -- 传入的文件名
//searchPath -- 搜索路径
//resolutionDirectory -- 资源分辨率路径
std::string CCFileUtils::getPathForFilename(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resolutionDirectory, const std::string& searchPath)
    std::string file = filename;
    std::string file_path = "";
    size_t pos = filename.find_last_of("/");
    if (pos != std::string::npos)
        file_path = filename.substr(0, pos+1);
        file = filename.substr(pos+1);

    //处理成:path = searchPath + gamescene/uilayer/ + resourceDirectory
              file = sprite.png
    ///mnt/sdcard/ gamescene/uilayer/ resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz
    // searchPath + file_path + resourceDirectory
    std::string path = searchPath;
    path += file_path;
    path += resolutionDirectory;

    path = getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(path, file);

    //CCLOG("getPathForFilename, fullPath = %s", path.c_str());
    return path;

std::string CCFileUtils::getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(const std::string& strDirectory, const std::string& strFilename)
    std::string ret = strDirectory+strFilename;
    if (!isFileExist(ret)) {
        ret = "";
    return ret;


bool CCFileUtilsAndroid::isFileExist(const std::string& strFilePath)
    if (0 == strFilePath.length())
        return false;

    bool bFound = false;

    // Check whether file exists in apk.
    if (strFilePath[0] != '/')
        std::string strPath = strFilePath;
        if (strPath.find(m_strDefaultResRootPath) != 0)
        {// Didn't find "assets/" at the beginning of the path, adding it.
            strPath.insert(0, m_strDefaultResRootPath);

        if (s_pZipFile->fileExists(strPath))
            bFound = true;
        FILE *fp = fopen(strFilePath.c_str(), "r");
            bFound = true;
    return bFound;


时间: 2024-10-23 06:03:11

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