PAT 1001. A+B Format (20)

Calculate a + b and output the sum in standard format -- that is, the digits must be separated into groups of three by commas (unless there are less than four digits).


Each input file contains one test case. Each case contains a pair of integers a and b where -1000000 <= a, b <= 1000000. The numbers are separated by a space.


For each test case, you should output the sum of a and b in one line. The sum must be written in the standard format.

Sample Input

-1000000 9

Sample Output

 1 import java.util.Scanner;
 4 public class Main {
 5     public static void main(String[] args) {
 6         Scanner input = new Scanner(;
 7         int a = input.nextInt();
 8         int b = input.nextInt();
 9         int sum = a+b;
10         String temp = sum+"";
11         if(sum<0){
12             if(temp.length()<=4){
13                 System.out.println(sum);;
14             }else{
15                 int m = (temp.length()-1)%3;
16                 System.out.print(temp.charAt(0));
17                 if(m==1){
18                     System.out.print(temp.charAt(1));
19                 }
20                 if(m==2){
21                     System.out.print(temp.charAt(1));
22                     System.out.print(temp.charAt(2));
23                 }
24                 for(int i=m+1;i<temp.length();i++){
25                     if((i-m-1)%3==0&&i!=1){
26                         System.out.print(",");
27                     }
28                     System.out.print(temp.charAt(i));
30                 }
31             }
32         }else{
33             if(temp.length()<=3){
34                 System.out.println(sum);;
35             }else{
36                 int m = (temp.length())%3;
37                 if(m==1){
38                     System.out.print(temp.charAt(0));
39                 }
40                 if(m==2){
41                     System.out.print(temp.charAt(0));
42                     System.out.print(temp.charAt(1));
43                 }
44                 for(int i=m;i<temp.length();i++){
45                     if((i-m)%3==0&&i!=0){
46                         System.out.print(",");
47                     }
48                     System.out.print(temp.charAt(i));
49                 }
50             }
51         }
52     }
53 }
时间: 2024-12-21 14:05:06

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