Git报错:Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit

.    commit之后,用git status,打印信息为:

# On branch master

# Your branch is ahead of ‘origin/master‘ by 1 commit.


nothing to commit (working directory clean)

说明没有文件需要commit,但是本地仓库 有一个commit ahead原来的master,就是本地仓库有一个提交,比远程仓库要先进一个commit。

You get that message because you made changes
in your local master and you didn’t push them to remote. You have several ways
to “solve” it and it normally depends on how your workflow looks like:

  • If you work in another
    way and your local changes should be pushed then just

git push origin

  • 1

assuming origin is your remote

  • If your local changes
    are bad then just remove them or reset your local master to the state on remote

git reset --hard origin/master

Git报错:Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit


时间: 2024-08-05 08:45:47

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 这个不知名小错误用了我两天的空余时间mmp   就是这里报的错 输入 git push origin master -f 解释为: 远程分支上存在本地分支中不存在的提交,往往是多人协作开发过程中遇到的问题,可以先fetch再merge,也就是pull,把远程分支上的提交合并到本地分支之后再push.如果你确定远程分支上那些提交都不需要了,那么直接git push origin master -f,强行让本地分支覆盖远程分支 终于有了,以后还需要具体研究一下 虽然用的github,但是要推广一下