November 06th, 2017 Week 45th Monday

The education of a man is never completed until he dies.


Being a life-long learning is key to future success, especially in this fast-moving world.

We should always bear in mind that it‘s important to invest time and energy in new skills and capabilities.

Even after graduating from school, there are many things we don‘t know and we have to learn them through imitating others and transforming the skills we learned into ourselves‘ by using those knowledge in practising.

In the process of learning, if there are continuous positive rewardings, even the minorest, we will consolidate our confidence and we are willing to learn more and more, for we think it is really a worthwhile porcess.

But what we will do if there is no timely stimulus? Give up? Or try to dedicate more?

If we stop there, all our previous efforts, will be wasted.

So just let us do a littlle more and then check whether to stick with it or not.

Change your life today. Don‘t gamble on the future. Act now, without delay.

When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.


From Ernest Hemingway.

Be sure to make your conversation filled with valuable contents that can attract others.

Otherwise no one would like to wait for you to complete your dreary talks.

If you can‘t provide enough meaningful contents in your conversation, just sit down and learn and practise until you have some.


时间: 2024-08-06 22:10:07

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