
Modeling Simple Dependencies


A common kind of dependency relationship is the connection between a class that uses another class as a parameter to an operation.

To model this using relationship,

lCreate a dependency pointing from the class with
the operation to the class used as a parameter in the operation.




For example, Figure 5-9 shows a set of classes drawn from a system that manages the assignment of students and instructors to courses in a university. This figure shows a dependency
from CourseSchedule to
Course , because
Course is used in both the
operations of

If you provide the full signature of the operation as in this figure, you don’t
normally need to show the dependency as well, because the use of the class is already explicit in the signature. However, you’ll
want to show this dependency sometimes, especially if you’ve elided operation signatures or if your model shows
other relationships to the used class.



This figure shows one other dependency, this one not involving classes in operations but rather modeling a common C++ idiom. The dependency from
shows that the
uses the
CourseSchedule ; the
CourseSchedule knows nothing about the
. The dependency is marked with the stereotype <permit>,
which is similar to the friend
statement in C++.


时间: 2024-11-19 12:27:24



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