exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No auto configuration classes found in META-INF/spring.factories. If you are using a custom packaging, make su re that file is correct.

spring cloud 项目使用maven 打包报错“No auto configuration classes found in META-INF/spring.factories”




时间: 2024-08-30 11:40:40

exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No auto configuration classes found in META-INF/spring.factories. If you are using a custom packaging, make su re that file is correct.的相关文章

解决nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value of type: class java.util.ArrayList问题

一.背景 最近闲来无事,想自己搭建一套Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis+Mysql的环境(搭建步骤会在以后博客中给出),结果运行程序时,适用@ResponseBody注解进行返回List<对象>的json数据时出现了:nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value of type: class java.util.ArrayList错误,就细细

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错误信息如下: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to read candidate component class: file [D:\myworkspace\javaweb\20160530-spring_mybatis\bin\com\dzq\ssm\mapper\UserMapper.class]; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgu

异常:Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

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HTTP Status 500 - Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Control character in cookie value or attribute.

1 HTTP Status 500 - Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Control character in cookie value or attribute. 2 type Exception report 3 4 message Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.Illega

【错误解决】BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to read candidate component class: file [mapper.class文件]; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

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jpa语句报 org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Parameter with that position [2] did not exist; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter with that position

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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: &#39;sessionFactory&#39; or &#39;hibernateTemplate&#39; is required

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Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [com.mongodb.MongoClient]: Factory method 'mongo' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: clusterListener can not be null at org.s