b.Jre Memory Leak Prevention Listener




另外一种就是,java对象太多,新生代,老年代等对象存储区太多,full GC都已经收拾不了这种残局;


而作为Tomcat来讲,如何避免这种溢出,就是这个 Jre Memory Leak Prevention Listener 的能力了;

对于第一种class的情况,Jre Memory Leak Prevention Listener将class的加载优先放在系统类加载器这一级中,来解决这个问题;






Jre Memory Leak Prevention Listener和上述的思路类似,其主要会将一些常用的class资源泄露的库优先加载;



你可以在Jre Memory Leak Prevention Listener中进行配置,然后优先在系统ClassLoader中进行加载;

说到这里,Jre Memory Leak Prevention Listener的整体流程是先保存原来的线程上下文的classloader,然后直接进行切换,最后再切换回来:






类似的机制还有很多,Jre Memory Leak Prevention Listener还可以减少一些线程创建,其思路也是也是这种将每一个应用的线程变成只有一份线程;


JRE Memory Leak Prevention Listener - org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener

The JRE Memory Leak Prevention Listener provides work-arounds for known places where the Java Runtime environment uses the context class loader to load a singleton as this will cause a memory leak if a web application class loader happens to be the context class loader at the time. The work-around is to initialise these singletons when this listener starts as Tomcat‘s common class loader is the context class loader at that time. It also provides work-arounds for known issues that can result in locked JAR files.

This listener must only be nested within Server elements.

需要注意,Jre Memory Leak Prevention Listener 只能配置在<Server>中;

The following additional attributes are supported by the JRE Memory Leak Prevention Listener:

Attribute Description
Enables protection so that calls to sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext() triggered by a web application do not result in a memory leak. Note that enabling this protection will trigger a requirement for a graphical environment unless Java is started in head-less mode. The default is false. This protection is disabled if running on Java 8 onwards since the leak has been fixed for Java 8 onwards.


Enables protection so that calls to java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() triggered by a web application do not result in a memory leak. Defaults to false because an AWT thread is launched. This protection is disabled if running on Java 9 onwards since the leak has been fixed for Java 9 onwards.

web应用多次执行java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() 会造成内存泄露,保护代码为:

List of comma-separated fully qualified class names to load and initialize during the startup of this Listener. This allows to pre-load classes that are known to provoke classloader leaks if they are loaded during a request processing. Non-JRE classes may be referenced, like oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTimeoutThreadPerVM. The default value is empty, but specific JRE classes are loaded by other leak protection features managed by other attributes of this Listener.



The first use of java.sql.DriverManager will trigger the loading of JDBC Driver in the current class loader. The web application level memory leak protection can take care of this in most cases but triggering the loading here has fewer side-effects. The default is true.



Enables protection so that calls to sun.misc.GC.requestLatency(long) triggered by a web application do not result in a memory leak. Use of RMI is likely to trigger a call to this method. A side effect of enabling this protection is the creation of a thread named "GC Daemon". The protection uses reflection to access internal Sun classes and may generate errors on startup on non-Sun JVMs. The default is true. This protection is disabled if running on Java 9 onwards since the leak has been fixed for Java 9 onwards.

作为SUN的JDK,在进行GC请求的时候,会调用sun.misc.GC.requestLatency(long)  ;



Enables protection so that the PoolCleaner thread started by com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapPoolManager does not result in a memory leak. The thread is started the first time the LdapPoolManager class is used if the system property com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.timeout is set to a value greater than 0. Without this protection, if a web application uses this class the PoolCleaner thread will be configured with the thread‘s context class loader set to the web application class loader which in turn will trigger a memory leak on reload. Defaults to true. This protection is disabled if running on Java 9 onwards since the leak has been fixed for Java 9 onwards.

Ldap的池中的PoolCleaner 线程如果每一个应用的应用classLoader加载极容易出现内存泄露;

Enables protection so that usage of the javax.security.auth.login.Configuration class by a web application does not provoke a memory leak. The first access of this class will trigger the initializer that will retain a static reference to the context class loader. The protection loads the class with the system class loader to ensure that the static initializer is not triggered by a web application. Defaults to true. This protection is disabled if running on Java 8 onwards since the leak has been fixed for Java 8 onwards.

让系统类加载器就把Configuration  初始化了,可以保证静态的initializer  不被web应用的类加载器调用,保证只有1份;

Enables protection so that usage of the deprecated javax.security.auth.Policy class by a web application does not result in a memory leak. The first access of this class will trigger the static initializer that will retain a static reference to the context class loader. The protection calls the getPolicy() method of this class to ensure that the static initializer is not triggered by a web application. Defaults to true.

Note: The underlying leak has been fixed in Java 7 update 51 onwards and Java 8 onwards. This protection is therefor disabled if running on Java 8 onwards.

Policy 的配置,和上一个securityLoginConfigurationProtection的配置一个意思;

Enables protection so that any token poller thread initialized by sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11.initToken() does not result in a memory leak. The thread is started depending on various conditions as part of the initialization of the Java Cryptography Architecture. Without the protection this can happen during Webapp deployment when the MessageDigest for generating session IDs is initialized. As a result the thread has the Webapp class loader as its thread context class loader. Enabling the protection initializes JCA early during Tomcat startup. Defaults to true. This protection is disabled if running on Java 9 onwards since the leak has been fixed for Java 9 onwards.

减少Java Cryptography Architecture的线程,不创建那么多个tokenPollerProtection线程;

Enables protection so that reading resources from JAR files using java.net.URLConnections does not result in the JAR file being locked. Note that enabling this protection disables caching by default for all resources obtained via java.net.URLConnections. Caching may be re-enabled on a case by case basis as required. Defaults to true.



Enables protection so that parsing XML files within a web application does not result in a memory leak. Note that memory profilers may not display the GC root associated with this leak making it particularly hard to diagnose. Defaults to true. This protection is disabled if running on Java 9 onwards since the leak has been fixed for Java 9 onwards.


总结一下,其实Jre Memory Leak Prevention Listener主要做的就是让多份内存变成1份内存,方法有很多,线程减少,提高classloader加载的层级,提前预热,甚至我们通过Jre Memory Leak Prevention Listener的代码来发现,其还能解锁jar文件。。。

看似貌似是很神奇的,但可以看到,这里面大多数与实际的具体实现框架有关,如SUN.xxx,和特定的JDK版本的实现缺陷有关,很多属性在JAVA 9中都被新版本JDK所修复了,因此该配置也没有意义;

而值得注意的一点是,对于gcDaemonProtection 这个属性,在特定版本的JDK下,配置还会造成频繁GC,如邮件:

http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/tomcat-users/201008.mbox/%[email protected]%3E




时间: 2024-08-07 18:35:59

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