
package clientv3

import (

    pb ""

type (
    AuthEnableResponse               pb.AuthEnableResponse
    AuthDisableResponse              pb.AuthDisableResponse
    AuthenticateResponse             pb.AuthenticateResponse
    AuthUserAddResponse              pb.AuthUserAddResponse
    AuthUserDeleteResponse           pb.AuthUserDeleteResponse
    AuthUserChangePasswordResponse   pb.AuthUserChangePasswordResponse
    AuthUserGrantRoleResponse        pb.AuthUserGrantRoleResponse
    AuthUserGetResponse              pb.AuthUserGetResponse
    AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse       pb.AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse
    AuthRoleAddResponse              pb.AuthRoleAddResponse
    AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse  pb.AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse
    AuthRoleGetResponse              pb.AuthRoleGetResponse
    AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse pb.AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse
    AuthRoleDeleteResponse           pb.AuthRoleDeleteResponse
    AuthUserListResponse             pb.AuthUserListResponse
    AuthRoleListResponse             pb.AuthRoleListResponse

    PermissionType authpb.Permission_Type
    Permission     authpb.Permission

const (
    PermRead      = authpb.READ
    PermWrite     = authpb.WRITE
    PermReadWrite = authpb.READWRITE

type Auth interface {
    // AuthEnable enables auth of an etcd cluster.
       //开启授权在 etcd集群中
    AuthEnable(ctx context.Context) (*AuthEnableResponse, error)

    // AuthDisable disables auth of an etcd cluster.
//关闭授权 在集群中
    AuthDisable(ctx context.Context) (*AuthDisableResponse, error)

    // UserAdd adds a new user to an etcd cluster.
    UserAdd(ctx context.Context, name string, password string) (*AuthUserAddResponse, error)

    // UserDelete deletes a user from an etcd cluster.
    UserDelete(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthUserDeleteResponse, error)

    // UserChangePassword changes a password of a user.
    UserChangePassword(ctx context.Context, name string, password string) (*AuthUserChangePasswordResponse, error)

    // UserGrantRole grants a role to a user.
    UserGrantRole(ctx context.Context, user string, role string) (*AuthUserGrantRoleResponse, error)

    // UserGet gets a detailed information of a user.
    UserGet(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthUserGetResponse, error)

    // UserList gets a list of all users.
    UserList(ctx context.Context) (*AuthUserListResponse, error)

    // UserRevokeRole revokes a role of a user.
    UserRevokeRole(ctx context.Context, name string, role string) (*AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse, error)

    // RoleAdd adds a new role to an etcd cluster.
//在集群中 添加一个角色
    RoleAdd(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthRoleAddResponse, error)

    // RoleGrantPermission grants a permission to a role.
    RoleGrantPermission(ctx context.Context, name string, key, rangeEnd string, permType PermissionType) (*AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse, error)

    // RoleGet gets a detailed information of a role.
    RoleGet(ctx context.Context, role string) (*AuthRoleGetResponse, error)

    // RoleList gets a list of all roles.
//获取集群中 所有的角色列表
    RoleList(ctx context.Context) (*AuthRoleListResponse, error)

    // RoleRevokePermission revokes a permission from a role.
//撤销一个角色对应的权限  与RoleGrantPermission  相反的操作
    RoleRevokePermission(ctx context.Context, role string, key, rangeEnd string) (*AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse, error)

    // RoleDelete deletes a role.
    RoleDelete(ctx context.Context, role string) (*AuthRoleDeleteResponse, error)
type auth struct {
    c *Client
    conn   *grpc.ClientConn // conn in-use
    remote pb.AuthClient
func NewAuth(c *Client) Auth {
    conn := c.ActiveConnection()
    return &auth{
        conn:   c.ActiveConnection(),
        remote: pb.NewAuthClient(conn),
        c:      c,
func (auth *auth) AuthEnable(ctx context.Context) (*AuthEnableResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.AuthEnable(ctx, &pb.AuthEnableRequest{}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthEnableResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) AuthDisable(ctx context.Context) (*AuthDisableResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.AuthDisable(ctx, &pb.AuthDisableRequest{}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthDisableResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserAdd(ctx context.Context, name string, password string) (*AuthUserAddResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserAdd(ctx, &pb.AuthUserAddRequest{Name: name, Password: password})
    return (*AuthUserAddResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserDelete(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthUserDeleteResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserDelete(ctx, &pb.AuthUserDeleteRequest{Name: name})
    return (*AuthUserDeleteResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserChangePassword(ctx context.Context, name string, password string) (*AuthUserChangePasswordResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserChangePassword(ctx, &pb.AuthUserChangePasswordRequest{Name: name, Password: password})
    return (*AuthUserChangePasswordResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserGrantRole(ctx context.Context, user string, role string) (*AuthUserGrantRoleResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserGrantRole(ctx, &pb.AuthUserGrantRoleRequest{User: user, Role: role})
    return (*AuthUserGrantRoleResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserGet(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthUserGetResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserGet(ctx, &pb.AuthUserGetRequest{Name: name}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthUserGetResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserList(ctx context.Context) (*AuthUserListResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserList(ctx, &pb.AuthUserListRequest{}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthUserListResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserRevokeRole(ctx context.Context, name string, role string) (*AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserRevokeRole(ctx, &pb.AuthUserRevokeRoleRequest{Name: name, Role: role})
    return (*AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleAdd(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthRoleAddResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleAdd(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleAddRequest{Name: name})
    return (*AuthRoleAddResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleGrantPermission(ctx context.Context, name string, key, rangeEnd string, permType PermissionType) (*AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse, error) {
    perm := &authpb.Permission{
        Key:      []byte(key),
        RangeEnd: []byte(rangeEnd),
        PermType: authpb.Permission_Type(permType),
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleGrantPermission(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleGrantPermissionRequest{Name: name, Perm: perm})
    return (*AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleGet(ctx context.Context, role string) (*AuthRoleGetResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleGet(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleGetRequest{Role: role}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthRoleGetResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleList(ctx context.Context) (*AuthRoleListResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleList(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleListRequest{}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthRoleListResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleRevokePermission(ctx context.Context, role string, key, rangeEnd string) (*AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleRevokePermission(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleRevokePermissionRequest{Role: role, Key: key, RangeEnd: rangeEnd})
    return (*AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleDelete(ctx context.Context, role string) (*AuthRoleDeleteResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleDelete(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleDeleteRequest{Role: role})
    return (*AuthRoleDeleteResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func StrToPermissionType(s string) (PermissionType, error) {
    val, ok := authpb.Permission_Type_value[strings.ToUpper(s)]
    if ok {
        return PermissionType(val), nil
    return PermissionType(-1), fmt.Errorf("invalid permission type: %s", s)

type authenticator struct {
    conn   *grpc.ClientConn // conn in-use
    remote pb.AuthClient

func (auth *authenticator) authenticate(ctx context.Context, name string, password string) (*AuthenticateResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.Authenticate(ctx, &pb.AuthenticateRequest{Name: name, Password: password}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthenticateResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *authenticator) close() {

func newAuthenticator(endpoint string, opts []grpc.DialOption) (*authenticator, error) {
    conn, err := grpc.Dial(endpoint, opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &authenticator{
        conn:   conn,
        remote: pb.NewAuthClient(conn),
    }, nil
时间: 2024-08-28 23:23:52


Docker Registry v2 + Token Auth Server (Registry v2 认证)实例。

关于Registry 对于registry v1 --> v2中,其中的原理.优化等,这里不再做一一介绍.这里有篇文章我瞄过几眼应该是比较不错的介绍文章了: . Registry v2 token机制 官方document: 目前docker registry v2 认证分为以下6个步骤: 1. docker client 尝试到regist

MongoDB { code: 18, ok: 0.0, errmsg: "auth fails" } 原因

MongoDB出现 { code: 18, ok: 0.0, errmsg: "auth fails" }  错误的原因: 1.账号密码错误 2.账号不属于该数据库 MongoDB { code: 18, ok: 0.0, errmsg: "auth fails" } 原因,布布扣,


laravel自带了auth类和User模型来帮助我们很方便的实现用户登陆.判断. 首先,先配置一下相关参数app/config/auth.php: model 指定模型 table 指定用户表这里我只是将table从users改成user,因为我个人在数据库命名方面喜欢用单数.app/models/User.php: protected $table = 'user'; 理由同上. 可以看出,很简单甚至不用配置就能使用了,接下来看看如何使用. 以后台为例,每次访问肯定需要先判断用户是否是登陆状

Nginx下配置Http Basic Auth保护目录

nginx basic auth指令 语法:     auth_basic string | off;默认值:     auth_basic off;配置段:     http, server, location, limit_except 默认表示不开启认证,后面如果跟上字符,这些字符会在弹窗中显示. 语法:     auth_basic_user_file file;默认值:     -配置段:     http, server, location, limit_except 1. 下载这个

One Time Auth

One Time Auth One-time authentication (shortened as OTA) is a new experimental feature designed to improve the security against CCA. You should understand the protocol before reading this document. By default, the server that supports OTA should run

ios开发使用Basic Auth 认证方式

我们app的开发通常有2种认证方式   一种是Basic Auth,一种是OAuth:现在普遍还是使用OAuth的多,而使用Basic Auth认证的少,正好呢我今天给大家介绍的就是使用的比较少的Badic Auth认证方式,这种认证方式开发和调试简单, 没有复杂的页面跳转逻辑和交互过程,更利于发起方控制.然而缺点就是安全性更低,不过也没事,我们可以使用https安全加密协议,这样才更安全. 我使用的是AFNetworking发送的网络请求,因此我们用Basic Auth认证方式就不能再使用AF

mongoDB windows reinstall add auth

Mongodb默认启动是不带认证,也没有账号,只要能连接上服务就可以对数据库进行各种操作,这样可不行.现在,我们得一步步开启使用用户和认证. 第一步,我们得定位到mongodb的安装目录.我本机的是C:\mongodb. 然后按着shift键右键点击窗口内的空白处,你会看到有个选项 “在此处打开命令窗口” ,一般人我不告诉他^ ^.在cmd内我们使用下面的命令 mongod --auth --logpath "D:\Program Files (x86)\Web\mongodb\log\log.

mongodb之master/slave模式 + auth

## 主从带认证: 主服务器和从服务器必须开启安全认证:--auth, 主服务器和从服务器的admin数据库中必须有全局用户, 然后主服务器的local数据库和从服务器的local数据均有名为repl且密码相同的用户名. 注:local:本地数据库 这个数据库不会同步,主要存放同步的信息.在MongoDB2.0.2版本测试时,从服务器的admin数据库中没有全局用户时也能进行复制(Deven:我们就是采用这个方式, 从服务器admin数据库没有建立用户),尽管admin中无用户,客户端连接此服务

mongodb之replSet复制集 + auth

### 开启auth认证的mongodb的复制集 ### 注意点 - 服务器节点之前时间要同步 - 开启防火墙的一定要允许通过 - 开启selinux的也要进行设置 - 建立双击互信模式最好不过 ### 提前要做的事情 生产高端大气上档次的keyFile文件 [[email protected] journal]# openssl rand -base64 753 3LC/EZGPOLXdVBQInqeKVglqNNWo2Et93ib51BQJZRAUB2gRUovi4b6ZkAeNAQxc v

LDAP AUTH Client端配置

LDAP AUTH Ubuntu 有一个坑,因为Ubuntu默认是不让ROOT登陆的.所发,新用户登陆进系统只有一般权限.又因为Ubuntu默认预安装的sudo程序是没有加--with-ldap编译选项的.所发,原生的并不支持LDAP SUDO 这个选项. CentOS7/RHEL7 #yum install nss-pam-ldapd openldap-clients -y #authconfig --enableldap \ --enableldapauth \ --ldapserver=1