

单词 英文 例句
到达 arrival Flight status, arrival, and departure times are available on the airline website.
登机牌 boarding pass Passengers will be issued a boarding pass at the check-in counter.
机长 captain The captain and flight crew are responsible for your comfort and safety.
登机柜台 check-in counter Please arrive at the check-in counter one hour prior to departure.
海关 customs After passing through customs , please proceed directly to the Arrivals Hall.
离开;出发 departure All departures have been postponed due to the approaching typhoon.
目的地 destination Star Travel offers package tours to over 100 international destinations.
票价 fare The fare of $350 does not include the airport taxes or travel insurance.
空服人员 flight attendant Flight attendants are required to provide service in English on international flights.
行程 itinerary Your travel itinerary includes day tours to several well-known tourist attractions.
技工 mechanic All tour buses are inspected once a month by a certified mechanic.
包价旅游 package tour Discounted package tours are offered to all members of the Travel Club.
乘客 passenger The number of passenger commuting to work by subway is increasing.
预订 reservation Reservation can be made online or by calling our customer service hotline.
旅行社专员 travel agent Information on European Railway passes can be obtained from your travel agent.


单词 英文 例句
接近 approach We are approaching our final destination. Please prepare for landing.
帮忙 assist Flight attendants will assist you if you wish to purchase duty-free items.
登机 board Passengers in seats 50 to 80 are requested to board the aircraft first.
取消 cancel All inbound and outbound flight have been canceled due to thick fog.
通勤 commute Carpooling is an environmentally-friendly way to commute to work.
确认 confirm An e-mail will be sent confirming your reservation and travel itinerary.
继续 continue Local public transportation continues to offer excellent service at low cost.
合作 cooperate Sky Airlines cooperates with car rental agencies in all of its destination cities.
决定 decide We have yet to decide the destination for our annual company outing.
鼓励 encourage Passengers are encouraged to check their belongings before exiting the train.
扩大 expand The cruise company has expanded their fleet to include five luxury ships.
转寄;转交 forward Your baggage will be forwarded through to your final destination.
包含 Include The tour package includes bus tickets, accommodation, meals and entertainment.
位于 locate Lavatories are located at the front and rear of the plane cabin.
准备 prepare Janet is preparing the schedule for our trip to Korea next month.


单词 英文 例句
可借由……容易达到 be accessible by The marketing convention will be held in a small seaside resort, which is about one hour from the airport and easily accessible by car or scenic train.
包含于…… be included in The cost of a round-trip airline ticket is included in the seven-day cruise package.
在……期间 for the duration of When we looked into it in detail ,it was cheaper for us to get rental car for the duration of the trip.
由于 in the event of In the event of severe winter weather , bus routes may be temporarily suspended until the roads are cleared and safe for travel.
抵达目的地 reach one’s destination As the flight was delayed, We didn’t reach our destination until just after midnight.


时间: 2024-10-06 04:02:50


BEC和托业的区别 公共英语等级考试

I.考试简介 考试简介 BEC剑桥商务英语证书考试 TOEIC托业考试 研发机构 剑桥大学外语考试中心ESOL,研发过雅思考试 美国教育考试服务中心ETS,研发过托福考试 进入中国 1993年进入中国 2002年进入中国 享有盛誉 外企通行证 全球最大商务和职业英语考试 •进入沪江BEC分站>>   •进入沪江托业分站>>   •进入BEC中国20周年专题>> II.考试难度 说明:从本质上来说,BEC和托业考试与四六级.专四专八和托福雅思都不具有比较性.但是为了方便大


英语新闻常用词汇与短语 经济篇 accumulated deficit 累计赤字 active trade balance 贸易顺差 adverse trade balance 贸易逆差 aid 援助 allocation of funds 资金分配 allotment 拨款 allowance/grant/subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴 amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付 annuity 年金 article 物品,商品 assigned 过户 autarchy 闭关自守 av


目前距离19年一造正式开考还有162天,而早早就开始复习的考生因为教材原因,迟迟静不下心来,主要是担心教材未出,对那些调整的内容复习不到位,如果后期返工的话,太浪费时间了.今日小编给广大考生带来一个好消息,2019年一级造价工程师<案例分析>(交通运输方向)教材已正式上市!下面快跟随小编一起来看看吧! 2019版造价工程师<案例分析(交通运输)>考试教材详细信息: 书名:2019年版造价工程师考试教材<建设工程造价案例分析(交通运输)> 定价:40元 出版社:人民交通出


金融英语常用词汇70个-按字母排列 American Style Option: 美式选择权自选择权契约成立之日起,至到期日之前,买方可以在此期间以事先约定的价格,随时要求选择权的卖方履行契约.亦即,要求选择权的卖方依契约条件买入或卖出交易标的物. Appreciation: 升值在外汇市场中,升值使指一个货币相对于另一个货币的价值增加. Arbitrage: 套利在金融市场从事交易时,利用市场的失衡状况来进行交易,以获取利润的操作方式.其主要操作方法有两种:一为利用同一产品,在不同市场的价格差


1. 使用时长:2个月 2. 新旧程度描述:总共18个月学7个级别,期限内达不到可以延长学习时间.承诺达到的水平就是在外企或纯外语环境中自如的交流.学习.办公,我只上了2个月的课,学了最简单的第一级别 3. 存在的问题:我比较忙,平时没时间去学,所以想低价转让 4. 到手时间/有效期/适用条件: 我是2014.10.28号签订的合同,有效期18个月,可以根据学习情况延长学习,某个级别测试不过关得再次学习此级别直到过关为止.适用于想提高英语听说读写.想出国.去外企就业.喜欢英语的人士.上课地点在北


集地图.服务.应用于一身交通运输综合性的GIS门户 交通运输综合地理信息平台,是集地图.服务.应用于一身交通运输综合性的GIS门户,无需复杂的设置和部署,即可快速创建交互式地图和应用程序,并与企业中的其他人员共享.从而提高工作效率. 平台具备: 灵活的数据管理和共享策略 随时随地访问 创建在线应用,支持灵活定制 丰富的基础底图资源 多源业务数据整合能力 在线智能制图能力 内容管理 目录管理 高效搜索 等能力,还可以通过各种即用型应用程序访问平台,更加丰富业务应用数据. 中科燕园GIS外包---交


今天为大家分享来自办公资源网的物流快递行业PPT.本次分享的幻灯片模板封面,使用了各种陆海空交通运输工具作为背景图片,包括卡车.集装箱货车.船舶.空运飞机等.PowerPoint模板内容页面,使用了蓝色作为主色调,扁平化幻灯片图表.搭配各种仓库照片.货物配送图片等.部分PPT模板详情图: 以上的PPT模板均来自办公资源,都适合用于物流.快递.交通运输.航空客运以及电子商务相关的PPT的制作设计. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/14051949/2347553


101. engage v.参与 102. toner n.碳粉匣 103. surveillance n.监控 105. in accordance with 根据 janitorial service 清理服务 in view of 由于:鉴于:基于=in light of as for 至于 106. interpretation n.解释 107. overwhelming adj.令人吃惊的 overwhelmed adj.感到吃惊的 108. prevalent adj.普遍的 sp


1. Access method(访问方法):此步骤包括从文件中存储和检索记录. 2. Alias(别名):某属性的另一个名字.在SQL中,可以用别名替换表名. 3. Alternate keys(备用键,ER/关系模型):在实体/表中没有被选为主健的候选键. 4. Anomalies(异常)参见更新异常(update anomalies) 5. Application design(应用程序设计):数据库应用程序生命周期的一个阶段,包括设计用户界面以及使用和处理数据库的应用程序. 6. Att