comparison algorithm of sort

    /*Comparison sort
     |       Name          |Best | Average        |Worst          |Memory|Stable?   |
     |1 Insertion sort     |     |                |               |      |          |
     |   1.1 Insertion sort|n    | n*n            |n*n            |1     |stable    |
     |   1.2 Shell sort    |n    | n*(logn)*(logn)|n*(logn)*(logn)|1     |not table |
     |2 Exchange sort      |     |                |               |      |          |
     |   2.1 Quick sort    |nlogn| nlogn          |n*n            |logn  |not stable|
     |   2.2 Bubble sort   |n    | n*n            |n*n            |1     |stable    |
     |   2.3 Cocktail sort |n    | n*n            |n*n            |1     |stable    |
     |   2.4 Odd-Even sort |n    | n*n            |n*n            |1     |not sable |
     |3 Selection sort     |     |                |               |      |          |
     |   3.1 Selection sort|n*n  | n*n            |n*n            |1     |not stable|
     |   3.2 Heapsort      |nlogn| nlogn          |nlogn          |1     |not stable|
     |4 Merge sort         |     |                |               |      |          |
     |   4.1 merge sort    |n    | nlogn          |nlogn          |n     |stable    |
     |5 Hybrid sort        |     |                |               |      |          |
     |   5.1 hybrid sort   |nlogn| nlogn          |nlogn          |nlogn |not stable|


时间: 2024-11-11 02:35:50

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