My first Scratch small game

My first Scratch small game:

PC or Mac only.

Browser & flash player required.

Bugs report & improvements are welcome.

You can try it and have fun!

: )

This is a 2 player game, to ask your friend to play with you! : )
(Or you can play with your 2 hands.)

It‘s mostly like football or hockey.

For player1:
w - up
a - left
s - down
d - right

For palyer2:
using the standard arrow keys on your keyboard.

How to win?
The one who get 7 scores firstly win the game!
And for each score, you should try your best to kick the pruple ball to make it touch the red area of the opponent.

With time passing by, all balls will speed up.

Have Fun! : )

时间: 2024-11-04 18:03:57

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