
1. 原理



  1. 若当前字符c未出现在词典中,则编码为(0, c)
  2. 若当前字符c出现在词典中,则与词典做最长匹配,然后编码为(prefixIndex,lastChar),其中,prefixIndex为最长匹配的前缀字符串,lastChar为最长匹配后的第一个字符;
  3. 为对最后一个字符的特殊处理,编码为(prefixIndex,)


1. A is not in the Dictionary; insert it
2. B is not in the Dictionary; insert it
3. B is in the Dictionary.
    BC is not in the Dictionary; insert it.
4. B is in the Dictionary.
    BC is in the Dictionary.
    BCA is not in the Dictionary; insert it.
5. B is in the Dictionary.
    BA is not in the Dictionary; insert it.
6. B is in the Dictionary.
    BC is in the Dictionary.
    BCA is in the Dictionary.
    BCAA is not in the Dictionary; insert it.
7. B is in the Dictionary.
    BC is in the Dictionary.
    BCA is in the Dictionary.
    BCAA is in the Dictionary.
    BCAAB is not in the Dictionary; insert it.


1.  B is not in the Dictionary; insert it
2.  A is not in the Dictionary; insert it
3.  B is in the Dictionary.
     BA is not in the Dictionary; insert it.
4.  A is in the Dictionary.
     AB is not in the Dictionary; insert it.
5.  R is not in the Dictionary; insert it.
6.  R is in the Dictionary.
     RR is not in the Dictionary; insert it.
7.  A is in the Dictionary and it is the last input character; output a pair
      containing its index: (2, )


1.  A is not in the Dictionary; insert it
2.  A is in the Dictionary
     AA is not in the Dictionary; insert it
3.  A is in the Dictionary.
     AA is in the Dictionary.
     AAA is not in the Dictionary; insert it.
4.  A is in the Dictionary.
     AA is in the Dictionary.
     AAA is in the Dictionary and it is the last pattern; output a pair containing its index: (3,  )


解压缩能更根据压缩编码恢复出(压缩时的)动态词典,然后根据index拼接成解码后的字符串。为了便于理解,我们拿上述例子一中的压缩编码序列(0, A) (0, B) (2, C) (3, A) (2, A) (4, A) (6, B)来分解解压缩步骤,如下图所示:





其中,LZSS与LZW为这两大阵容里名气最响亮的算法。LZSS是由Storer与Szymanski [2]改进了LZ77:增加最小匹配长度的限制,当最长匹配的长度小于该限制时,则不压缩输出,但仍然滑动窗口右移一个字符。Google开源的Snappy压缩算法库大体遵循LZSS的编码方案,在其基础上做了一些工程上的优化。

2. 实现

Python 3.5实现LZ78算法:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# A simplified implementation of LZ78 algorithm
# @Time    : 2017/1/13
# @Author  : rain

def compress(message):
    tree_dict, m_len, i = {}, len(message), 0
    while i < m_len:
        # case I
        if message[i] not in tree_dict.keys():
            yield (0, message[i])
            tree_dict[message[i]] = len(tree_dict) + 1
            i += 1
        # case III
        elif i == m_len - 1:
            yield (tree_dict.get(message[i]), ‘‘)
            i += 1
            for j in range(i + 1, m_len):
                # case II
                if message[i:j + 1] not in tree_dict.keys():
                    yield (tree_dict.get(message[i:j]), message[j])
                    tree_dict[message[i:j + 1]] = len(tree_dict) + 1
                    i = j + 1
                # case III
                elif j == m_len - 1:
                    yield (tree_dict.get(message[i:j + 1]), ‘‘)
                    i = j + 1

def uncompress(packed):
    unpacked, tree_dict = ‘‘, {}
    for index, ch in packed:
        if index == 0:
            unpacked += ch
            tree_dict[len(tree_dict) + 1] = ch
            term = tree_dict.get(index) + ch
            unpacked += term
            tree_dict[len(tree_dict) + 1] = term
    return unpacked

if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
    for m in messages:
        pack = compress(m)
        unpack = uncompress(pack)
        print(unpack == m)
时间: 2024-12-17 19:39:20



Adaboost算法原理分析和实例+代码(简明易懂) [尊重原创,转载请注明出处] http://blog.csdn.net/guyuealian/article/details/70995333     本人最初了解AdaBoost算法着实是花了几天时间,才明白他的基本原理.也许是自己能力有限吧,很多资料也是看得懵懵懂懂.网上找了一下关于Adaboost算法原理分析,大都是你复制我,我摘抄你,反正我也搞不清谁是原创.有些资料给出的Adaboost实例,要么是没有代码,要么省略很多步骤,让初学者

FP Tree算法原理总结

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在集成学习原理小结中,我们讲到了集成学习有两个流派,一个是boosting派系,它的特点是各个弱学习器之间有依赖关系.另一种是bagging流派,它的特点是各个弱学习器之间没有依赖关系,可以并行拟合.本文就对集成学习中Bagging与随机森林算法做一个总结. 随机森林是集成学习中可以和梯度提升树GBDT分庭抗礼的算法,尤其是它可以很方便的并行训练,在如今大数据大样本的的时代很有诱惑力. 1.  bagging的原理 在集成学习原理小结中,我们给Bagging画了下面一张原理图. 从上图可以看出,