

* Interface presented by a Traverser. Used by the Scheduler.
public interface Traverser {

* Interval to wait after a transient error before retrying a traversal.
public static final int ERROR_WAIT_MILLIS = 15 * 60 * 1000;

* Runs a batch of documents. The Traversal method may be hard (impossible?)
* to interrupt while it is executing runBatch(). It is expected that a
* thread loop running a traversal method would call runBatch(), then check
* for InterruptedException, then decide whether it wants to stop of itself,
* for scheduling reasons, or for a clean shutdown. It could then re-adjust
* the batch hint if desired, then repeat.
* @param batchSize A {@link BatchSize} instructs the traversal method to
* process approximately {@code batchSize.getHint()}, but no more
* than {@code batchSize.getMaximum()} number of documents in this
* batch.
* @return A {@link BatchResult} containing the actual number of documents
* from this batch given to the feed and a possible policy to delay
* before requesting another batch.
public BatchResult runBatch(BatchSize batchSize);

* Cancel the Batch in progress. Discard the batch. This might be called
* when the workItem times out, connector deletion or reconfiguration, or
* during shutdown.
public void cancelBatch();

runBatch(BatchSize batchSize)方法,参数BatchSize batchSize表示批次大小


public BatchResult runBatch(BatchSize batchSize) {
final long startTime = clock.getTimeMillis();
final long timeoutTime = startTime
+ traversalContext.traversalTimeLimitSeconds() * 1000;
if (isCancelled()) {
LOGGER.warning("Attempting to run a cancelled QueryTraverser");
return new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);
try {
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to set batch hint", e);

String connectorState;
try {
if (stateStore != null) {
connectorState = stateStore.getTraversalState();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("null TraversalStateStore");
} catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// We get here if the store for the connector is disabled.
// That happens if the connector was deleted while we were asleep.
// Our connector seems to have been deleted. Don‘t process a batch.
LOGGER.fine("Halting traversal for connector " + connectorName
+ ": " + ise.getMessage());
return new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);

DocumentList resultSet = null;
if (connectorState == null) {
try {
LOGGER.fine("START TRAVERSAL: Starting traversal for connector "
+ connectorName);
resultSet = queryTraversalManager.startTraversal();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "startTraversal threw exception: ", e);
return new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);
} else {
try {
LOGGER.fine("RESUME TRAVERSAL: Resuming traversal for connector "
+ connectorName + " from checkpoint " + connectorState);
resultSet = queryTraversalManager.resumeTraversal(connectorState);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "resumeTraversal threw exception: ", e);
return new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);

// If the traversal returns null, that means that the repository has
// no new content to traverse.
if (resultSet == null) {
LOGGER.fine("Result set from connector " + connectorName
+ " is NULL, no documents returned for traversal.");
return new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.POLL, 0);

Pusher pusher = null;
BatchResult result = null;
int counter = 0;
try {
// Get a Pusher for feeding the returned Documents.
pusher = pusherFactory.newPusher(connectorName);

while (true) {
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() || isCancelled()) {
LOGGER.fine("Traversal for connector " + connectorName
+ " has been interrupted; breaking out of batch run.");
if (clock.getTimeMillis() >= timeoutTime) {
LOGGER.fine("Traversal batch for connector " + connectorName
+ " is completing due to time limit.");

String docid = null;
try {
LOGGER.finer("Pulling next document from connector " + connectorName);

Document nextDocument = resultSet.nextDocument();
if (nextDocument == null) {
LOGGER.finer("Traversal batch for connector " + connectorName
+ " at end after processing " + counter + " documents.");

} else {
// Since there are a couple of places below that could throw
// exceptions but not exit the while loop, the counter should be
// incremented here to insure it represents documents returned from
// the list. Note the call to nextDocument() could also throw a
// RepositoryDocumentException signaling a skipped document in which
// case the call will not be counted against the batch maximum.
// Fetch DocId to use in messages.
try {
docid = Value.getSingleValueString(nextDocument,
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
LOGGER.finer("Unable to get document id for document ("
+ nextDocument + "): " + e1.getMessage());
} catch (RepositoryException e1) {
LOGGER.finer("Unable to get document id for document ("
+ nextDocument + "): " + e1.getMessage());
LOGGER.finer("Sending document (" + docid + ") from connector "
+ connectorName + " to Pusher");
if (pusher.take(nextDocument) != PusherStatus.OK) {
LOGGER.fine("Traversal batch for connector " + connectorName
+ " is completing at the request of the Pusher,"
+ " after processing " + counter + " documents.");
} catch (SkippedDocumentException e) {
/* TODO (bmj): This is a temporary solution and should be replaced.
* It uses Exceptions for non-exceptional cases.
// Skip this document. Proceed on to the next one.
logSkippedDocument(docid, e);
} catch (RepositoryDocumentException e) {
// Skip individual documents that fail. Proceed on to the next one.
logSkippedDocument(docid, e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Skip individual documents that fail. Proceed on to the next one.
logSkippedDocument(docid, e);
// No more documents. Wrap up any accumulated feed data and send it off.
if (!isCancelled()) {
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
result = new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);
try {
LOGGER.severe("Out of JVM Heap Space. Will retry later.");
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// OutOfMemory state may prevent us from logging the error.
// Don‘t make matters worse by rethrowing something meaningless.
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
// Drop the entire batch on the floor. Do not call checkpoint
// (as there is a discrepancy between what the Connector thinks
// it has fed, and what actually has been pushed).
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Repository Exception during traversal.", e);
result = new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);
} catch (PushException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Push Exception during traversal.", e);
// Drop the entire batch on the floor. Do not call checkpoint
// (as there is a discrepancy between what the Connector thinks
// it has fed, and what actually has been pushed).
result = new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);
} catch (FeedException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Feed Exception during traversal.", e);
// Drop the entire batch on the floor. Do not call checkpoint
// (as there is a discrepancy between what the Connector thinks
// it has fed, and what actually has been pushed).
result = new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Uncaught Exception during traversal.", t);
// Drop the entire batch on the floor. Do not call checkpoint
// (as there is a discrepancy between what the Connector thinks
// it has fed, and what actually has been pushed).
result = new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);
} finally {
// If we have cancelled the work, abandon the batch.
if (isCancelled()) {
result = new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);

// Checkpoint completed work as well as skip past troublesome documents
// (e.g. documents that are too large and will always fail).
if ((result == null) && (checkpointAndSave(resultSet) == null)) {
// Unable to get a checkpoint, so wait a while, then retry batch.
result = new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.ERROR);
if (result == null) {
result = new BatchResult(TraversalDelayPolicy.IMMEDIATE, counter,
startTime, clock.getTimeMillis());
} else if (pusher != null) {
// We are returning an error from this batch. Cancel any feed that
// might be in progress.
return result;


* 保存断点状态
* @param pm
* @return
private String checkpointAndSave(DocumentList pm) {
String connectorState = null;
LOGGER.fine("CHECKPOINT: Generating checkpoint for connector "
+ connectorName);
try {
connectorState = pm.checkpoint();
} catch (RepositoryException re) {
// If checkpoint() throws RepositoryException, it means there is no
// new checkpoint.
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Failed to obtain checkpoint for connector "
+ connectorName, re);
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Failed to obtain checkpoint for connector "
+ connectorName, e);
return null;
try {
if (connectorState != null) {
if (stateStore != null) {
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("null TraversalStateStore");
LOGGER.fine("CHECKPOINT: " + connectorState);
return connectorState;
} catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// We get here if the store for the connector is disabled.
// That happens if the connector was deleted while we were working.
// Our connector seems to have been deleted. Don‘t save a checkpoint.
LOGGER.fine("Checkpoint discarded: " + connectorState);
return null;


* 取消执行
public void cancelBatch() {
synchronized(cancelLock) {
cancelWork = true;
LOGGER.fine("Cancelling traversal for connector " + connectorName);



转载请注明出处 博客园 刺猬的温驯

本人邮箱: [email protected]#com (#改为.)


时间: 2024-08-02 09:36:16



创建并启动连接器实例之后,连接器就会基于Http协议向指定的数据接收服务器发送xmlfeed格式数据,我们可以通过配置http代理服务器抓取当前基于http协议格式的数据(或者也可以通过其他网络抓包工具抓取) // 设置代理 /Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("IP地址", "端口")); synchronized (this) { uc = (HttpURLConnect


连接器是基于http协议通过推模式(push)向数据接收服务端推送数据,即xmlfeed格式数据(xml格式),其发送数据接口命名为Pusher Pusher接口定义了与发送数据相关的方法 public interface Pusher { /** * Status indicating the readiness of the Pusher. */ public static enum PusherStatus { OK, LOW_MEMORY, LOCAL_FEED_BACKLOG, GSA


通常一个SnapshotRepository仓库对象对应一个DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitor监视器对象,同时也对应一个快照存储器对象,它们的关联是通过监视器管理对象DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitorManagerImpl实现的 DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitorManagerImpl类要实现那些行为,先查看其实现接口DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitorManager定义


下面来分析线程执行类,线程池ThreadPool类 对该类的理解需要对java的线程池比较熟悉 该类引用了一个内部类 /** * The lazily constructed LazyThreadPool instance. */ private LazyThreadPool lazyThreadPool; 该成员实现了单例模式,即该对象只有一个实例,属于懒汉式单例模式,当实例化该成员时,启用了线程同步机制 /** * Shut down the {@link ThreadPool}. Afte


连接器通过监视器对象DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitor从上文提到的仓库对象SnapshotRepository(数据库仓库为DBSnapshotRepository)中迭代获取数据 监视器类DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitor在其构造方法初始化相关成员变量,这些成员属性都是与数据获取及数据处理逻辑相关的对象 /** This connector instance's current traversal schedule. */ pri


在哪里调用监控器管理对象snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager的start方法及stop方法,然后又在哪里调用CheckpointAndChangeQueue对象的resume方法获取List<CheckpointAndChange> guaranteedChanges集合 下面跟踪到DiffingConnectorTraversalManager类的相关方法,在该类实现的方法中,调用了监控器管理对象snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager的相


下面开始具体分析连接器是怎么与连接器实例交互的,这里主要是分析连接器怎么从连接器实例获取数据的(前面文章有涉及基于http协议与连接器的xml格式的交互,连接器对连接器实例的设置都是通过配置文件操作的,具体文件操作尚未详细分析(类)) 本文以数据库连接器实例为例来分析,数据库类型连接器是通过调用mybatis(sqlmap框架)组件与数据库进行操作的,我们通过前端提交的数据库连接器实例表单信息最终存


本人在上文中提到,连接器实现了两种事件依赖的机制 ,其一是我们手动操作连接器实例时:其二是由连接器的自动更新机制 上文中分析了连接器的自动更新机制,即定时器执行定时任务 那么,如果我们手动操作连接器实例时,是怎么发出事件更新连接器实例的呢 通过eclipse开发工具,追踪调用ChangeDetector接口的detect()方法的方法 ChangeDetectorTask类的run方法里面调用我们再上文中已经分析了,其他方法便是ConnectorCoordinatorImpl实例对象的方法 即C


ChangeQueue类实现ChangeSource接口,声明了拉取下一条Change对象的方法 * A source of {@link Change} objects. * * @since 2.8 */ public interface ChangeSource { /** * @return the next change, or {@code null} if there is no change available */ public Change getNextChange();