[Angular Directive] Build a Directive that Tracks User Events in a Service in Angular 2

@Directive is used to add behavior to elements and components in your application. This makes @Directives ideal for behaviors such as "tracking" which don‘t belong in a Component, but do belong as a behavior in your application.

import {Directive, HostListener, Input} from ‘@angular/core‘;
import {TrackingService} from "../services/tracking.service";

  selector: ‘[track]‘
export class TrackDirective {

  @Input() track;

  constructor(private trackingService: TrackingService) { }

  @HostListener(‘click‘, [‘$event‘]) onClick(event) {
import { Injectable } from ‘@angular/core‘;

export class TrackingService {

  logs = [];
  constructor() { }

  tracking(event, log) {

<button [track]="‘one is clicked‘">One</button>
<button [track]="‘two is clicked‘">Two</button>
<button [track]="‘three is clicked‘">Three</button>
时间: 2025-01-23 03:31:07

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开门见山地说,scope:{}使指令与外界隔离开来,使其模板(template)处于non-inheriting(无继承)的状态,当然除非你在其中使用了transclude嵌入,这点之后的笔记会再详细记录的.但是这显然不符合实际开发中的需求,因为实际上,我们经常想要我们的指令能够在特定的情况下与外界进行数据上的交互,这就需要借助绑定策略之手了. 大家知道,当scope选项写为scope:{}这种形式的时候,就已经为指令生成了隔离作用域,现在,我们来看看绑定策略的三种形式:& .= .@. 首先是