sicily 1027 MJ, Nowhere to Hide 字符串匹配与排序

1027. MJ, Nowhere to Hide


Time Limit: 1 secs, Memory Limit: 32 MB


On BBS, there is a familiar term called MJ (short for MaJia), which means another BBS ID of one person besides his/her main ID.
These days, a lot of ACMers pour water on the ACMICPC Board of argo. Mr. Guo is very angry about that and he wants to punish these guys. ACMers are all smart boys/girls, right? They usually use their MJs while pouring water, so Mr. Guo can not tell all the IDs apart.  Unfortunately, the IP can not be changed, i.e, the posts of main ID and MJ of the same person has the same IP address, meanwhile, the IP addresses of different person is different.  Assuming that each person has exactly one main ID and one MJ, by reading their posts on BBS, you then tell Mr. Guo whom each MJ belongs to.


The first line of each test cases is an even integer n (0<=n<=20), the number of posts on BBS.
Then n lines follow, each line consists of two strings:
BBS_ID IP_Address
BBS_ID means the ID who posts this post. BBS_ID is a string contains only lower case alphabetical characters and its length is not greater than 12. Each BBS ID appears only once in each test cases.
IP_Address is the IP address of that person. The IP address is formatted as “A.B.C.D”, where A, B, C, D are integers ranging from 0 to 255.
It is sure that there are exactly 2 different BBS IDs with the same IP address. The first ID appears in the input is the main ID while the other is the MJ of that person.
Your program should be terminated by n = 0.


For each test case, output n/2 lines of the following format: “MJ_ID is the MaJia of main_ID”
They should be displayed in the lexicographical order of the main_ID.
Print a blank line after each test cases.
See the sample output for more details.

Sample Input


Sample Output

tomek is the MaJia of iamcs
finalBob is the MaJia of inkfish
magicduck is the MaJia of magicpig
pegasus is the MaJia of zhi

llllll is the MaJia of kkkkkk
nnnnnn is the MaJia of mmmmmm

Problem Source

ZSUACM Team Member

#include <string>
using namespace std;

void swap(string&, string&);
void qsort(string [], int, int, string []);
int main() {
	int n = 0;
	while (cin>>n && n != 0) {
		string id, ip;
		map<string,string> acmers;
		string former[n/2];
		string latter[n/2];
		int j = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			cin >> id >> ip;
			if (acmers.count(ip)==1) { //如果map中已经存在一个key为ip的项,则count为1,否则为0,从而判断出是否存在匹配
				former[j] = id + " is the MaJia of ";
				latter[j] = acmers[ip];
			} else {
				acmers[ip] = id;
		qsort(latter, 0, j-1, former);
		for (int i = 0; i < n/2; i++) {
			cout << former[i] + latter[i] << endl;
		cout << endl;
	return 0;
void swap(string &a, string &b) {
	string temp = a;
	a = b;
	b = temp;
void qsort(string latter[], int low, int height, string former[]) {
	if (low < height) {
		string lpvt = latter[(low+height)/2];
		string fpvt = former[(low+height)/2];
		int p = low;
		swap(latter[(low+height)/2], latter[height]);
		swap(former[(low+height)/2], former[height]);
		for (int i = low; i < height; i++) {
			if (latter[i].compare(0,latter[i].length(), lpvt) < 0) {
				swap(latter[i], latter[p]);
				swap(former[i], former[p]);
		swap(latter[p], latter[height]);
		swap(former[p], former[height]);

		qsort(latter, low, p-1, former);
		qsort(latter, p+1, height, former);


时间: 2024-08-28 13:48:45

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html, body { font-size: 15px; } body { font-family: Helvetica, "Hiragino Sans GB", 微软雅黑, "Microsoft YaHei UI", SimSun, SimHei, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.6; color: ; background-color: ; margin: 0; padding: 16px 20px; } h1, h2, h


>>字符串匹配问题 字符串匹配问题即在匹配串中寻找模式串是否出现, 首先想到的是使用暴力破解,也就是Brute Force(BF或蛮力搜索) 算法,将匹配串和模式串左对齐,然后从左向右一个一个进行比较, 如果不成功则模式串向右移动一个单位,直到匹配成功或者到达匹配串最后仍然不成功,返回失败. 很明显,这种算法有很多的地方可以优化,假设要搜索的串为S,长度为n,要匹配的串为M,长度为m,时间复杂度为O(nm). >>KMP算法 Knuth-Morris-Pratt算法以三个发明者命名


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字符串匹配 Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 128 MB Submit: 214 Solved: 81 Description 给你两个字符串A,B,请输出B字符串在A字符串中出现了几次. Input 多组测试数据,每组输入两个字符串.字符串的长度 <= 1000000. Output 输出B在A中出现的次数. Sample Input aaa aa Sample Output 1 子串在母串中出现的次数,串不重叠 #include <stdio.h> #